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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Well if that's the case, I'm a customer that won't rest if I've been screwed over. I'm going to find out exactly what they did and see if that's what caused the problem or not. If its their fault, they're going to fix it.
  2. Yeah.....if whatever they did caused it to start fouling plugs I'm gonna be pissed.
  3. Recently took my 97 ZX6r to Iron Pony to have them clean and sync my carbs. After taking them apart, they said the screw that adjusts and affects the low end of the throttle (initial throttle on) was locked up. They said I could let them try to drill it out, but that might require new carbs if it doesn't work. I said leave it and just do the best they could to sync it as is. So when I picked it up from them they said they opened one carb more to compensate for the other one (whatever that means....maybe one of you guys can tell me). So today during rapid deceleration into a corner and then full acceleration out of it it sounded like I lost a cylinder and had a ton of power loss. It literally sounded and felt like I was on three cylinders. On the way home (maybe 30-40 miles later) it started running right again. Anyone have any idea what that might be? The crazy carb fix fouling a plug? Can a plug foul, and then become un-fouled?
  4. I made it home fellas. About halfway down 79 the bike started running fine again. So I don't know what it was, but I'm not convinced it won't happen again. So, I need to call Iron Pony and flip out on them.....or maybe just replace the plugs. I don't know. They cleaned and synced the carbs. They said the screw that adjusts the low end of the throttle was locked up. They said I could let them try to drill it out, but that might require new carbs if it doesn't work. I said leave it and just do the best they could to sync it as is. So when I picked it up from them they said they opened one carb more to compensate for the other one (whatever that means....maybe one of you guys can tell me). So today during rapid deceleration into a corner and then full acceleration out of it it sounded like I lost a cylinder and had a ton of power loss. It literally sounded and felt like I was on three cylinders. On the way home it started running right again. Anyway have any idea what that might be? I'm gonna post this in the maintenance forums.
  5. If that's too late to meet them just come straight to Newark.
  6. Beautiful bikes. They look like mix between a Rolls Royce Phantom and a top fuel dragster.
  7. We had a guy on a Boulevard wreck on a corner last year, 5 minutes after he was warned about the corner. Stay aware, watch the road and not the rider in from of you. The more people we have the better chance someone is going to lay it down. I cannot emphasize enough.....ride your own ride guys.
  8. I took a look at the map. I'd probably rather take 668 out of Newark. Cut across 37 to 664. That's just me but if you take that route I'll meet in Newark and ride out with you guys. If you come out 13 I'll just meet at the BP at 70 & 13.
  9. I didn't see this till today...for some reason. If you have any left over in a size L or XL, I'd like dibs. Please and thanks
  10. I see a lot of new faces....which is great. I'm excited to ride with you guys. But just a word of advice before we ride. 1st and foremost, it's not a race. Know your skill level and don't ride above it. Do not try to keep up with the person in front of you. Ride your own ride. We will, without fail, wait for everyone at the next intersection in a visible place. If you don't see the group and we get split up, keep going till you see the group. We will be there happily waiting for you. It's never an inconvenience to wait on someone. It's an inconvenience to call life flight. I say this because a few of us tend to ride faster than others. No need to keep up. 2nd goes with the first. If you decide to split off or head home....make CERTAIN somebody knows. Because we WILL be waiting for you at the next intersection and you'll be wandering off home to your girlfriend to get some stinky finger. That's all I got. Just know your skill level and don't push it. It's too early in the season and I know some of you guys don't know the roads. Looking forward to it fellas. Weather looks perfect. See ya Saturday!
  11. Trust me, you guys WANT to ride these roads (Coshocton) instead of the roads outside of New Albany. Plus there are quick ways to get to 62 to head back. Hope to see you guys there.
  12. I imagine I'm in for this one. Count me 95% in, based on the weather. Edit: Well shit, just checked and it's supposed to be sunny and 71. I'm in there like menswear.
  13. I'm leaving work now. Will probably take me 45 mins to get home depending on traffic. How does McDonalds on 79 and 70 in Buckeye Lake work for you? I doubt I can get there earlier than 6:15.
  14. I'm looking to ride tomorrow for a couple hours after work, since the weather this weekend has been shit for riding. I figure if someone wants to meet me in Buckeye Lake around 6pm, we can hit some twisters for a couple hours and head back. I'm thinking 204 to 668 to 79. Anyone wanting get get a little ride in, post up.
  15. Blitz

    Saturday the 6th

    Dropped the ride off at the Pony today. Hopefully they can get it running in tip top shape by this coming weekend.
  16. Blitz

    Saturday the 6th

    My bike just wasn't running right fellas. It wasn't running right on the way in, which held me up. But I thought I'd give it a try to see what was wrong with it at least. It's bogging down hard at 9k-10k rpms. It's like it hits a wall. So, nice seeing you guys out....but I have to get it fixed before I get out again. It's my first ride of the season, so I have some required maintenance it seems.
  17. Blitz

    Saturday the 6th

    Damn, it's 39 degrees at 11. That's cold. It's supposed to get up to 50 by noon I guess, 56 by 2.
  18. Blitz

    Saturday the 6th

    How many we have meeting at KFC?
  19. Blitz

    Saturday the 6th

    I don't ride below 60 degrees. No fun shivering on the back of your bike.....not to mention dangerous. Only reason I plan to ride tomorrow is cause I haven't been out in 6 months. You're free to do as you like, but it's supposed to be 33 degrees in the morning. I'm straight on that.
  20. Blitz

    Saturday the 6th

    I'm in. No earlier than 11:30/ 11:45ish though. Too cold before then. I'm down for Coshocton or Hocking, either one. But being the first ride of the year, I'm more familiar with Coshocton. So that works for me, as long as my bike is running as it should be.
  21. I'm probably in. I agree with Todd on the speed. And the "no passing" rules on the main thread need some clarification. Do they mean other riders, or any vehicle? But I could see myself joining this ride.
  22. Horrible to force us onto 514 & 520. The man, always trying to keep down the little people.
  23. Wish I had been looking before this sold
  24. Might try to meet you guys there Hutch. We'll see how my bike is running in the am. Been under a tarp all winter cause I don't have a garage. Started up fine two weeks ago. But I didn't ride it anywhere. Have plans to take it to Iron Pony and have some work done. But if she's running well, I'm in. If I'm not there by 1:35 don't wait up.
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