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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Awesome. Times work of you Kman? I have school from 11-1ish in Columbus so if any Columbus guys want to ride with me back to Buckeye Lake for the meet up you're welcome to. Just post and let me know.
  2. Just read the rest of the thread. Any guys looking to ride in the 9th check my thread. I am definitely planning to ride Tuesday. "Keep the Sunny Days a'Comin"
  3. I'm down for 10/9. Check my "Keep the Sunny Days a'Comin" thread and see what you think about that route. I'm down for whatever though, but Tiesdays weather is supposed to be great.
  4. Thanks for the invite LCBS but I'd have to leave the house at 930ish to be at the meetup in time and it'll be just too cold for me. I rode around a little this afternoon and was pretty cold actually. Maybe next time. I do have a ride posted for Tuesday if you or anyone else wants to go. Some beautiful roads planned. PS: If you guys are going to Iron Pony and need some all season riding pants they have a steal of a deal. To the right of the dressing rooms in the back and to the left of the helmets they have some Star motorcycle pants on closeout for $44.99. They have a few mens left but most were womens. I tried on a pair of the size 12/14 womens and they fit perfectly. For $145 off retail I'll wear women's riding pants all day. And you can't even tell their not mens. They have knee armor, waterproof, zip out liner, all the extras.
  5. I couldn't get out of the house till about 1:30 today. I rode to Somerset to see of I could catch up but I didn't see anyone. So I got a 50 mile ride in by myself. Man it was cold though.....not unbearable but definitely uncomfortable. Hope you guys had a good ride and a safe one. Look at my Central thread posted for Tuesday. I didn't realize it was basically the same loop as the Dream Ride till this morning which is a strange coincidence.....but should be warmer and drier.
  6. I really had no idea this loop was the same as the dream ride loop. Haha.
  7. Which means he'll be wearing black leather and spikes and most likely carrying a tire thumper and a shank. He'll also go by the name Tbone. I wouldn't mess with the guy.
  8. Tuesday looks to be a nice day this coming week. I may be a bit early but there is a route I have found and I want to get together with some guys and ride it. I have ridden portions of this route separately but never this loop all at once. These roads are a combination of the best roads I have ridden so far in Ohio. Meet at McDonalds in Buckeye Lake around 2pm (time is subject to change depending on who is riding. Adjustments are up for discussion). Pace will be moderate to spirited, but anyone is welcome. We wait for all at any intersections or road changes. Head out towards 668 on 204 thru Glenford. 668 South thru Somerset til it turns into 664 in Junction City. Beautiful and clean 664 to 216. Take 216 through New Straitsville (no moonshine this time of year...that I know of) til you get to 78. 78 North to Mconnelsville. This road blew my mind when I rode it the other day. It's like a mini mountainous section. Unbelievable road. Then we'll gas up and take 669 back North to Somerset and back to 204 via 757, Up until two days ago when I rode 78, 669 was my favorite road. This loop is epic. Can't believe these roads exist in a loop. Post up if you're interested. Adjustments can be made for time and location of meetup if necessary.
  9. I ride 668 all the time as I only live about 10 mins away from it, but usually don't ride farther south than Somerset. Two days ago though we rode 668 which turns into 664 in Junction City all the way to 216. Took that to 78 up to Mconnelsville. If you take 669 back North to Somerset it's an absolutely epic loop. Can't believe nobody has posted this ride. If there is another decent day this season I will be leading a ride on this loop. Anyone is welcome.
  10. It's warm and dry right now do I'm gonna go ride. I'll be in the Newark vicinity so if anyone wants to ride before if rains all weekend, post up and we'll put down some miles.
  11. I ended up meeting Ninja Doc and had a great ride down South. Man, 668 to 664 to 216 to 78 and back up 669 is epic. Those roads are the best in the area by far.
  12. Planning to ride Thursday after I get home from school. I have class 11-1ish and should be ready to ride by 2. Meet at McDonalds in Buckeye Lake right off of 70 and plan to ride a loop in the Licking and Perry County area. So meet at McDonalds at 2 and post up if you want to ride. Supposed to be gorgeous.
  13. Hey JackFlash, I know you took a couple days off from work. If you want to ride tomorrow let me know. If it;s going to be anything like today I'll want to be out.
  14. Yeah, sorry guys. I rode to IP to get my tire changed and couldn't make it back on time. Unfortunate, because it's gorgeous outside.
  15. I think you're talking about a different ride Gunner. We are meeting in Newark as long as everything works out. Plan is to meet at KFC in Newark at noon. I'm 50/50 though cause I'm not sure my rear tire is up for it.
  16. You just got it. I'd take that thing back to the dealership and make 'em give me a battery.
  17. Haha....no man, glad you did. Was a fun ride though a little chilly this morning. We had a nice ride on 83 and the rest of the way home. Was nice to get out for sure. Got stung by a bee or something on my leg on 541 on the way home. I thought it was an acorn hitting me hard, very hard cause it burned and stung like an 80mph fastball.. But now that I'm home I can tell it was a bee or wasp sting. Hurt like crazy but at least it wasn't on my neck or something. I may or may not ride tomorrow. My rear tire is almost shot. I'll let you know.
  18. Yeah, unfortunately Sundays weather forecast has deteriorated in the past 24 hours. I have 40% chance of rain also. On Thursday, Sundays forecast was for sunny and a high of 72. Looks like we'll get that tomorrow instead. As long as we get the 60% without the rain I'll be riding Sunday. I'll keep you posted Jack.
  19. I gotcha. Most of these roads you know though. Only part I haven't ridden with you on is 78 and 83 and I think we may have ridden that. Hope to see you there man. If it's 9:30 is too early I can push it back a bit. I'll just have to DVR the game I guess.
  20. I'll be riding for sure Sunday also. Meeting at KFC Sunday at noon.
  21. Ok guys, Here's the plan. I'd like to get back in time to watch the game...or at least the 2nd half so I'll compromise. Meet at the BP on 13 and 70 right outside of Jacktown at 9:30. We'll go 13 to 204 to 757 back onto 13 for a short ways then 669 to Mconnelsville. Then 78 to 83 to 541 to Coshocton and then 541 to 79 and back South. Anyone can split off when they would like. Post up if you're in. Meet at BP on 13 and 70. Grab a doughnut and kickstands at 9:40.
  22. My weather info says partly cloudy and a high of 70 on Saturday and partly cloudy and a high of 67 on Sunday. Both days look decent and I wouldn't mind riding both. I'm thinking meet at 9am (which will get kinda chilly for the Columbus guys....but I did it last year so it's not unbearable) at KFC in Newark on Saturday. We'll meet at 11am or Noon or Sunday. I'll post a route tomorrow but I'm thinking head South and then go North.
  23. Don't want it to, but I doubt I'll be riding much in Nov, Dec, Jan or Feb unfortunately.
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