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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Blitz

    Rare ride

    I'd have been all over this ride if it was going to be warmer. I'm in next weekend if the weather is right.
  2. Well the first thing that caught my eye was the flames. I was like "flames and no title?", that thing is HOT! Then I saw he had it to 186mph, and I knew it was my dream bike. If only I could hangout with the guy selling it..... He seems like a gentleman and a scholar.........or an inmate.
  3. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/3791677801.html Seems like a steal! You know it has to be a good bike if he "personally hit 186 mph"! Meeting him tonight.
  4. Blitz

    2001 R6 help

    I texted this guy today with no response.
  5. All that organization gives me a headache. Leaving that little of space between groups doesn't work when the lead group stops at a gas station and needs more than 3-5 (first stop was only 45 miles into the ride) minutes to gas up and take a leak. Not to mention the fact that said gas station would be inundated with Ohio Riders within twenty minutes of the first group getting there. I think the ride went well. For me, sometimes over organization takes the fun out of it. And besides, many guys split off and head home before getting to the parking lot at the end of the day. Just my two cents.
  6. I'm a little late here, but I figure my advice is pertinent. I started riding two years ago on a 600..... 97 ZX6r actually. I skipped the 250 because I'm a mature adult that can make rational judgements on speed etc. I also rode a dirt bike a lot as a kid and BMX, which I think both have some level of similarities....less bmx than dirt bike. I probably ride faster than I should for my limited experience. But in the first 2 years I'd say I've ridden 17k miles. I also am a student of motorcycle riding. I read Twist of the Wrist 1 and 2, and learned proper control techniques. (Highly recommended). I did not take the MSF course. But I passed the test the first time. I rode a ton on my beginners permit during daylight hours. I took a completely different route than what I see recommended. I'm sure many would say I did it the wrong way and I may still be doing it the wrong way. I think it really comes down to the individual. Something each potential new rider needs to think about is whether or not they are a fit individual with good coordination and reflexes. If you aren't, grab. 250xc bike and start there. I think a lot of beginners think its just "riding" a bike......when really it is "controlling and maneuvering" a bike adeptly and with precision. I think people get into trouble when they first start for one of two reasons: 1) poor judgement (ie going too fast for what you're capable of handling) -this is most often demonstrated by a young guy getting a 600cc or bigger bike and going to fast for what they can handle 2) inability to control a motorcycle -this can occur for any motorcyclist, but more often than not occurs with the inexperienced. The more agile, coordinated, and better reflexes one has the better off they'll be in this department. But even the most uncoordinated person can ride if they take time and learn. Be honest with yourself. If you're under 24 and/ or are uncoordinated and clumsy, start with a 250cc. If you're older and a fairly capable guy....you'll probably be ok starting with a 600cc bike. Just know your limits and don't push them. *when I saw the thread was 11 pages long, I figured I'd be offering advice too late. Maybe someone else can use it though. The immortality of the Internet.....gotta love it*
  7. Hey Inya, what happened to the guy one the bimmer? Did he hang back with the injured?
  8. 70 on the straights. Strict adherence.
  9. Nice meeting you this morning man. You ever want to ride, just shoot me a pm. I'll wait for ya
  10. 200 miles today and it was sooooo smooth and fast. I didn't know what I was missing. That's what I was hoping for when I took it there to have the carbs cleaned and synced. She's a happy Kwakker.
  11. I know of at least 2. One unfortunately with a possibly broken collarbone. For the number of people there, that's not horrible. It could have been a lot worse I guess. Great ride, great weather, and I enjoyed seeing some new faces and some not so new faces. It's going to be a great riding season!
  12. Shit Hutch.....I didn't know you to be one to let a bad hangover to stand in the way of a good ride.
  13. South west Hellmutt Snot Rollnhot HaHaFzr Thebrown57 Jch82 Quickaccord Mello Dude 20thGix ScubaCinci Revelstoker - 10' KTM SMT Ninjachk08 Oldschooldime92 Granada080 Central Dyingshadow Hoblick Cdubyah cbus under Psi Jack flash Hutch Jdonn BMwnut Ohiofz6 Jnor Jst2fst Some one (might be Mykill ) Kmanlyst - Ninja 250 DreamnofR1 Fiji 9 brother - 2001 TL1000r Ynot Night rider Shep - Orange GSXR Fizzer Osumj DAC Sirepair Bendougcarl Pyromancy - 1981 Yamaha SR500 Omega Ohiowinger gunner75 Ohiodeere Mike_N92 Ride in koreo Saddlebutt smccrory FZ08 Mr Anderson Bankerdude - GSXR 600 pokey chier2 Cummins350formula - zx9 Anomersgsxr Bendougcarl Firsttimerider 8Rider6 02 RC51 NateBob Porschefan ZXhooligan Mr Jellybean Pfloydgad Firedog45 North Bad324 Connerot Ninjadoc Hailwood Whaler Alzheimer BShultz Timtheazn Jstump DGasser Kent2406 Mike53Ali Inyazz 330Racing - ZX 14 Gump Jschaf Blitz -1997 ZX6r
  14. Look for me on 668 gentlemen. I may go a few miles farther east to hit 668 instead of 664, by some chance we should meet. 668 is more fun than 664 anyway. I see y'all at the meetup in the am if not. Ride safe getting there.
  15. Nice brain bucket! I love military styled riding gear. You can tell by my digital camo Icon helmet and matching jacket covered in military patches. Sweet sleeper rocket by the way. Been following this build from behind the scenes.
  16. Porshefan, you still going? If I don't hear from you, I won't be riding into KFC to meet up. If you post up, maybe we can organize a place to meet.
  17. Sorry to hear it Hutch. Hope everything's alright man.
  18. It is. But I'm gonna ride it till its sold.
  19. So here's what it was.... I replaced the plugs on Wednesday and rode to work. Was definitely still running rough, though not as bad. Then on the way home it was like I only had three cylinders. Sounded like a 4 stroke dirt bike. I checked the plugs again and out the old ones back in thinking it was the new plugs since it was running better before I out the new ones in. Nope. Still running like shit. So I called the Pony. Shawn told me to bring it in and they'd look at it. But I didn't expect much. I told him I really needed them to look at it ASAP, cause I had the Epic ride this weekend. He said they would check it out first thing. I figured they'd just say "nothing we can do about it." So dropped it off today, and called them at lunch. Shawn said they had it apart and thought they knew what the deal was. I stopped by afterwork and they had it fixed. Turns out the jet kit that was installed by previous owner had these little sleeves that go in the emulsion tubes that have 4 little holes drilled into one side. If the sleeves are pointing the wrong way, they don't allow fuel to get into the chamber. He said one of them was turned around backwards. That's what was not allowing the cylinder to fire. No gas. So Bill handed me the 4 little brass sleeves and said she's running great now. I rode her home and it was much better. Then I put the new plugs back in and it's running like a champ. Smooth acceleration, not any hiccuping or burping or backfiring like before. Best its ever run. Kudos to Iron Pony for standing behind their work. That's twice now they've taken my bike back and made sure it was right. The fact that they work on older bikes and they stand behind their work will keep me coming there. At least till they don't. Plus they're almost half the price on some quotes I've gotten from the John Hinderer Honda Powerstore. So after a week of messing around with it, 1 ruined ride, and three days in a row of changing out my spark plugs, it's running like a champ and I'll be ready to go in the morning for the ride. Should be Epic!
  20. I'm not on the list for some reason, but I'll be on my Ninja.
  21. Hey Hutch, any idea what you plan is for the AM? Newark guys? Still meeting at KFC? Just trying to figure out if I'm meeting in Newark or headed to Logan solo.
  22. Alright. Well let me know. I may go with you, or may ride down by myself.
  23. Hey Hutch, do you just want to meet me out at 70 & 13 at like 9am? I'm probably just going to head out 204 and take 668 straight to Logan. Just a few of us now. Thought I'd throw it out there.
  24. That section of 555 is truly shit. Rode it last year end of the summer. But it's not bad enough that someone would get hurt......just bad enough that it definitely sucks to ride on it. Even the fast guys take it slow on it cause its simply shit. FWIW, I don't mind riding on it if necessary and I don't think someone wiping out is of concern. It's just a few miles of absolutely garbage riding. Like trying to ride a bike on gravel. Just thought I'd insert some information so whoever needs to decide, can do so.
  25. I called them today, but didn't get many answers. The tech that worked on my bike wasn't there but will be tomorrow. So I'm going to call back. I will say the manager I spoke with (I think he's a manager) seemed concerned and acknowledged that it shouldn't be doing what it did, and if it was something they did....he seemed to say they'd figure it out. So I'm going to find out exactly what was done. I'll post that as soon as I find out. And I'll also post what they do to rectify the situation (if anything). I appreciate the offers for other people to work on it. Wish I would have known about them before I took it to them. Now that I've spent the money I really can't afford to spend it again, but if they messed something up I'll demand a refund and take it somewhere else. We'll see how far that gets me. Up to this point it seems they're willing to work with me to find out what the problem is. In the past when I had an issue with a repair they did (went down one tooth on front sprocket and it was rubbing the chain guard and they gave it back to me even though it was whining at speed), they replaced the sprocket with stock sprocket free of charge. So I'll give them the benefit of the doubt if they're going to work with me. As for them working on my bike, I can say they're one of the only places I've found that will. Another reason I took it there. Lastly, the bike is running now albeit a little rougher than before. I plan to take it apart and change the plugs before the Epic Ride this weekend. If I have this problem again, I'm going to drop it off at IP and demand they fix it right.....or demand my money back. I've never had any issues like this before they touched it. If it does it again, it's their fault without a doubt. Hopefully they'll do as they've done in the past and work with me to get it right.
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