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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Yep good ride fellas. I'm thankful everyone walked away cause that "mishap" could have been a lot worse. If anyone sees anyone not wearing a helmet, send them to this thread cause I'll be posting some pics. Minor accident, but without that helmet I can't say for sure he'd have made it out alive. At the minimum it would have been a long hospital visit. I know witnessing that will keep me ATGATT indefinitely. I had some bike trouble on the way home. Vibration coming from the engine....not sure what it is. Hopefully something I can fix myself though. Anyways....good riding with you guys and hopefully the weather holds and we can do it again.
  2. Hell, I don't want to go through Lancaster. That's what I was trying to avoid. Looking at the map I thought it was inevitable, but I guess you guys are skirting around out on 33. Which in that case I'll cut across on coonpath road and avoid it. I'll just meet at the meet spot. Posting the route, even if it's a simple 33-374-664-whatever is helpful just because everyone is coming from different directions, and may need to peel off at different times also.....which gives everyone the ability to figure out what will work best for them. Should be a beautiful day to ride.See you guys in a bit.
  3. Hey Dying Shadow....what's the intended route? Im wondering if I can merry somewhere along the way instead of slabbing it to Carrot. It makes more sense for me to meet in Lancaster or South of Carrol from where I'm at. Just a general idea of the route will work.
  4. Can someone post some idea of what the route is.
  5. Yeah....he's right. Rut's just about in full swing.
  6. Man.....I've been in a lot of relationships. I can tell you a woman that doesn't let you do something you love to do will have a hard time keeping her man around forever. My girlfriend and I both understand we each have things we love to do, separately. Gotta put the foot down when it comes to riding. Speaking of which, I may just skip school to come on this ride, since it looks like nobody can make it when I have free time. If anyone wants me to put together a route, let me know. But for now I'm in.
  7. If Wednesday doesn't work I can do this Thursday, but not till after 1pm. I have class
  8. I can't ride that early on Thursday. So you guys have fun. I posted a ride for Wednesday if anyone is interested. Route is negotiable if people wanna ride 669 and 78 etc. Can ride Thursday after 1.
  9. Alright....Wednesday looks perfect, 75 degrees and sunny. I have class from 1-3pm. So ride will meet at Buckeye Lake McDonalds at 70 and route 79 at 3:45. Kickstands at 3:50. Here's the route. Shouldn't be back too late and if we aren't making good time we can always reroute mid-ride as it's a pretty central ride. http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/share/512376 Post up if you wanna go. Should be a beautiful day to ride.
  10. Only 30% chance of rain in the evening Monday and Tuesday.....and those are scatter thunderstorms. Forecast Monday- 77 30% chance of evening showers Tuesday- 76 Isolated storms (which means watch radar) could be completely clear Wednesday- 75 partly cloudy w/ 10% chance of rain Thursday- Sunny and 78 Friday- back down to 67 and 20% chance of rain Saturday- showers I have school work to complete and will be working on it Monday. I will probably get out but can't plan a ride around my schedule. I'm gonna post a ride for Wednesday cause it looks nice and one for Thursday cause it looks gorgeous.
  11. Haha....gotta catch peoples attention. And I figure if I give the ride a good name it gives it a theme instead of just saying "RIDE!".....which is really all that is necessary. Haha
  12. Yep lonely roads....lonely, twisty, and brand new clean asphalted roads.
  13. Looks like this week will be epic! Mid 70s and sunny every day. I, needless to say, will be riding. Just wanted to throw this up here and see when everyone can ride. I will probably try to ride a couple days this week. Probably do one down South and one ride up North towards Millersburg and 62 and hit 514 and 520. So post up when are good days and times. I know I won't be able to make ride times that work for everyone, but I'll do my best.
  14. Looks like a good ride fellas! Wish I could have made it, but NYC kept me in her grasp. This coming week looks beautiful....a real Indian Summer. Be on the look out as I will be posting some late season rides!
  15. Sorry guys, I got held over in New York for a couple days and won't be back til Thursday morning. If someone wants to take the lead on this, looks like you have a good start for a hood ride. I'll post one when I get back if the weather holds out.
  16. Wednesday looks beautiful, I'll be back from NYC and I don't have school. Planning to ride as much as I can. I'll post a route tomorrow but I'm thinking of having 668 to 79 to 541 and then South to the McConnelsville area. Meet at Buckeye Lake McDonalds at noon. Time and place are flexible. Just post up if interested.
  17. I might ride this. Depends on temps. What's the route?
  18. Absolutely. If the weather keeps warm, I'll keep posting them.
  19. Yeah, was a great ride. About 130 miles....perfect for a weekday afternoon. Surprised we got a total of six. Definitely nice to get it in before the end of the season.
  20. Yeah, I messed up. I was thinking the shell station and McDonald's at 256, which is the next exit down. I'm at the Burger King that is on Brice rd. just off the freeway and North in Brice. I may pop down to the shell station south of the freeway to see if you guys are there. In in an old beat up blue ford f150. Sorry for the mix up. It would have been worse if I was downtown l.
  21. I made a mistake guys… Meet at the Burger King on Brice road. It's right off the exit on the left if you go north on Brice road.
  22. I'm gonna be in my truck cause its too damn cold to ride to school this morning.
  23. Columbus guys, lets just meet at the Shell gas station right off the Brice rd exit from rt 70. It's joined with a McDonalds and in front of HhGregg and Staples. That way we avoid the 71&670 construction and I go t know my way around downtown well enough to meet there. So just take 70 east to Brice rd and go North on Brice rd and the Shell is on the left. I'll probably be there around 12:45. Post up here if there's any questions.
  24. If we left at 2 you would be back in Columbusby 6 easy....maybe a little after 5. The exit is 129A at 79N. McDs is right off the exit. Can't miss it.
  25. Anyone else down to ride tomorrow? Who all is in?
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