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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. Furloaf

    Diablo 3

    I finished today with a wizard soloing. Wizard feels like easy mode even in nightmare and is the same boring routine now. Wasting an entire room full seconds after entering the door is only fun for the first 100 times or so. I took wizard first as I thought there would be more tactics with the time bubble and stuff, but it's much easier to just spam blizzard and disintegrate, using chain lightning with the +arcane power passive skill. Use frost nova + meteor for elites and bosses. (A few bosses were made completely inneffetive with spamming the cooldown-less blizzard spell.) Anyway I'm going to start a Witch Doctor now for multiplayer. Also, the story is pretty lame and filled with plotholes. I agree about the loot system being jacked up also. Game is still really fun despite those flaws.
  2. I never do it, but I'm an asshole. I figure I'm not responsible for stopping someone else from getting themself in trouble. Anyway, since other drivers will slow down after being warned - the end result is the same as if they were ticketed. However, it can be argued that the slow down is only temporary whereas being ticketed would likely have a longer duration of that driver lowering speed.
  3. 870 vs. 500 is how this usually goes. I think you just need to hold one of each and find out which you like better. I went with an 870 because of the safety location. Shooting thousands of BBs growing up with a trigger guard mounted safety caused me to think the Mossberg's receiver top mounted safety was very awkward.
  4. The idea is to limit the time it takes to shoot that 32nd person. 31 without reloading is acceptable, but damn shooting 32 people in about the same amount of time is just the worst thing imaginable.
  5. Furloaf

    Ghost Recon FS

    It clearly says on the cover that it is better with the Kinect.
  6. I already have an Intel 320 and nothing else to put this in, otherwise I'd get it. Great deal you found. Anyone considering (or even not considering) getting an SSD should get this. You'll be amazed at the speed increase. Those tips on loading screens will go by too fast to read.
  7. Is this latest generation? Or 1 or 2 behind?
  8. Yeah, B leads to C. A is stupid to do without trying B first. Depending on the nature/grievousness of the law breaking A to C might be more prudent.
  9. I haven't known many android devices to upgrade past the original OS generation. I'm fearful because Firefox started doing the quick release scheme is coincidentally the same time it turned into a buggy, slow piece of shit - as an example. Google is notorious for releasing stuff not close to being finished. So the new improvements/updates/features are highly likely to be less polished and more bug ridden, in my opinion. I agree iOS is the other end of the spectrum.
  10. I usually hate overlays (Verizon was horrible for this) but I actually like Sense. Most of it can be turned off easily. Sense also incorporated a lot of the same features before ICS touted them. Wait, 5.0 around Thanksgiving? 4.0 just came out and will only be a year old. Fucking Google. This is what I meant when I said Google's stuff is a constant work-in-progress and never finishes anything.
  11. Yeah. I'd like something actually finished. More polished and finished than Android anyway.
  12. Android OS is quite shitty. Just like everything Google makes, it is a constant work-in-progress and thus awkward and buggy as hell. It's still better than an iPhone, however. I'll seriously consider a Windows phone for my next. It depends on how well that OS matures.
  13. There is always the next super-phone coming out in 6-12 months. It is a losing game no matter what. The only way to win is to not play.
  14. Brownell's has a large DIY section.
  15. I'd go with a man-made net or cover also. It looks like a 2D surface, folded over itself. Probably caught in currents that give it the interesting movement. Also could have a creature caught inside of it - the more "dense", non-transparent parts appear to move independently of the surface skin. That, or it's the aliens from The Abyss.
  16. A counselor will tell you to stop doing bad things. A psychologist/therapist will tell you to keep active by doing random things. A psychiatrist will give you pills that make you not worry about things.
  17. How does HD radio work if there isn't a subscription or advertisements? BTW HD radio is a retarded term. I hate marketing gimmicks.
  18. Nice job of impersonating a police officer and recording it.
  19. Yeah after watching the Youtube video I get the impression that it would be very unwieldy to have that much mass attached to the very end of the shotgun. Needing a 22" barrel for just the compact version is crazy also.
  20. Holy shit those are expensive. More than twice what I bought my 870 for!
  21. Yeah I didn't mention that I use credit unions. Also I just looked around and it looks like anything higher than 1.25% is pretty hard to find.
  22. Yeah the graphics look like shit.
  23. A money-market or CD are the only options I'd recommend. Money-markets now are about 1.0% to 2.0% at the highest and CDs about the same for just a 1-year term. If you don't already have a safety/emergency fund then put the money into a money-market so that it is more liquid. Stay away from stocks with such a low amount of discretionary savings.
  24. The logic is that Obama can be more flexible in a 2nd term.
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