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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Noooooo, I'll be in Pa all weekend
  2. About 4 yrs, but it was a slimline desktop, it always had issues w overheating.
  3. Handbrake is great, but my old computed would literally overheat with it, not the softwares fault by any means.
  4. They had smx5's for a good price. They are very comfortable boot for the street.
  5. need to find another bike and pull the trigger...
  6. congrats on getting the new toy to her new home!
  7. ^ err on the side of caution, always. Rather feel stupid for going too slow than eating whatever lies over the crest. Doc got a perfect example of this on video @1:15, there is a slight crest, I wasn't sure of oncoming traffic, so I moved over. I felt bad for the guy I passed in the same lane, but if a car crested that hill......I'd rather apologize to that guy 1000x than hit that crest 1 time with a car coming the opposite direction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD0AkD80vIc&feature=plcp
  8. damn, glad it turned out the way it did! Hope the rest of the day went well!
  9. penske double clicker, came with two springs.....this one is nowhere near the right rate
  10. Like the title says. Got the spring with a shock, rate is no good for my bike. $35+shipping if needed
  11. JIT be damned....there is a huge gap between JIT replenishment and lying to me as a customer. In reality, I realize that "huge gap" is a quantity of one....but honestly; as a customer, I dont give a fuck if it is 1 or a hundred....my order is still delayed. Continue.... BTW I have ordered from Nathan at rider discount and bought stuff in person at IP before....I just added shit to my cart at Motorcycle Superstore and went through with the order for some stupid reason.
  12. ok just getting home to a bed(no female in it, so not warm). anyway passing out and seeing what I can do in the morning, most I can hope for is a 9am rise and shine to put some pieces on the bike. I'll let you know in either case Nivin.
  13. I'll try, depends on what time I wake up on a couch Good new though, if I do make it I can charge the gopro on the go.
  14. Hmmm, noon....doubt I'm making it home tonight. Hopefully I can do work on the bike and be out by 10:45. Nivin, I'll let you know in either case.
  15. I almost never ate them, but always enjoyed Twinkies.
  16. I'll see what I can get done tomorrow. Need to change out a rear shock and re-install all the street trim to make it. Dont think it would be worth it for only 150 miles...
  17. Normally I'm a patient customer, but being the second time Motorcycle Superstore has lied to me with their stock status and predicted delivery date, I'm DONE ordering from the website. I even changed my order just to have all in-stock items, and it turns out 3 of the items in my order are on order.....what the hell is the point of displaying a stock status if it is incorrect 3 out of 4 items? Really tempted to cancel the order.
  18. saw it and another gix 750 from the same gen listed for the same price recently. Would like to snag either one, but both are a little out of my price range.
  19. I like the screen for the Dominator headlight, I wanted one to cover my wiring but never got around to it before taking the bike off the road.
  20. Here is a buddy's video from PT Raceway close to Monroeville Pa. It is onboard of an associated b4, he is normally more consistent, but the camera upsets the suspension. We used to race bumper to bumper for laps on end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b_Me-Zeae8 This is from one of the places I used to race at. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQk7Apu_niY
  21. I raced 1/10th scale indoor offroad carpet back when I was in Pa. I was running all associated stuff, T4, B4, and SC10. Kept it for a few months after moving out here then sold it all, because I wasn't racing anymore and didnt want to hold on and have it depreciate. Hobby is a blast. Really the recurring costs are not bad at all, it is the initial setup that scares people away from racing. I had an easy $1500 in my gear, but that was top end electronics for 3 cars. That was buying used equipment at "deal" prices too, only thing I bought new were motors($80). I liquidated my equipment in the span of about 2 track visits....broke about even. hobbypartz.com - chargers, batteries and if you want to skimp on any other electronics If you are going to race, see what people are running and what parts are available at the track....run that brand.
  22. Fork springs came in today! Few other bits should be coming in next week
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