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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m9EVKce_CI
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGKfrgqWcv0
  3. I have actually offened a few people at work by outing them and asking if they want some sanatizer since the were to lazy to wash. This is something that drives me crazy to no end because I have OCD and I am a germaphobe.
  4. I might have to hit this up as well,didn't get to meet you both on the dream ride thanks to a crappy work schedule.
  5. You know me I am always in the back that way I can take my time and enjoy the ride. Well that and my lack of skill until we hit those track days.
  6. We rode on thanksgiving day took him on a few local back roads that are more twisty than the stuff back home had fun. My father and I never had the best relationship growing up and that was partly (a lot) of my fault and hadn't spent much time doing the father/son thing until four years ago when I had my first child and realized the errors and reached out to my father to try to mend what I could and it was great. Now we have a common hobby and plan to do a lot of Deals trips and the BYOB 2013 ride. This hobby has given me way more than some people can understand.
  7. This is the manual model they had the auto at the boat show,not sure I would want an auto.
  8. Brandon I'll make sure to ride the 250 to Hocking so you don't feel like your riding with a traitor!
  9. And I hadn't even rode it! No this isn't an Exarch kinda deal ( I value my father and realize all he did for me). I stored my new 650 at me dads for winter...well he took it for a ride yesterday a cold one but a ride none the less,and called me to tell me he wanted to buy it. it's my dad so i sold it to him for 1k seems far for all the shit i did to him as a kid,so what this post is about is to tell you about my NEW TOY. 2012 Honda NC700x went in today to fill out the paperwork and got everything approved and here are some pics of my new baby who will be delivered tomorrow!
  10. Damn you Hoblick, now I wish I was riding Hocking.
  11. Olympia X Moto all season transition pants. Removable and adjustable height CE approved Motion Flex armor at knees. Removable EVA compression foam at hips,leather einforcement panels from inside thigh to hem bottom. I also have the Kilimanjaro jacket and pants combo.
  12. Dad got me the same set Kilimanjaro jacket and overpants in silver and dark grey. told me to get ready for a Deals Gap trip and BYOB 2013.
  13. I do my at recommended intervals since I am riding year round. Speaking of the ride to work this morning was fun.
  14. Dad bought me a ton of riding gear for next season as well as my Carver 1 piece suit for trackdays on the 250,wife got me some smell good stuff,dvds, Farcry 3 and Black Ops 2. We got the kids too many noisy toys. My son has a 2 full sets of tools and my daughter is in My Little Pony heaven and my dad gave them both $200 to go clothes shopping at Target. First time hosting Christmas this year at our place went great can't wait to do it again.
  15. Kmanlyst

    wrecked bike

    I am still trying to wrap my head around how a bike,let alone a mirror can be worth more than the man that raised,clothed,fed you and payed for damn near everything you wanted/needed for 18yrs of your life? Now you had a bike granted it was a 250 what was wrong with riding it for another season or two until you had the funds? Did you get picked on for it or did you feel youhad to have a bigger bike to fit in. If you really had any passion for this hobby you would realize it isnt about what you ride,its the fact that you ride and enjoy it. just my two cents but maybe you should take some advice from this thread and man the fuck up put on you big boy pants and take care of your family and debts then think about getting a bike if it is in the cards...if not move on to a more affordable hobby.
  16. I'd rather have this than the current ones.
  17. I am still riding. Had to pick up some heated gear, 4:30am rides at 30 degrees are fun.
  18. I have a Traxxas Rustler VXL geared and running at 95mph with a 3 cell 11.1 lipo. Replaced a lot of the plastic parts with Integy Evolution kit,stock stuff didn't hold well to bashing very long.
  19. Just traded my Conquer 4G in for a S3, love this phone got the 16gb version and use a 32 gb micro sd as well.installed utorrent app and watch movies all day at work. I really love the sync feature downloaded Brave for the kids to watch and played it on my xbox over the wireless network. Still exploring all the features on this phone.
  20. Bl4ck3n3dxS0ul on xbox live. I play Halo 4 and Forza 4 at the moment,shoot me an invite if you ever want to play.
  21. And no I am not an Obama basher cause this country is fucked no matter who is in office.
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