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Everything posted by bshultz0930

  1. It was a street fighter to begin with, but I kind of just through it together. This time it will be done correctly. And be too gorgeous not to stare at!
  2. another guy just said he had the same thing happen to him. old post but new question!
  3. just make sure you and the other party put what was said on the title. but also make sure its not just a survey.
  4. so as some of you know, i chose to take my bike down to the bolts and nuts that hold it together after the wreck, so i decided to start a thread on the progress. as i get further and further ill keep updating. but here's where it stands as of now. decided with a yellowgold and black paint scheme. frame, swing arm, and the knuckles on the tree will be power coated black gas tank, rear tail, and engine will be black. the removable covers, the levers, and gas tank cap will be yellowgold. im still trying to find yellow coolant tubes, but its not promising. i ordered a bucket light and fork brackets for the light. moving my IGN switch to a different spot and mounting a custom gauge bracket there so the gauges will be more forward. and in these pictures.. found paint stripper, makes getting rid of paint sooooo much easier then sitting there with a scotch bright. and this is before i took the forks off to bring them into work with me.. but engine and all thats still there
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlzoL-wQwio i couldnt stop laughing!!!
  6. i figure if its going to be cold and shitty out, id much rather there be a ton of snow to go with it.. i do love how pretty snow can be, and to be able to play in it.. but damn do i hate the cold.
  7. psht... its only 110v.. it doesnt hurt that bad.. lol
  8. how long has it been running like that? you had better hope those rod/crank bearings arent smoked.. as soon as you get it back together, and you change the oil.. i wouldnt hesitate to change it again in just a few hundred miles just to make sure you get all the coolant and debris out of that crank case..
  9. What size shoe you were not in bike boots? I wear a 9.5 in regular shoe.. Trying to judge if they will fit or not
  10. i did my training just the other year also, im still good till late 2013. good thing to know when you have 2 year old twins and a 10 month old
  11. haha that fluid is BLACK. but yea, took them apart and used a straigh edge and couldnt fit feeler gauges in anywhere. didnt see any debris or marks on the tube. im going to assume that older, worn out seal, took a huge hit and couldnt hold and finally blew out. oh well. seals, dust covers, and fluid ordered. thanks for the insight guys. appreciate it.
  12. i doubt anything with guns will be passed.my reasoning. 1. - meth, weed, crack, and etc. were all made illegal and to be kept off the streets.. we all see how WELL that worked.. it will be the same for weapons. 2. - one of the girls that died in the columbine shooting, her father spoke up and said hes not pissed at the gun seller, the gun, the bullets, and that he's upset with the fucked up kid that shot his daughter and the other folks. he doesnt own a gun, he doesnt hunt, etc. but he places no blame on the NRA and practically stood up to be against the banning of guns.. opened a lot of peoples eyes. 3. - too many, far too many people already own a bunch of shit, by the time that law actually took ANY sort improvement, it'd be many many years down the road.. so unless they plan on giving money to people to turn in their weapons and equipment, i really doubt it will go over..
  13. Yea, I was planning on doing the seals regardless with the bike all torn down this winter. I'm just mostly concerned its bent. She's got 34000 on her now, I've owned it since 15 and have never done them. She's getting a lot of TLC this winter.
  14. With the weight off the front suspension I don't see any visual marks. Ill take it to work with me on Monday and split it and put a straight edge make sure it's not bent. I'm hoping I just got shit down in there and it's causing it to leak. No real bad damage to the front end so I'm crossing my fingers.
  15. So I literally just walked out to my bike since the wreck to start working on it, and I found the only the LF fork seal leaking.. Question is, I know without looking at it, you think it's bent or do you think in the wreck it just blew the seal? I should have the fork out by tonight an see what the seal looks like, but opinions?
  16. You do know ford is the leading the automobile industry correct? I think you need to forget about the 90's and look at the quality of the last 10 years.. It's sad that I'm a wrench for ford and I drive a ford.. Maybe, nah, ill keep my mouth shut.
  17. im home schooling my children now..
  18. have you no emotions? i REALLY hope its a joke. im going to wrap your dick in my chain and drag you down 252 till there is nothing left but your ball hairs if its not.. its hit home, us adults with children that arent even directly affected, are still emotionally distraught because that could have been my kids, your kids, your neighbors kids.. fuck that shit, if something ever happened to my kids i couldnt live. i kill the mother fucker that even lay a hand on my children. isaacs papa - he'll call back.. just keep hope..
  19. i do, but im a little more then 2 hours from you.. so it probably wouldnt save you much.. ill check and see how much they are anyway.. EDIT:: do they need to be load e?
  20. good to see other good people out there.. thats pretty awesome!
  21. i know my ass would love that, but i dont think i would have enough patience for it..
  22. i may be interested.. keep us informed.
  23. and i had just noticed the Michigan plates... fords got a est track in michigan
  24. im going to say thats a falcon undercover..
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