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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Do you seriously need to point out another knife deal so soon after the last two? Prick.
  2. And if you don't see what you want from a fellow member, there is also Craigslist. I've picked up three bikes via CL. You can buy well if you are patient, know what you're looking for, are willing to walk away from anything that doesn't look or smell right, are fair about the deal, already have cash in hand and know how you're getting the title transferred and the bike home without hassle. Lastly a buddy got a great deal on a used Shadow from a small dealer around this time last year. To put it bluntly, the dealer was skinny on cash and was happy to move anything above his cost.
  3. Agreed, and now's the time to buy. Prices will start to heat back up in April.
  4. It must be me, but the vintage bikes were some of the best-looking, most desirable motorcycles there. Everyone needs a vintage bike in their stable.
  5. I wish, but that blade's too long for my comfort as an every day carry tool, and I already have a very nice Spyderco for light camping purposes. Looks like a great deal though!
  6. Over lunch I read up on the steel used in the knife. CRKT's web site lists the M16-10KZ as using 8CR15MoV having a 58-59 HRC. Molecularly, it's more or less the Chinese equivalent of Aichi AUS8-U, which might be a little better than 440B because of additional Vanadium added. Hardness-wise, it's more like 420HC. It's no VG-10, 154CM, BG-42 or S30V, but hey, this is a $45 knife discounted to $20 with shipping, so I'm still stoked.
  7. Good call - I am violating my own "do not feed the troll" policy.
  8. I'm excited actually. 3" blade (still within the discretionary legal length), partial serrations, quality flip and locking mechanisms and a manufacturer I don't own yet. I love my SOG Flash 1 but this will likely become my EDC alternate.
  9. And now an attempt to redirect the shunning to someone else. How old are you?
  10. Factcheck.org article about Rand Paul's foot-in-mouth moment: http://www.factcheck.org/2015/02/paul-repeats-baseless-vaccine-claims/ Read it. It should be a wake-up call to anyone thinking about voting for him, or accepting medical advice from him for that matter.
  11. Forbes Magazine now has an interesting take on the topic and contains additional, damning stats I was unaware of: http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2015/01/28/measles-is-spreading-and-kids-might-die-sue-parents-who-didnt-vaccinate-absolutely/ Which I think is pretty surprising, given the magazine's fiscal conservatism that often runs parallel to the very religious and constitutional self-determination that swelled anti-vax opt-outs.
  12. Where's the relative sensibility of Mags when you need him?
  13. Even worse, he thinks it's better to be considered a trolling dick-move douche-bag than to admit he was wrong again.
  14. So, you're saying you're not only a troll, but a joyous, mocking, punk-you kind of a troll. That's classy, son, classy indeed.
  15. Sincere thanks man. Sometimes I wonder if I'm being tested in a holodeck by sadistic aliens.
  16. Wrong. Where are you getting your data Jason? Guardisil was approved in 2006. As of June 2008, 23 million doses of HPV vaccine had been administered, and as of Spring 2013, more than 56 million doses of HPV vaccine had been given in the United States, which is 1/6th of the population and roughly 9 million a year based on CDC data. Based on your numbers, that means that 5,600 people must have died as a result of the vaccine, which is total bullshit. In fact, even the most ardent of Guardisil critics cite 10 deaths associated with the vaccine, and that's roughly 1 in 5 million. Even the CDC conservatively says at worst it's 1 in 1 million, which is still 10x safer than the cervical cancer rate you cited, which is a also a questionable stat because every year about 12,900 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed and about 4,100 women will die from cervical cancer. That doesn't even include HPV-caused larangeal cancers. So, while 10 kids may have died as a direct result of HPV vaccine since 2006, 32,000 woman have died from cervical cancer. That means your daughter has a 3200x risk of cervical cancer than dying from the HPV vaccine. Do the risks outweight the benefits. Yell yes they do, by a vast, vast margin. Dude, seriously, it's lies, damned lies and made-up statistics like yours that cause people to ignore science and put the public at risk. Here's the deal: we literally could eradicate cervical and HPV-related cancers in our lifetime. That's everyone's sons, daughters and grand-kids. That is, unless we take the advice of celebrities, made-up stats and internet parrots.
  17. OK, following what I think is a contorted position, suppose I decide to home-school my kids or educate them using a sympathetic religious collective. Do I also have to prevent them from going to public sports games and parades and historical sites and museums and government buildings because their exposure to others constitutes civil liability, or do I let them do all of that an put the public at risk? What happens later when my collective dissolves and I send my kid to school, or college, or to the workplace? Doesn't their presence now constitute public risk because they could be a transmission vector to those who medically can't immunize or who for a variety of reasons are imuno-compromised? Only hermits would be able to comply with both the law and the intent of that position. Everyone else would be remain a civil liability.
  18. Ack! Responding to the president's statement this week, some of the GOP hopefuls are already coming out with their own statements that immunization should optional because "parents know best." In my opinion they are pandering asshats, putting the public at risk, and we should take note to be sure we don't vote for them in 2016. To me, this issue is very personal. A few years ago a close family member had a hysterectomy after her doc discovered papillomas on her cervix, that would have become cancerous and most likely fatal - cervical cancer is highly aggressive. Had she been given Gardisil as a child, this would not have occured, but Gardisil wasn't available when we were kids. Now keep in mind that her son was diagnosed with Autism at age 3, BEFORE any immunizations were given to him - his docs held off because he had an intestinal blockage and they didn't want to complicate surgery, so by Jenny Macarthy's logic, the lack of immunization must have been the cause of his autism. Furthermore, he was later immunized, including Gardisil, and today he's nearly "autism-free," so again, by Dr. Jenny's logic, immunization cured him, not the years of intensive therapeutic intervention his parents invested in. Adding to that, I personally have a vocal cord condition caused by papillomas that grow back every few months, requiring surgical removal, or else my voice becomes unusable and ultimately my airway would shut off. It's a genetic vulnerability to HPV 6/11, which it turns out nearly every adult passes around before generating their own immunity, and guess what, had I been given Gardisil as a child to generate immunity to HPV (i.e. had it even been available), I would not have this annoying, periodically expensive and potentially life-threatening condition. And yes, I immunized my daughter to make sure she doesn't suffer from my inherited immune deficiency. She didn't catch autism. But she does have a love for tea and fancy clothing brands, so I squarely blame that on the MMR vaccine because every teen daughter I know with expensive tastes got MMR shots.
  19. Very true. And before that, puss from smallpox sufferers was put in cuts of healthy people to generate an immunity response. John Adams' family volunteered if I recall correctly.
  20. Agreed. Get a cheap used naked dirt bike because it WILL slam against the ice, probably in the first 5 minutes even [emoji6]
  21. It was Chicken Pox, not measles. IP is spot on and Europe is having a similar resurgence of Measles because some idiots aren't inoculating their kids. Measles is a really serious deal to the immune-compromised.
  22. Ok sounds great! What did you think of the show? How's the turnout today?
  23. Me. [emoji16]. Just was gonna say Hi since we missed you last year too. Maybe next January [emoji13].
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