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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Wednesday morning BUMP for a straight-up guy and sharp looking Viffer.
  2. Good luck, that is one heck of a bike as far as I'm concerned. LOVE the vintage style with modern mechanicals.
  3. Except that cute but vocal little beagle...
  4. Specific association with online profiles.
  5. I saw DAC's Viffer on Sunday and it's a looker. I bet that Sargent seat makes a heck of a difference for touring.
  6. Cleveland. Do what everyone else in the world has been hoping for decades...
  7. The only critter damage I've seen in Ohio is a mouse taking up residence in an airbox and leaving a bunch of seed pod shells behind. Birds make nests in airplane cowls, but there aren't spaces big enough on (most) motorcycles. Rain, salt and rust are your environmental enemies here.
  8. Gee, thanks Cleveland. We have problems here in Columbus too - mind if we keep a little of that for our yute? I don't understand the details, but would it be worth a quick consult with a tax guy and an amended return?
  9. Good lord, that's 5K more than we do. Hell, that's more than Upper Arlington's per-pupil spend, and they're lavish!
  10. Fair enough Tonik, and you must have some very good teachers and admin, but you can't deny that funding helps as well! I don't blame NCLB - my sarcasm must not have translated well in my reply. My only beef with NCLB is that it didn't accompany adequate funding to make the shift, and I think that many, many districts sacrificed good non-test-standard curriculum to afford the baseline. That's been somewhat remedied in recent years but it created a valid complaint for teachers, admin and parents to saw. I'm OK with that :-). I was raised by a pack of educators - my mom was a elementary teacher who went on to get her masters + a bazillion and was a Benedum program fellow before she retired. My dad was a tech ed college prof for decades until he turned Dean, and most of their family friends were educators. It's a tough job, and not at all what most people think.
  11. Yea, it is asymmetrical no doubt - sorry about that. I pay a lot of real estate taxes here (around 4 grand for a 165k home) and the schools are pretty good. Every several years our local Tea Party fights tooth-and-nail against the levy renewals to push the taxes back down to Ravenna levels, and they have a sympathetic audience with the large number of retirees who live here. That's the trade I guess - low prop taxes or good schools. Until the state can figure out a better funding system I guess.
  12. Just like an Amish barn raising. Without beards.
  13. And gear! :-) I know Len in real life, and helped him pick out the VLX600 this winter. He took the BRC last summer and we've been getting out into lots for slow-speed handling practice and some riding around Hoover Reservoir. He's doing a great job picking things up and taking a "pilot mentality" to risk reduction.
  14. You work in a good school I imagine. Westerville's district is pretty good as well, especially their strong International Baccalaureate (IB) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) tracks and fellowship with Otterbein University. Gifted kids at schools like those have to learn the standard-test basics AND get to specialize on what fires them up. I love good schools.
  15. Effectively, it's heavy focus on standardized curriculums and testing so that crap teachers can't skate by with crapulous self-crafted crap. Unfortunately gifted kids are forced to learn the fundamentals instead of specializing on what they enjoy.
  16. Wow, great price for a modern 250!
  17. Yep sure was. Sorry to miss you guys - I was 2nd to get there this morning and was fairly fatigued from the high winds on that little bike. The new Shinko 705s did nicely on the way back though.
  18. 20 gusting regularly to 40 made for very challenging riding on my CRF230L. But I made it there and back, got new tires mounted and had a great time meeting folks!
  19. I'll be there around 10:30! Riding my 4-wheeler...
  20. True! I used to play keyboards in a band that visited West Virgunia VFWs, Moose, Elk, American Legion, etc. I was continually flabbergasted even at that age with the vitriol old guys would use talking about the lazy, shiftless, illegal, dependent, weak, diseased, entitled democrats. Until someone brought up social security, Medicare, and union-negotiated pay levels and protections... NIMBY.
  21. Nice, I might be by after practice riding with a friend just getting started with a shadow 600.
  22. Oh yea, because retirees in sunny climates pulling down social security, Medicare, Medicaid, prescription benefits and paying minimal taxes are SO liberal...
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