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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. That's not necessary. Use a credit or debit card and that problem is already solved for you.
  2. I agree with your scale argument, and because of that logic I desperately wish the Teapublic would actually come out and say they support some... ANY level of government. As it stands, they've been against everything, and seem to refuse to go on record supporting any social benefit or corporate control, which tells me they're no more qualified to govern than an anarchist. Every national candidate I've voted for has been a disappoint to me to various degrees, but nonetheless I vote, especially for local issues. Locally, just a few hundred votes decide fire, ems, library and education funding, with real effects on taxes and property values.
  3. Very cool - I'm sympathetic with new riders. It'll be nice just to get outside.
  4. Sure, I'm in - I'll be on my blue Strom. I'll pm my cell tonight.
  5. That's understandable. 270 and 33 is the first mutual intersection but there's not much there.
  6. If the weather's as good or better tomorrow as today ended up, it'll be a great riding day.
  7. I'll guess that 2.slow and Pokey might join us at IP if they go. Pokey's mentioned in another thread that he's a maybe for the 17th.
  8. At least the sun will look nice on the road side snow. Beware shaded corners and melt spots.
  9. The snow makes this beyond my personal risk tolerance, so I'm no-go Sunday unless conditions change more rapidly than predicted.
  10. Mixed snow, sleet and freezing rain in Columbus. Yuck.
  11. Street tires, nice.
  12. Ditto and I was even hoping to ride Sunday but that appears unlikely with the temperature drop and leftover precip. Like you said, please let it be rain, not snow.
  13. Smart post. I agree 100%. You'd be a horrible writer for Nancy Grace, the Ed Show, Fox News...
  14. I blame you guys who think the roads are still too salty...
  15. My only hope is that the Internet brings morons together, raising their visibility more than we've seen in the past. And also that it's just a temporary state before some gradual collective consciousness lift, accelerated by this airing of idiocy to the sunlight of smarter thought. Long shot, but it's possible, right?! :-)
  16. You and I are gonna get along. I have 5 bikes in my garage right now. I'm keeping 2, one is a friend's I helped acquire, another is a rebuild I did a year ago which I dearly love but want to get another friend back into the sport, and another is one I bought for the purposes of chasing another new rider around while she learns to safely ride a scooter.
  17. Makes me sad for this species. Thanks dude. :-(
  18. Struth! It's as ugly as my V-Strom!
  19. Vs the kool aid that says everything is a conspiracy without backing it up with proof? Maybe you're right, but how do I know you're not a CIA agent trying to use reverse psychology to make me think you're anti-mainstream just so I predictably invoke symbolic logic thus making other conspiracists believe all hope is futile?
  20. I'm a possible, and would be riding from Westerville. I have the day off and need to get as much bike time in before a long camp-and-ride early May.
  21. How's a playa sposed to get sly with a Missouri church lady? Dammmm.
  22. Lol. With 240k employees, it's impossible not to!
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