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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. You're just a 1:15 ride northeast from Westerville, so yea, I'd be delighted to take you up on your offer sometime. Looks like a 1:30 ride from Marysville, 2.slow.
  2. Camping is fine by me, though a hotel with a hot shower would be nice after a day of dirt.
  3. Sweet! What color? Mine's not all original, but I tell my GF that Roxy is my 29 year old redheaded mistress...
  4. I'm open most weekends, so yea, throw out some date options. Weather is always a consideration so we shouldn't be too scientific about it ahead of time. With this kind of thing, sometimes it's just best to let folks know ahead of time that a few people plan to show up somewhere, and those who can join in, will.
  5. Very cool - marked on my calendar. Maybe I'll bring a restored '85 CB700SC for vintage variety. :-)
  6. On second thought, Magley's right, Tonik. If we're going to... come together as a nation... and are willing to sacrifice intelligence for... um... visual leadership, then it's going to have to be someone more attractive than Paris Hilton. I'm sorry, but this constituent from Columbus is unwilling to compromise on that particular political point.
  7. OK, fair enough. When we're ready, I have a list... They won't meet everyone's political biases, but they will be so much prettier to be angry with...
  8. OK, I get it, but she just doesn't work for my geek streak. How about someone Hot and Smart?
  9. I'm guessing Tonik wanted to express utter disgust for the entire system, that he doesn't believe that there's anyone worth supporting, or even if there is, they'd never be successful in the millstone as it's defined today. However, you make a fair point if you intended to infer that one shouldn't be against everything because that's what a lot of these jokers want us to do - excuse ourselves from the process altogether and cede complete control to those willing to game the system. The less we care, the more "they" win.
  10. Case in point: with very rare exception, forethought would reveal that energy spent towards legal income sources is far more dependable and lucrative with less aggregate risk than crime had.
  11. I don't need any cola, but I'd like to join a medium group. Slow would be fine too - whatever balances things.
  12. You're one funny guy! But seriously, I'm game for bringing my CRF230L and meeting somewhere. Like 2.slow, I'm capped out at 65 mph, so anywhere we meet will have to be without a lot of help from freeways.
  13. Save some for the news industry as well.
  14. Tonic I'm impressed you found those and it does blunt some of my disdain about the GOP being actively disengaged with the ACA. It doesn't help my faith that working together would have made a better law though, so, um, thanks for that.
  15. You're not wrong, but the repubs would likely have negotiated with pharma as well. Remember that corporations are people too, and small business fuels the economy.
  16. The best way to protest is to say "to heck with health insurance" so that you're not covered in an accident or emergent health issue and then make sure the penalty/tax/whatever isn't paid? Well, I have to credit a person for their commitment to their cause... I guess... Though I'll have to pay for their emergency care as a tax payer and insurance participant, so thanks for nothing.
  17. Mag's right. Don't be coy about it - own it YSR - or recognize that you're using the terms wrong and stop using them.
  18. I've used pin lock for every ride for 2 years and love it, night or day, hot or cold, humid or dry. My glasses still fog though - something "Cat Crap" helps with when I remember.
  19. smccrory


    "He's the Stuart Smiley of Stalinism, the Fred Rogers of Federalism, the Milk-and-Toast Marmalade Master of Muslim Mischief - The Obamahatenatorrrrr! Let's get ready to rummmbleeeee!"
  20. smccrory


    And you posted on the internet.
  21. Including their willingness to pay in a claim. I probably pay a couple hundred more a year than I have to, but Met P&C was very fair about two accidents my kiddo incurred plus wind damage to my roof. They were cheap bastards about my busted sewage line, but alas I didn't have sewage and gas line coverage. Anyway, sometimes long-term customers are treated a lot better than insurance hoppers when discretion matters.
  22. After much resistance I installed 8.1 yesterday and although there are things about it that piss me off, it's proving to be a relatively smooth change so far.
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