I live within spitting distance of Iron Pony and so I spend a lot of money there. But after checking a few times, they didn't have a used starter bike for my buddy within his price, feature range and timing, so we opened the search to Craigslist. One of the listings was for a very nice blue 2003 Shadow 600 VLX for a very reasonable price, so we trekked 30 or so minutes from Columbus to Hebron to have a look. Nice peeps, small-shop environment, clean and stocked with a lot of sport bikes, a few cruisers, some dirt and d/s bikes. They pulled the bike out for startup and in-the-sunlight exam, and it turned out to be the bike he wanted. Smooth transaction, and I rode the bike home for my friend. It'll be perfect for him, and we're planning to change the oil, filter, check valve clearances, etc. today just for good measure. Anyway, it was our first interaction with K&C and I wanted to share the positive experience. Check them out sometime if you're in the area: http://www.kccycleandatv.com/ Scott