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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. There is (was?) an Indian Chief Vintage with stressed tan leather bags. Damn, what a great look, and I thought the blue was sharp! For 2015, I'd suggest a mustard yellow or an off-white...
  2. And what's it to him? How much you want to bet he doesn't declare the proceeds on his taxes.
  3. She profits on fake outrage. She's an ambulance chaser. And she has a network show. She's already scum to anyone on to her flame baiting, and it's doubtful a T shirt would get through to the others.
  4. Hey, even the ugly ones need love, and it sounds that's IP's bag, baby! :-D
  5. Yea that's messed up. Blindness is usually a permanent condition but medical jane only impairs while it is ingested. (Yes "impair" is subjective but so is alcohol and prescription drug impairment)
  6. What does that even mean? A settled, rebuilt and highway-legal title?
  7. The Wee is homely, but IMHO the 2012-2014 "Glee" (Gladius engine) models are more shapely. I'm happy with mine. :-)
  8. I find her to be one of the most intolerable people on TV.
  9. OK, you brought me with you on that one, thank you for the rationale!
  10. I am sincerely provoked to rethink my own opinion as well. How did you get past the concern over impaired armament? Was it the constitutional slippery slope that won your opinion? Does the comparison with alcohol help? Or prescription narcotics?
  11. Another member recently tried to sell a GP Hero 2 with a few less goodies for $175, then $165, then $150. Like flounder said, they're great units, but if you wait until spring, folks will want to record their adventures.
  12. It is, if your settings allow it. My mom's phone was updated yesterday but my dad's lagged until he forced it today. In any case it's better to force this one ASAP.
  13. This world does NOT need hooligan Shriners tossing candy around everywhere they go. On second thought...
  14. That's really cool HM, that you guys will work in older stuff too - I'll definitely keep that info handy.
  15. Yikes. Damned good thing you checked!!
  16. No lie about CL. A buddy of mine is trying to buy his fist bike (600-750cc cruiser) and can barely get sellers to stay in contact with him long enough to see the bikes in person. Too bad your bike would quickly kill the guy, or I'd connect you two.
  17. Thanks for posting - updating mine and spreading the word.
  18. No doubt, the blue looks great. I'd add a little brown/tan to it.
  19. Exciting! Hope you guys don't get too attached to the bikes. I think this will be great for IP.
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