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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    525 already out of stock :-(
  2. In all cases make sure the bike doesn't use constant velocity (CV) carbs. They're almost impossible to get right once their airbox is removed.
  3. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    Great perspective, thanks Dale!
  4. I'll be about a 6, on a cruiser. I like to enjoy the scenery with a spirited pace.
  5. smccrory

    Break in?

    And that's just the brick of .22 they took
  6. I couldn't agree more which is why I continue to portray gun owners to them as "more like you than you realize." I've converted a few of them into trap and target shooters - actually its one the frustrations I have about .22LR being so hard to find - grrrr!
  7. Roger that, and glad to hear :-). And sorry if I'm overly sensitive to it this morning. I have many friends on the other side of this issue and am doing what I can to keep from fueling their fire...!
  8. I seriously think you should keep that to yourself and hope that nobody interprets it as a runup to a Gabby Gifford event. I do NOT want to lose our constitutional rights due to attitudes that fuel gun control stereotypes and legislation. Truly, you're not helping the cause.
  9. I don't disagree with you about the infinitesimally small chance of changing her mind, so I'll grant your point. I'll also agree that getting her out of office is a far more civilized, democratic and constitutional notion than venting her cranium... :-)
  10. Even hypothetically I think is a damned ignorant fantasy. I'd far prefer she either stay out issues she doesn't fully understand or spend real time hanging out with responsible gun owners shooting targets with family, playing skeet, maybe hunting and attending a lodge bake, sitting down with would-be-victims who defended themselves from armed aggressors, and otherwise socializing with gun owners who don't harbor fantasies about venting her cranium. I mean really guys, that's just plain counterproductive. Gun control advocates already think we're a bunch of anti-social, bloodlusty redneck "it blowed up reel guud" militia-fantasy hermits who need to be disarmed for society's protection. Do we really need to hand that stereotype right to them???
  11. I'd shoot it at 100-200 meters first to gauge the barrel quality, ideally with match-grade ammo available (is there any?). Converting a mass-produced battle arm could be a lot of fun, but it's a big hill to match a modern hunting rifle that shoots consistent match-grade ammo. The money and time put into the conversion might may for a big chunk of a nice Rem 700 or equivalent.
  12. Id agree that universal background checks, enhanced mental health services and "do not approve" data feeds to the ATF database have good chances, but I doubt registration.
  13. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    FYI I stopped by Cabella's tonight to see what subcompact pistols and ammo they had. As expected, there was no 9mm, 40mm, .22 (not even hornet), .45 or 38 special to be found. They did have a few boxes of special load .380 for $30 (yikes!) but one guy bought them just as I passed by. Tons of 12 gauge though - seems as if bird and buck shot aren't being run on yet. The prices on the shelves looked somewhat normal (once they get stock back) - I remember seeing CCI for $9.99. I did pick up .22 pellets and CO2 for my Crossman 150 - at least I'll have something to do at the range. ;-)
  14. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    I doubt it's part of a Master Plan. They may have flawed gun policies based on philosophical differences and ignorance, but they probably are buying up surplus for the same reasons we do - anticipation of future short supplies. Unfortunately everyone's hoarding is creating the very supply shortage feared.
  15. I like my women like I like my coffee - strong, dark and bitter
  16. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    And for .22 no less. I mean, I can see a premium for .223 and defensive ammo for larger calibers (driven by assault weapon ban fears and the huge uptick in CCW classes), but .22?! Wait, is the squirrel zombie apocalypse unfolding already??? Someone with a stockpile please protect the rest of us unprepared sheep! ;-P
  17. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    That's not terrible actually. Anyone also see .380 around?
  18. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    Curious - what kind, and what price?
  19. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    I remember Vance's having of CCI boxes at $8-9 each, stacked crates-high. Now I wish I'd have bought entire crates - CCI runs flawlessly through my 10/22 and MK II.
  20. I imagine it takes some serious self confidence and thick skin to ride a 250 from Dayton to Sturgis. I wonder how many 1%ers could pull it off?
  21. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    I'm looking forward to when all this high-price hoarding stops. Supply will be plentiful, and it'll accumulate on the shelves because all the hoarders will already be full. Prices will drop back to normal levels, and maybe even lower while the hoarders take time to run through their stock.
  22. 45 with technical articles, 65 with normal ones.
  23. Dang I just realized the first day is when I'm taking BRC-2 until 8 pm that night. Can a bloke still participate the morning of the 5th?
  24. After seeing how many down-to-earth gear-wearers are in the past vids, I'm in!
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