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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Take it from a private pilot, don't start sweating the weather until 3 days out.
  2. It's a good time to be a clay enthusiast!
  3. The background bill would have done little, if anything, to prevent mass shootings, but the bill explicitly made establishment of a national registry a felony and would have been hardly onerous like the wing nuts purported. I was hoping it would pass to offer non-FFL folks additional legal protection & peace of mind that we aren't selling to felons or straw purchasers. I can size a buyer up pretty well but I have no doubt that a practiced criminal could hide their true self to me in a sale. I'd prefer to pass that liability off to the Feds, which is why one of my CCW instructors will only sell to CCW holders. Of course, FFL holders would have stood to profit from the bill, that's for sure. They would have had to play a role in every legal transaction, for a nominal fee of course... Bummer about national reciprocity. We need this.
  4. We're trying to clue you in - pay attention or don't, I don't care. It's not mainly your asking price, it's your jerky attitude about your asking price. "Supply and demand, bitch!" says it all. Sit on that for a moment and you just may start to understand. If you're able to gouge a fellow human who's in panicked buying mode, then by all means try it but don't expect any warmer of a reaction from regular traders than we'd give a gas station or a grocer charging $10/gal for fuel or milk in a crisis. Walmart knows this and so does Cabella's - they're perpetually sold out because their prices are still at pre-crisis levels to avoid sullying their brand and generating a backlash from consumers. I bet they'll profit far more in the long run from us after the panic buying is over. YOU sir have shown your character and sullied your brand by looking for a quick buck in a "crisis" and being a dick about your reasoning. It shows that you were fully aware (and didn't care) about the long-term consequences of your identity/brand on this board and yet somehow now you're getting sore about OUR reactions. Perhaps you miscalculated the culture of this board, you didn't care, or you saw fringy dialogue from some members and thought it would be a great place to quickly profit from your supply and their demand. You made your bed... I'd recommend shifting your time and attention to gunbroker.com before the demand shifts back to normal and the supply of no-longer-endangered ARs returns. You don't have a lot if time...
  5. Likewise, some of us have a policy not to buy from jerks at any price. Good luck with your sale, but there will be no offer from me. Next.
  6. For crying out loud Gump, read the actual accord and not someone's paranoid interpretation - it does absolutely nothing to the second amendment. Geesh. Actually it's quite the opposite - it strengthens UN respect for in-country light arms rule making.
  7. I like 'em but don't own one. If only they didn't cost 2-3x as much to get that resale value.
  8. Someday some idiot's gonna get hurt monologuing while riding...
  9. Is it just the opposing opinion of Magley that doesn't settle well with you guys? I'm new to the board, but I haven't seen anything from him that looks trollish. In my world, opposing views aren't a threat worth publicly ridiculing a guy over - they're valuable in challenging me on why I have the positions that I do.
  10. The questions are leading, and some things were glossed over (like how they also support enhanced background checks) but it overall jives with the sentiment of every beat cop I've ever personally talked with on the matter. I don't get to mix with big city chiefs with political ambitions though.
  11. At Iron Pony, Victory on May 14-15, and Yamaha on May 17-18. Also a Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet in their lot on June 22.
  12. I recommend Madison county in London Ohio if you're in an adjoining county.
  13. Interesting article, but correlation does not imply causation. Personally I think economic class and population density are at least as significant factors in who supports gun rights vs. regulation.
  14. smccrory

    22LR Rounds

    Oh and I bet the Hilliard show this weekend will have some stellar deals...
  15. True dat. Especially when riding a motorcycle.
  16. +1, especially when equipped with Pachmeyer grips. I've owned match-grade Colts that weren't as pleasant to shoot as the 92FS, and it's a stellar full-sized home protection weapon. Forget about it as a deep concealment option though... ;-)
  17. Never attribute to malice what could otherwise be explained by stupidity or incompetence.
  18. Tonight Vance's had Winchester 9mm 115g FMJ for $19.99/box, limit 3 boxes. I picked up 2 just to make sure I had stuff to shoot at the range, but damn that's pricey.
  19. Ditto on the accountant. 529 holdings count against you for needs based funding.
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