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Everything posted by Cordell

  1. So even though I'm sure I have no fabrication skills, how mad would you be if these were copied? If this sounds like I think it will........I mean I know you said making more of these would be a slim chance in hell.
  2. If you never get an accident the aluminum bodied Fords are cool, but google them getting wrecked. They peel open something horrible. You see so many rusted trucks because people don't keep them clean, I'm a firm believer that even in the rust belt vehicles can be kept nice if you try. My wife's Cobalt is a 2009, has no rust, and looks nice. I mean it's still a Cobalt but for one that has never been in a garage the worst thing is the peeling clearcoat on the wheels.
  3. So Geeto reported this post, even though it was a response to his bullshit comeback. That's a straight bitch move.
  4. Some of you should go find a grocery store that's open 3rd shift, and sit there all night with the nighttime cashier the weekend that food stamps cards get renewed. That was my wife's second job when we were struggling, but we weren't getting any assistance. I sat there many nights watching her back because security left at midnight. I have seen many bottom feeders and worthless people, also how disrespectful they are. We worked our way out of that, those people are still there. Fuck them, fuck all of them.
  5. See you said it yourself, hard work and working to improve one's situation. People who live on assistance are worthless, plenty of them go nowhere. Congratulations on your father being one of the few who uses it for what it's for, the only people I've personally seen are simply taking advantage with no motivation or pride in themselves.
  6. Well I'll just go on being that uneducated white male the media talks about like we're all horrible people. Maybe you should consider all the stupid unregulated practices that sparked the great depression. Not what our government did to help get us out of it. That shit should've stopped after WW2.
  7. This, if you go LS3 then a 411 isn't really the best bet, but the factory GM stuff is very capable until you get into some really big numbers. So I suppose if you're building a 1000hp drag car (I have no idea what you're building) I'm not sure if it would be worth all the extra expense.
  8. Increasing the minimum wage will simply add to inflation. I'm fine with higher crime rates, drug abuse, and homlessness. I'll protect mine while the herd is thinned out.
  9. Look here you liberal shitbird, if someone is financially inequal, it's their fucking problem. If they are too lazy or stupid to figure out how to better themselves then I have no sympathy for them. If you think that the lower class doesn't veiw these things as entitlements you're a bigger moron then I thought.
  10. You guys ever heard of http://www.rimtyme.com/ it's a rent to own wheel/tire place, been around a few years in whitehall. People who are broke spend way less on things, they have food stamps and WIC, and various other handouts. I could see someone paycheck to paycheck not buying in bulk, but most people are simply pushing the limits of what they can afford. Either they feel the need to live in a certain area, or have certain things, I have no fucks to give about how other people live their lives. Take their fucking handouts away and watch the unemployment rate drop, at least my tax dollars can go to something other then some worthless fuck.
  11. I find it hard to beleive black with a polished lip and stamped speedline. Speedlines are factory wheels. Every black with a polished lip I've ever seen are aftermarket knock offs.
  12. I'd be interested in that too. Other then Jeg's, there's Carlyle Racing and Performance Research that I can think of. Slowmotion used to do it, maybe they still do. So if you find something further east I'll go there too.
  13. Happy to see another CR track day, a big thanks to Anthony and Tina. Also remember to wish Anthony a Happy Birthday, it's the same day. I'm all signed up, are you?
  14. Cordell

    Buying a cow

    If you hit one with a truck there should still be a good half. Or there are fat prostitutes out there you just need to hit up a Krispy Kream.
  15. This or Berwick are decent options for the price.
  16. Chance of getting just that seal is slim to none. Probably have to buy the pigtail to get it, if you find otherwise please let me know where as I've never found it.
  17. Decent turnout, glad to see everyone. Thanks for coming out. Good night.
  18. Yeah most people replied on Facebook, but we'd certainly be happy to meet any newer CR members.
  19. You're welcome to suggest dinner, not sure if I'll do dinner or not. Bump for tomorrow.
  20. Talked to Doc and we'd like to get some people out Saturday night. Haven't set a time yet (will update soon), but hopefully some of you will come out. All are welcome. 3-18-17, at 9pm be there 320 London Road Suite 101, in Building 100 Delaware, Ohio As you enter the Howald Industrial Park, we're in the first building. Please no alcohol, and smoking outside is allowed but please keep your butts picked up.
  21. I have the same in 9mm, love that gun. GLWS
  22. Hey I resemble that remark. I do however have toys and go places in them.
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