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Everything posted by durk

  1. I got the response that I shared as well as another. I was 2 for 3. I guess I'm doing pretty good here in no mans land. Maybe my Representatives never hear from anybody. The 2nd one was interesting. I think it was from the assistant and said something to the effect of: That's rather interesting but the Republicans are in control right now and you may have more success if you get them on board.
  2. I keep telling myself my helmet is good and I don't need to buy this. I need people to stop tempting me when they post in this topic.
  3. @Tonik saw your 2 post. Based on what I saw in your second post I'm not going to bother my representative. I do have a tentative meeting date of April 8th.
  4. I rode all summer last year in a pair of Kevlar jeans I got from Iron Pony. I liked them, to me they were no different than jeans as far as comfort goes. I actually went to Deals gap and back with them.
  5. I got 1 of those letters here in the sticks. I responded no and it still switched. I haven't tried to deal with it yet because I'm more concerned about the spike in kilowatts used due to our heat pump taking a crap. Once I get the heat pump sorted out I'll tackle the supplier issue.
  6. I would agree. I often don't wear earplugs on short runs and have no problem. It's those lengthy rides that will kill your ears without some kind of earplugs. Btw @Tonik I did get a response. He said he would prefer to hear from me first and then go from there. The date he first suggested to meet I am unable to do ( I'll be on vacation in Florida). It looks as though it will have to be some time in April.
  7. I think the picture of me and the representative I know snuggled up on my crotch rocket would look even worse than that picture.
  8. Just responded to the email and mentioned you would be interested in meeting him as well. I asked him how he wished to proceed. Thanks for the additional facts. I'll keep you posted.
  9. Response from a Representative: Received your email and would like to meet with you to discuss this matter in greater detail. I realize that you are in class Mon-Fri and I am down here Mon evening through Thursday. Would it be possible to catch breakfast sometime on a Saturday morning? Probably the best I can do at this point given our schedules. I probably should add I personally know this Representative. He was my high school history teacher and basically ran his campaign from local friends and family support. Anything specific you feel I should bring up? Obviously the idea that the ear plugs are a safety concern. Other thoughts?
  10. I've been looking into doing something like this. If you buy an unlocked phone will it work on any network? Are you better off buying a used phone from the same network or a new unlocked phone?
  11. 05 cbr600rr called for 87 octane. 06 cbr1000rr calls for 91.
  12. Did you only have nasal issues with your allergies? I have both nasal and eye. I have some eye drops that usually can make them tolerable, but the nothing seems to work for nasal issues. I may ask the doc about this nasal steroid when spring rolls around.
  13. When I got pulled over last year I had earbuds in and was not ticketed for it. I kept my helmet on, however, until the very end when he handed me the ticket. I just pulled the earbud cord from my phone as soon as I pulled over. One of his 1st questions was didn't you hear me back there? I responded no, but for sure said nothing of my earbuds. He did see them, but by that time he was telling me to take it slow through Cadiz because he had radioed ahead to them. Grant it this was not a state highway patrolman. He could not have been impressed though. He thought I was running and had radioed ahead.
  14. Done. Thanks for doing this Tonik.
  15. Thanks making me google to make sure I had the right group for you references gentlemen.
  16. I said sport bike saddle, not Sportster. If I had any photo shop skills I could show you a pic of what I'm thinking, but I can't even post a pic on this forum without first posting to the gallery.
  17. You have an office job, right? There has got to be a chair out there that is designed like a sport bike saddle. If not, it seems there are plenty of crafty guys on this forum that could design one for you. Maybe even possibly make one for you.
  18. $200 for prescriptions or track day. I think I know what you will choose.
  19. I did not get out on Saturday because by time I finished mounting both tires it was snowing up here in no mans land. I did take a quick ride after work today and everything seemed fine to me, even at triple digits.
  20. Can't get pulled over for speeding if they can't see u and the camo duct tape
  21. OK I just checked back in on this and wow. A lot of different ideas out there. To be honest last set of tires I put on were pilot road 2s( no dots marked). I just slapped them on and rode. I ran them up to 172mph on route 11 I never noticed anything. I had read a time or two where people were not balancing there tires on bikes and said it was not a problem. Maybe I have been lucky so far. Time will tell as I am mounting a set of Q3s on my bike today. Watch I'll take it out and the bars will vibrate out of my hands. Hopefully I beat the snow and can give it a test run today. I'll report back. Thanks for the ideas if I have issues. Like the plywood idea @jschaf
  22. So far I have just mounted my tires and just skipped the balance part. I have not had any issues that I have noticed. I may look into the balancer.
  23. Are you balancing your wheels too?
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