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Everything posted by Killer_kaw

  1. Both bikes cleaned up and the ecu for the big girl sent off to Florida for a flash.
  2. It'll be a couple weeks before he gets to it but I had a spare seat so I sent one to him along with a backrest I need recovered.
  3. Thanks fellas. I'll be sure to pick up the items you mentioned just in case. Terry has my seat so looking forward to getting it back. No doubt I'll be thru this thing pretty good over the winter I get bored and can't stop myself. I figure it's gonna be in the garage a long time to come so I may as well know my way around it.
  4. This^^^ Did this in August and it was awesome. Day 2 we headed down thru Hot Springs and across 28 to the gap. Great ride. I slabbed down in June and that was a long ride.
  5. Good to know. Guess it will all depend on how bored I get this winter.
  6. Yep. Guilty as charged. I believe you have a seat done by Terry's custom? Any complaints? I'm in the process of ordering one now
  7. At least that's what it feels like. I've always had naked or nearly naked bikes but decided to pull the trigger on a Connie 14. I think it was a good decision. This whole wind protection thing is fucking awesome aside from a little trouble judging speed compared to a naked bike. This thing is super stable and smooth at speed and handles well enough to give 1/4" chicken strips the first time out on fresh rubber. All kinds of power doesn't hurt either. Took it over to the river Saturday and it's not my zrx but it's not bad at all in the twisties for a touring bike. 800 and 536 were plenty of fun. The linked brakes seem to be the biggest downfall for me (parking lots and such) but I have no doubt I'll get used to them eventually. Also having to do the 15k mile service including valve adjustment over the winter bites a bit. Planning two trips to Tennessee and a trip to Florida next year so it was time to find a more appropriate bike. Mostly just really excited about this thing and wanted to share.
  8. I've only been to Fontana one time and that was the June gap trip. Thought it was ok not the greatest but not bad. No cell service kinda sucked but right on 28 was a plus. Stayed at Townsend gateway a week in August and really liked it. There's cell service, a couple really good restaurants, grocery store,laundromat and even a nice coffee shop all within a mile. The rooms are very clean and there's even a fire pit out beside the pool. There's plenty of good road heading out of Townsend. Across foothills and left to the dragon (30min) or right and around to the skyway. Also I believe it's called fighting creek rd that takes you over to the bypass and thru the park. There both decent places but for my money I already booked in Townsend for both my trips next year.
  9. Speed safe fellas. Football game this morning but maybe I'll bump into some of you this afternoon. Will be getting the Connie out this afternoon and headed toward the river.
  10. Plan to take the entire week off so I may be heading down early.
  11. Thanks for the input fellas. Got em today along with new rubber for the zrx. 2 sets of tires $270 after rebate. Can't bitch about that.
  12. Might be the ticket then. Just looking for something to get thru fall and early spring. Then slap some nice rubber on before gap trip.
  13. I find them much more interesting than oil threads.
  14. Got online to pick up a set of roadsmart 3 for the Connie and ran across bt-023 set for $155 after rebate. Seems kinda hard to pass up. Anybody run them?
  15. I got away from riding for about 15 years. My wife lost her cousin to a motorcycle accident and she was very uncomfortable with the idea of me riding. So I hung up my helmet and between kids, work, and life I kept very busy. Picked up a few hobbies to pass time I'm pretty sure I have the OR to thank for getting back into it. As a lot of you know I live right next to one of your favorite meet up spots. A couple years ago the wife and I stopped for fuel on our way home and there had to be 40-50 sporty bikes at the gas station (epic ride maybe?) She could tell it was killing me and after surviving 3 heart attacks in the previous couple of years I guess she figured I should do whatever the fuck I wanted. I was ordered to get another bike and here I am. One thing I can tell you for certain is you will never replace the feeling of locking your eyes on the road and having complete focus on nothing but the asphalt, the tree line ahead and the sweet howl of an inline child of mama kaw. Doc it seems to me bikes might be in your blood so don't go off the deep end. Sometimes you just don't wanna ride.
  16. I just look forward to getting some miles on it. This 7 day work week is killing me. Those pics did the trick. Looks like I just gotta remove the extra bracket for the corbin and I'm good. Guessing the guy that buys that seat will appreciate having the bracket as well. That seat looks mighty comfy @2talltim thanks for the help
  17. Helps a little. Looks like I got the right seat coming. Looking for a pic of the bike. Not sure where those hook shaped brackets in the middle go. The front seat of the corbin latches to a post in that area so I was thinking that part is just for the corbin and I need stock part. Mine looks like this.
  18. I recently picked up a new to me 2012 Connie 14. The bike came with a Corbin modular seat that isn't gonna work for me. I'm currently waiting on a stock seat to have a custom seat made thanks to a recommendation by @2talltim what I need is a pic of the mid seat catch/latch from a bike with a stock seat pan. Pretty sure you gotta change some of that for the corbin front seat latch. I need to see what I need to go back to stock on the bike. If someone can post up a pic of the bike with the seat removed I would appreciate it. Thanks
  19. Couple of things. Need room.
  20. All stock. Zzr cams are hard to come by anymore.
  21. Only looking at $3000 on trade in.
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