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Everything posted by Killer_kaw

  1. Was also bath day for the bikes. Turned Junior loose on all three and he only took me for $5. 15yr olds are handy sometimes
  2. New tires on the meanstreak today. Also done in an effort to put some air under this bitch. Went up a couple sizes to fill the fenders. Had to let the air out of the rear and cover it in crisco to get it in there. Yet to see how it handles with those balloons on there.
  3. Thanks fellas that pretty well takes care of my routes. @Tonik that will be perfect for the second day. Will hit @Isaac's Papa Virginia/ Kentucky routes on the way home.
  4. Which one are you calling an ass?
  5. Things may have been off topic for a minute.
  6. This could be solid reasoning to put a Ducarley in the garage. Gotta make room
  7. @Isaac's Papa will have them all jealous with the sweetest sounding twin of the bunch!
  8. How about flip flops, Levi's, v-necks and shades with $900 Arai strapped to the back seat?
  9. Also gonna need sound systems. So everyone has to hear your cool playlist 2 blocks away
  10. Thinking you should pirate up for the occasion and get your fringe on as well.
  11. With respect to how Mike and @RidersDiscount treats forum members here I believe IP can get fucked as a sponsor. Just my .02 cents
  12. Put new exhaust on the mean streak. Went from cobra to V&H just to gain a little clearance. V&H sit about 2" higher. Had enough of dragging shit in the corners.
  13. I'm headed back down south in August and trying to plan some routes. Most likely taking the mean streak down this time. 2 days down, 2 days riding the area and 2 days home. Thinking of staying in Marion on the way down making way to Townsend Gateway day 2. Definitely doing Georgia loop one day but looking for a good loop for the other day. Rumor has it the way home through Kentucky is paved with some nice roads but I'm not familiar with any of them. Some of you fellas seem to know the area pretty well. Any suggestions?
  14. He's close enough to that car that I'm guessing things went way past fart.
  15. I just wanna know who's gonna post up the 6 rules of OR etiquette
  16. This guy! Obviously hasn't learned it's easier to negotiate a corner if your leaning towards it.
  17. If you can't find a nice clean used motorcycle in this price range then you most likely don't know what your looking for or haven't soaked in any of the advice in the last 16 pages. All 3 of the bikes in my garage were picked up in this price range and I gotta say I have 3 damn nice bikes in my garage. All bought with less than 10,000 miles. Fuck all the little nit pick shit. Get something solid and unweathered you can jump on and ride. Lots of changes can be made down the road. Good luck.
  18. Absolutely agree. Some of the folks on this board WILL make you a better rider because of it. @Tonik is one of them. I always try to ride about 75% of my comfort level just so that patch of gravel or slip in the road doesn't cause me to panic and do something silly
  19. "Pace won't be mach retard but will be brisk. Wear gear, and ride your own ride, we wait when route changes." ^^^^^this last sentence is what I like most about the O.R. Rides I've been on. When the last rider makes it to the intersection there are smiling faces waiting. "Ride your own ride" seems to hold true. Some of these guys are damn fast and when they need to scratch that itch I'll see them at the next stop sign. Hell I hope someday I can handle a bike that well. I think the way @theroamr posted this up is a good thing. Tells me that if you drop off it's no big deal they'll happily hold up at the next stop. That's a pretty welcoming attitude. I think the only way we figure out who we're comfortable riding with on here are open invitations like that one.
  20. Gotta get out of working some of these weekends
  21. Killer_kaw


    If you were to take your bike,car or whatever to a good shop for paint this is how it's done. Wet sanding (blocking) is why a good paint job shines so well. Prep is a lot of work. Painting is the easy part. Block, cut&buff at the end is what makes or brakes a paint job. Unless your using a perfectly filtered climate controlled booth you WILL have some dirt and or orange peel. Seems silly after you spend all that time with prep&Paint to take sandpaper to it but that's how it's done
  22. Absolutely love that little stretch of 669 between 555 and the river. First time on it caused a little pucker due to blind turns an sketchy signage though.
  23. That would be test drove right? bucket seats and a steering wheel
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