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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. Right. Not everyone walks away with zero lasting effects. Wearing a mask is the least we can do to help.
  2. Republicans are the party of private property rights, guys...and speech protection. That's why they defended all those protestors with their stockpiles of guns ammo. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/06/27/884272188/justice-department-issues-warning-about-fake-mask-exempt-cards Fucking children. Spoiled, self-centered & infantile.
  3. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2020/06/27/texas-residents-emergency-alert-covid-19-surge/
  4. Yeah, I get it. I decided to delete my post because preaching to the choir is a redundant. Plus, I am not inclined to be participatory in that tribe's voluntary martyrdom. Not that I can hold folks accountable for that, though. I am sure the view is limited from the cheap seats.
  5. Ohio hates the Epic Ride for some reason. Always tossing a wrench in the works.
  6. Anti-maskers shall henceforth be known as Covidiots in my world. I cannot take credit, but I am using that from now on.
  7. It was a long night. I miss quoted. My apologies.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-effects/scientists-just-beginning-to-understand-the-many-health-problems-caused-by-covid-19-idUSKBN23X1BZ This virus attacks more than the respiratory system..and the damage is very real. This isn't influenza.
  9. ..So many bad words that baby Jesus would cry.
  10. https://reddit.app.link/ieD3tovcE7
  11. Was it wet in KY? The silt from the trucks is very slippery in the wet and damp.
  12. Of course it will rain this weekend.
  13. Not a racism issue, though.
  14. Meh... if you've seen one crotch rocket, you've seen 'em all.
  15. I can't believe you walked right past this.
  16. This is the content I live for.
  17. When this thread hits 88mph...
  18. You reposted a picture of a future post. That takes talent, sir.
  19. Anyone that can't take the heat should stay on reddit where they belong. Not everything needs to pander to the least common denominator. I am tired of accommodating people I do not know that feel I owe them something. The door swings both ways. Suit up, throw a leg over.. or piss off.
  20. If your Ducati rear brake doesn't work, leave the wrenching to someone smarter than you.
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