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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. I believe he is in the low 30s, Rick. He can go 100+ on a tank, but I thin 150 might be pushing the limit.
  2. Nivin, we will have to meet in the middle. I see a new OhioRiders rally being forged somewhere in the VA/WV area. A quick shoot up 501 to Lynchburg and you are right here with us. Stay active here, Friend. I know I speak for everyone when I say your enthusiasm and spirit brighten this world of motorcycling for us. I appreciate you and plan to see you on several rides as we grow older. You don't let the good ones slip away because they move physical locations. You're stuck with us, Nivin. We are your moto-family and you are loved very much.
  3. Easiest miles I have ever done. The ride quality of that giant bike is unreal. I left my house at 7, took 77S to 800 in Urichsville to the river, and was parked at the Certified in St. Marys at 9:30. It just goes without so much as a wiggle or shimmy. We were in Clay by noon, having left the Certified at 10:40. I can say we were putting the moves on 16S, but I do not think we were pushing the envelope. We had the right amount of mojo for an awesome ride. I checked my phone in Clay and had nothing from you guys. We decided we wanted more, so I made an impromptu route adjustment and we made our way to Webster County via some tasty mountain passes. 2 hours later, we were snapping pics in the town square. That is when I finally got your texts, but still had zero signal. Nothing I could do for you guys, so we took 15W from Webster Springs to Flatwoods, then found 5W and brought it back to 16. We finally found fuel at Barkers, in Smithville. My dash said I had 19 miles of fuel left. My last fuel stop was the Certified, in St. Marys. That 8 gallon tank is impressive. We had some food and chatted with an older Harley guy on a beautiful white FatBoy. He complimented the BMW and was fairly knowledgeable about the model. We talked about rides, roads, routes, etc. He was polite and we tried to return in kind, but once he changed the subject to Covid-19 conspiracy theories, we fired up the engines and waved goodbye. Not today, friend. Today is a mental health day and I am burning daylight. 16N to St. Marys like a flash. Jamie took point and I got to hear the delicious snarl that MT-10 delivers. I believe that is one of the sexiest noises a motorcycle can deliver. Too bad it comes at a price of 15mpg. It was already almost 6PM by then, so we just opted for 77N. I set my cruise and listened to Joe Satriani and Steve Vai shred some strings. It was an easy day for me. The BMW kept me cozy and handled the two "oops" moments where I was going faster than I thought I was. In that regard, it is a tricky machine. The environment is so much less harsh on the GS that you don't realize how quick you are moving until you come to a corner too hot and just about shit yourself. Even then, it just handles it. It is hard to explain how good that bike is, so I won't even bother. I will just say what I told Jamie when he asked me if I see it in my garage in 5 years... Yes. Unless I crash it, in which case I will drive to the BMW dealership the next day and buy a brand new one without hesitation. Maybe not the Adventure model, but certainly another 1200 GS.
  4. Welcome. Don't hesitate to post a ride. Lots of quick riders here with good road etiquette. I am not one of them, but they do exist.
  5. 575 miles. Left the house at 7AM. Home at 8PM. What a day!
  6. Could I interest you in a freshly-serviced Hyperstrada?
  7. Do Democrats hate wandering hands? Or just when it comes to Republicans?
  8. Start riding that bike up hills. Your ass will have plenty of muscle tone.
  9. Shit.. I am still waiting for my $1200. The government isn't bailing out anyone but special interests. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."
  10. I work with chains moving 200+ ft/min. My motorcycle has neither chain, nor respiratory system. Clearly, I am safer on the bike than I am at work.
  11. I plan to ride as often as I can. Nobody can predict the future. If anything, the roads are safer now. Traffic is gone. This month I have driven to Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois and down 77 to Charlotte last Friday, home on Saturday..back to Charlotte on Wednesday and I should be home by Wednesday. The freeway through the mountains has been enjoyable for a change. I am working my ass off keeping distribution centers open, but am restricted to car travel within 700 miles, or 10 hours. Once the country begins to open up, I will be fucked. You bet your ass I am taking advantage of this opportunity. Call it selfish, irresponsible... call it whatever you like. My mental health isn't going to suffer because of this. I need to ride my bike.
  12. The masks are essentially useless. I see most people wearing them when isolated and then removing them to speak to someone when less than a foot away.
  13. History repeats itself, time and time again.
  14. Yeah? Just wait until May 1. You're head will explode.
  15. "Happy Birthday". Apparently most of the populace can't count to twenty.
  16. Thank you, Nivin. I am glad your family is feeling better.
  17. Pauly


    You should see my underwear drawer.
  18. Pauly


    I am on site taking care of that.
  19. Pauly

    i want peni

    I remember being challenged in all aspects of life.
  20. How do you circumcise a hillbilly? Kick his sister in the jaw.
  21. If it is right, it must be Wong.
  22. Inbreeding will do that. How many years of isolation does it take before all the chromosomes are glowing?
  23. You heard it here, folks. I am faster than @Tpoppa.
  24. The Fucking Quarantina DeWine Mixer N(e)O Meat and Greet Extravaganza.
  25. You are lucky I lost my super-mod powers. I would ban you long time.
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