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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Nitrousbird

    Last day

    LOL, my 1 year is today too. We just got back from a week in Mexico last night to celebrate (did it early do to a really good deal). Have done other stuff today to celebrate.
  2. I am guessing they mean $6,500. There are exotic cars that were made in far fewer numbers that go for nowhere near that kind of money (think Vector W8's and M12's for instance).
  3. Red X's really grab the attention of everyone. Looking at the link, I assume it was an S5. Awesome car, and I told my wife she should upgrade to that in a couple of years. That said, this ZL1 clone will garner WAY more attention than than an S5 ever will. Classic cars tend to do that......
  4. I'm not usually one to ask for donations to support a cause. But I am doing this cause to help out one of my co-workers. My lead tech on my team has a wife who has ALS. He is a really great guy - willing to help anyone out (even helped with my hell move to my new house). He is very loyal to his wife, and takes care of her further than most people would be willing to do. The ALS foundation has helped him and his wife out with their struggles with her disease, and I wanted to help give back. I've talked to him a lot about his situation, and usually have to hold back tears hearing the progression of his wife's disease and how it is impacting him. My wife and I are doing a walk for the ALS foundation. The ALS Association is the only non-profit organization fighting Lou Gehrig’s Disease on every front. By leading the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS through a nationwide network of chapters, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships, The Association builds hope and enhances quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and a cure. I am asking you to help by supporting my fund-raising efforts with a donation. Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference in the lives of many! It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make your donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also send your tax-deductible contribution to the address listed below. Any amount, great or small, helps in the fight. I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress. Click here to visit my personal page to make a donation If you have no interest donating, that's totally cool. I am just using what contacts I have to help out a little.
  5. I'd rather have a real ZL1, or even a true ZL1 clone, but this is pretty sweet too. That car will get more attention, and hold more value, than any Audi for similar money. And I like Audis.
  6. Wait, you can afford a 47k+ car, but can't afford to rent an apartment with a 1 car garage?
  7. +1. Fake tits usually look like shit IMO, and this is a prime example. They display well in a bra/bikini, but pull them out for the world, and all you get is scars, nipples pointing the wrong way, mis-shapen, overly fake looking, etc.
  8. It's a Tesla, saw it two nights ago on my way home from work, he was turning onto Hard Rd. from 315N. It's crazy how they did nothing to make it different from the Lotus looks wise.
  9. If you can only choose 1-3, then the IS really is the only choice. IS-F would be the best, but since you need AWD, the IS250 AWD is a good choice. Make sure to get it with Nav, as it makes a big difference in that car.
  10. I told you that your chronic masturbation would eventually catch up to you. Hell, just go to Urgent Care, and get it cared for today.
  11. Hyde Park at the Cap. Much better than the one off of Henderson (though that one is good too). That's where I have my wife take me for my birthday every year...I LOVE IT!
  12. But standard HOA practice is to take whomever will give the biggest kickback to the board members..... (I hate HOA's). Bill, if you are lucky enough to have one that will take a fair bid, that's very fortunate! I'd say Erik too, since he is a CR member.
  13. Pretty pimp. I SSSOOOO want an 07+ Escalade EXT. My wallet doesn't want one at all.
  14. A few may have sold for that initially, but are worth no where near that now (too many were made to make them ever get that valuable). There are 4 for sale on the Dupont Registry right now, in the 500-700k ranges, which is actually up from what they were selling for a few years ago.
  15. I have kind of gotten out of it, and am slowly getting back in. After breaking my car at Norwalk a couple years ago I pulled the motor (and oddly enough, it wasn't too serious, and could have gotten her back on the road in short order). I went and had a nitrous 383 setup for her, then a deal for a much meaner setup came along. Sold the first setup, and semi-slowly paid for the new setup. Now I have all the parts (minus a gasket or two, and valve covers), and haven't had time to put her together. My love for boating has filled the void. I've boated my whole life. The motor blew on it right after I became unemployeed 7 years ago. I had it down for a couple years due to not having the funds to fix it (took a while to catch up $$ wise after getting employeed again). I finally get the funds, get it running, and then put the Formula down. Now my boat has filled that void. Honestly, I think I have more fun on my boat, and desire more to sell it and upgrade to something bigger than to mod the car more. This year's lame summer weather + now having the car back where I live (was stored at my rental property), has gotten me back into my desire to get her running. I will probably put a serious start to her in the next 1-2 months. I want to have her tuned, running, and full-on ready to go by the first thaw of spring. I think I can finally do that.
  16. You call that a rotted CRX? My buddy sold his Si (looked almost identical to that), but was rotted way worse (underbody was totaly fucked too), and had Craigslisters going crazy over the $800 price. I saw that and thought "wow, his old CRX could have used that door."
  17. There are a few dumb fucks in this thread. True Story. That car was pretty awesome.
  18. My wife and I are going to Grand Sirenis in Riviera Maya in a little over a week. All inclusive...the only kind of resort to go to. Supposed to be a 5 star / 6 Golden Apple resort, and we got an awesome deal on it. We went to the new Secrets last year in Riveria Maya for our honeymoon (it is adults only, super awesome, but a lot more expensive than this trip). We didn't bring a drink list, and should have, as we were running out of ideas and asking others what they were drinking. We love the sauce. So drink suggestion are appreciated. How-to-make the drinks is a good idea too. I could go to a site and look up drinks, but want suggestions on the stuff everyone thinks is good.
  19. Uhh, you didn't realize you have to pay taxes on the money they pay you?? You need to report the illegals too. We don't need them working here.
  20. I don't see how searching for booze, nicotine, illegal drugs, etc. can be against the constitution, since they don't HAVE to take Welfare. Welfare needs to be heavily restricted and monitored. Anyone on it for more than 6 months should be REQUIRED to have surgery to get them fixed. Welfare people have nothing better to do than make babies, and continue the cycle. We need to do what we can to prevent these people from breeding. THAT is an investment in America's future.
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