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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Aftermarket sunroofs = ghetto.
  2. Windows recognizes all 4 without an issue (well, XP on up will, never tried below that). But to get different backgrounds, I have to use a program called Ultramon. It is a very good program, as it has some other cool features, such as having a different task bar at the bottom of each monitor, which can be very useful when you have a ton of windows open. Video card wise it just requires two. I am not a gamer, so I just have a pair of XFX 7600GT XXX Edition cards, each with two DVI ports. Works like a charm. For the top monitor, just the cheapest wallmount Monoprice sold; PITA to line up correctly on the wall, but once done it sits perfectly. I love my monitor setup. Easy to use - simply move your mouse left to right, and if you are in the center monitor, move it up.
  3. No. I am using all 4 right now.
  4. 3 impresses you buy 4 does not?
  5. Four matching Samsung 22" Widescreen monitors, 1680x1050, all on the same PC. http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/8015/dsc01691s.jpg
  6. With those injuries, sounds like you may get a nice insurance settlement out of the deal, if that's any consulation. Luckily you didn't break anything! Things like this are why I stopped riding...I know that would eventually happen to me.
  7. If you are buying a small dime-a-dozen mower, get one that is a hydrostatic tranny. The manual tranny units are really a PITA (I have one...NOT the way to go). If you have to mow around a lot of stuff, then the need for the hydrostatic is 10x as important. If you can score an older-school John Deere (non-Lowes crap), that's even better. I'd take a late 80's REAL John Deere over an early 2000's cheap-o mower with the same features.
  8. Check Craigslist. You need something in the 38-42" deck size...those are a dime a dozen. You can score a decent running one for a couple hundred bucks...a bit more if you want a small zero turn.
  9. My wife and best friend both want to go to the race this year, and we were talking about perhaps entering a car next year. 4 people total, maybe $500/each....that's not hard to come up with at all!
  10. But I though Apples couldn't crash or get viruses/trojans/spyware/etc. Isn't that why you pay so much more for them?
  11. No way I could do it. That is the time frame I see my wife, and I wouldn't want that time being spent working. In my situation, it wouldn't even be a consideration, even for a sizeable pay increase.
  12. If you are looking for some in-expensive but still decent looking stuff, take a look at Garden Ridge in Hilliard (Mill-Run area). I was able to buy end tables for $40 each. Had to assemble them myself, and were a bit of a pain to get right, but look like a lot more expensive than they are.
  13. Howard, this is where Janet is from. She grew up there, and I've been there twice now. Beautiful area, but is very expensive. Everything costs more, yet you won't have the money making potential you would have here in Columbus even, at least anything IT related. Housing is crazy...a lot of people who own homes rent a basement apartment. Being a landlord is very lucrative there, unlike here. I fully disagree with the weather. I went there at the end of July 2007 for about 2 weeks, and had two days where the HIGH was in the mid 40's. That's a LOT cold for the height of the summer. Overall, it is much cooler than here. A lot more snow too, but people there actually know how to drive in it. Decent night life there too. Drinking is very accepted. It's a nice place to visit, though I don't know if I'd ever want to live there. As for in the US...dunno, I've only lived in Ohio. I love FL and wouldn't mind moving there. Janet loves the idea of North Carolina, as she keeps telling me "I have never met someone who didn't love living there."
  14. Yes, because all the ZR1 is a supercharged C6. You are an idiot.
  15. My Reynoldsburg rental house has went up $900/year in taxes over 7 years. Pretty awesome. Now the tax rate is pretty much that of Dublin, but Reynoldsburg sure as hell isn't Dublin. And let's not forget the School Income Tax they throw on there too.
  16. No Rockstar. I hate Monster and Amp. I may print these out so I can get some for guests.
  17. TTT...it's sitting in its box in my basement. I'd rather have cash sitting in my pocket.
  18. TTT, time to get this out of my garage. $200, pretty firm...this is not some cheapie board.
  19. My new unit is here and installed...I need to get this out of my office!
  20. I like. I don't think I'd like working under the hood of it though...they freaking shoe-horn that motor in there!
  21. IMO, a condo is like leasing a car. It gets you into a neighborhood you couldn't have afforded to get into otherwise, just like leasing a car gets you into a nicer car than you could have bought for the same money. At the end of the day, condos are a hard sale. We sold my wife's condo in about a months time (closed earlier this month). But it was in a desireable area where no new condos can be built, was a unique setup, and had some features most condos don't have. It is hard going out there with condos. Also, if you are bringing you two down in terms of getting a loan, then why are you applying or putting your name on it at all? If your debt/income ratio and credit work out better with just your wife, do it that way. Due to my rental property, that's what my wife and I did. Honestly, a house is really the way to go. What newbie condo owners don't understand is condo fee's aren't the only cash the association will get from you. They want to do something and don't have the funds...they will charge an assesment to everyone. My wife was averaging a $500 assesment every year on top of the already sky-high condo fees. Parking lot need re-paved...ASSESMENT. Condos need a new roof? Assesment. Units need painted...well, you get the picture. For many condo's, the cost of fee's alone could pay to have someone mow your yard on a single family home (or snow removal in the winter) + saving the remainder each month would cover any outside repairs down the road. For most people, condos are not a good purchase. My wife bought hers because at the time she traveled for a living and wasn't home enough to feel right with a house.
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