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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. BRING ON THE FLAT TAX RATE I want to start by saying I have a lot I can claim as deductions on my taxes (interest on my home, property taxes, Federal School loan interest). So I get benefits of not having a flat tax on that regard. That said, we NEED a flat tax. It is just fair. No matter if you make 100k or 10k, x% goes towards taxes. No one is punished for succeeding. Think about it, the people that pay the least (or no taxes) tend to be the ones that use those tax-paid resources the most. That's no fair at all. IMO, anyone on welfare more than 6 months should be required to be sterilized. We don't need the breeding another crop of welfare collectors. It is time to clean this country up. Of course, the Ron Paul's of the world won't get voted in. The idiots that feed into this crap will. Too many bleeding hearts out there that won't force people to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES.
  2. That ex-football player's wife, I guarantee, is a high-maintenance cunt.
  3. Same guy. Some retired foreign doctor. He must have been a crappy doctor, as he was sporting a late 80's, early 90's Accord. I thought the wrecked car looked kind of familar, but since it's such a common car, I thought nothing of it at the time.
  4. Trailblazer SS, and at least you wouldn't be pimping a station wagon. IMO far more utility with that, still quick, and far cheaper to mod.
  5. Al is an awesome guy. Couldn't ask for a more friendly person. Was the buyers agent for my house, and sold the house I lived in previously (that my old roomate owned). I will also add he will be the only person I call come time to sell my place, and buy another one. Period.
  6. They make a simple, fairly inexpensive unit that swaps out your XM "brain" for Sirius. Buy it. http://tssradio.com My roomate has XM, I have Sirius. XM really sucks in comparison, and that's ignoring the far superior talk radio and sports packages Sirius has; most of the music channels are better, NO COMMERCIALS on Sirius music channels, etc.
  7. Speed tiers; Warner and Insight have them too. Not everyone needs the fastest connection speed offered; most don't to be honest.
  8. I'm glad to hear Dani is ok. I was in a hit and run back in high school. He pulled out in front of me and I hit his car in the back corner. The guy then proceeded to take off. I was able to follow the guy and get his license plate info. I didn't have a cell phone, and somehow calmer heads prevaled and I simply went to my destination and call the cops. Guy ended up being a retired doctor. Cops called him, he gave them false insurance info (they didn't try real hard). After some more calls, the a-hole cursing out my VERY friendly step-dad, and threats of a lawyer, I got the correct insurance info from his wife, and more $$ from his insurance company than I would have expected (damage was cosmetic only, and was used to buy my Camaro months later). 2 weeks later, I was test driving a car with my mom. We pass by this bad accident. Read in the paper the guy pulled out in front of someone again, and was T-boned...died at the scene. I didn't feel bad for the guy.
  9. Yeah, I'd much rather have an Atom for about 60k (with the minium options I could have on one). Of course this thing is much more civil, but is a freaking electric car.
  10. Not even close. The gov't will be giving vouchers for people to buy set top boxes so they can still use their analog TV's. And for the last time...THIS DOES NOT IMPACT CABLE. Cable can broadcast analog until the cows come home; this only impacts the cheap bastards with rabbit ears.
  11. Shipped my old catback via Fed Ex. I was literally 1" away from their limit, and that's only because I modified the box so it fit within their constraints.
  12. Your LT1 was sucking then. I remember GRN96WS6, when he had his car, was running an aftermarket shifter (wowzers), a K&N filter, and stock otherwise, and pulled off a 13.9 on a hot day at Trails. He "might" have had a cutout at time, I can't recall. I never ran my near stock enough to know what it would run N/A. Never, EVER put aftermarket gears in a 10-bolt. Huge waste of cash. You can keep ABS with the 12-bolt, 9", 8.8", and Dana rear end swaps...no biggie. The Mustangs have better rear ends stock, but their trannies suck in comparison, so it's a wash.
  13. Funny, one of my PC's has a XP partition, and I haven't booted to it since installing Vista. My other PC's all run Vista straight...I don't miss XP at all. But hey, it's okay being ignorant and all. Maybe you can report a post about reefers as well.
  14. Ketel One is about the only Vodka I drink straight. I'll use the Smirnoff stuff for cheap mixers, and 3 Olives is pretty decent, as well as the Vodka of choice for Cherry Bombs. I went through several bottles of Ketel One last year. I don't drink a lot of Rum. In the last 6 months we killed a bottle of Ragged Rock (you can't get that here, it's a Newfoundland Rum my g/f's sister has bought for me a couple of times). I still have another bottle of that. Found a new Vodka drink; 3 shots Champagne (Spumante of some type...you can go fairly cheap on this), 2 shots of Ketel One Citrone. Good stuff.
  15. There is a thing called tounge weight. A Jag isn't going to be able to handle that...AT ALL. Besides, car haulers aren't exactly light. I think mine is ~1500lbs. Before I rewired my electric brakes (both axles), I was hauling ~4500lbs + 500lbs in passengers + the ~1500lb trailer, and it wasn't exactly pleasant to stop @ 75MPH. With electric brakes, it will stop the same as if there wasn't anything being towed. Cars aren't meant to tow cars.
  16. Duramax all the way. Less tranny problems than the Dodges, and make awesome power. I wish they would have offered my Avalanche as a diesel...I would have happily paid a price premium for it.
  17. I bought a used hard drive on E-bay, and due to the very poor packaging by the seller, it damaged the drive. We RMA'ed it, and Seagate sent me a brand new one. Sweet. But I don't need it now, as I had to buy another one as I didn't have time to wait to get this one back. This sells for $80 shipped on NewEgg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148140 I am asking $65 FIRM. This is brand new and unopened, in the VERY well packaged box from Segate. - 320GB SATA drive - 16mb Cache - 7200 RPM
  18. That is just aweful. I compress my standard DVD's to over 4GB (to fit on a single layer disc). An HD-DVD with that much compression = crap. I know for a fact that a standard DVD compressed to 1GB look like hell on a big TV. I have BB Total Access, so I wouldn't know what they charge for a movie. They just mail me stuff, I burn it, and ship it on back + 5 in store exchanges/month. I can imagine that my standard, compressed, burned DVD's probably look as good as Apple's HD stuff (I use an up-convert DVD player).
  19. Don't worry, WOW isn't doing any of this throttling or tier BS.
  20. You never raced me at the track......... LT1's respond VERY well to nitrous. LS1's are better motors; they also tend to be more expensive to mod. I decided to sink a bunch of money into the LT1, and I guess I will see where that takes me. There are plenty of LT1's in the 9's and 10's, and a few in the 8's as well. LT1's don't have the block options the LSx guys do, so are far more cubic inch restricted. LSx guys get the better heads and igniton too. If I were to do it all over now, I'd go LSx. But when I started, that wasn't even a viable option, and decided to stick with what I have.
  21. I may want to watch a movie again 2 years from now. Or maybe 4. Or maybe watch the same movie several times. But talking about this Apple Product; I looked at the link, and REAL questions about it aren't answered: - How big are the files? They HAVE to be compressing it, and compressing it a lot. Even if you had a consistant 8Mbps download rate, it would still take almost 6 hours to download a 20 gig movie. I'm betting these movies are 10 gig tops, and at that point are being compressed to the point where it isn't going to look as good as HD-DVD/Blue Ray. - What about special features? I like looking at how the film was made, deleted scenes, etc. - $4.99/movie is expensive; I can rent the discs for far less, even if I wasn't copying them.
  22. Nitrousbird


    Ehhh, not groundbreaking. Groundbreaking would be no child support for any woman not willing to get an abortion when requested by her partner. Or no child support when she lies to get pregnant (claming birth control when not present, or some other form of getting knocked up on purpose). Yes, I like to stir the pot.
  23. SPRINT IS GARBAGE We use them at work, and I've dealt with their BS for years. Crappy/unreliable data services, low signal/breakup/dropped calls in the MIDDLE OF FUCKING COLUMBUS! It's not the phone...all my coworkers deal with this, and it's done it with all the phones I've had: i300, i500, Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 700, PPC 6700, and my current Treo Centro. I will say my service has been "slightly" better with my Centro, but compared to my personal Verizon, slightly still = shitty. I wouldn't recommend Sprint to anyone. Total garbage. I've been a Verizon customer for years, and make no plans to leave them.
  24. My family is still a bit of a travel for me, most of them being 1-1.5 hours away. I'm close enough with my family, but not in the talk every week kind of way. Living far from them wouldn't be a huge shock. My job means crap to me, just having one that pays equal is enough for me to move on...it doesn't hold me here AT ALL. Starting new is a bit scary. I would hate to leave my friends, and move somewhere all on my own. I think that is a big reason for me staying here the past 4-5 years...I don't want to do it alone. I'm very independant, and don't want/need someone around all the time, but going it totally alone isn't something I desire either. That said, there is a strong chance me and my g/f will get married. Her family is all in Newfoundland, and she doesn't have a big group of friends here. She is fairly stuck to her job for a couple more years, but I am sure she will eventually want to move somewhere warmer/nicer. Basically, in 5 years, I can easily see myself gone from Ohio. Hell, Reynoldsburg is the furthest south I've ever lived! I like Ohio and Columbus, but the weather just doesn't match my lifestyle. I can't get motivated to do anything in the winter; I feel lazy and blah a lot of the time. But who knows what the future holds........
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