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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. The color is alright, I like it well enough I suppose. If I find anyone selling a 94-95 Cobra spoiler, 94-98 Cobra front bumper cover, or 96-98 Cobra hood painted the same color for cheap, I'd probably be all over it. smile.gif
  2. Hell no. This car is supposed to be the exact DIRECT competition for my car; I can't imagine buying this over the Formula when new. Stock for stock, my Formula was significantly faster, handled better, more comfortable, and IMO looks better. Had my roomate had a F-body as well for sale w/ same miles/condition/price, I would have taken that over this in a heart beat. I just wouldn't dare buy either with this kind of mileage from another owner, as these kind of cars tend to be ran a lot harder than most others. 94-95 GT/Cobra's = 5.0. 4.6's didn't go in until 96. If the frame could take it, there would be one on it. tongue.gif Realisticly, the Jimmy should be fixed by the end of spring.....just most likely with another stock 4.3L, as not finding another roomate has hurt my mod money fund.
  3. Ack....I'm becoming a Mustang owner. http://www.cofba.org/users/timbrss/Mustang/mustangGT%20006.jpg http://www.cofba.org/users/timbrss/Mustang/mustangGT%20002.jpg http://www.cofba.org/users/timbrss/Mustang/mustangGT%20008.jpg http://www.cofba.org/users/timbrss/Mustang/mustangGT%20013.jpg http://www.cofba.org/users/timbrss/Mustang/mustangGT%20010.jpg After my Jimmy decided to grenade its motor last December, I've been borrowing my roomate's Mustang, as he never drives it. Well, as of tomorrow, it will officially be mine. My tax return arrived in my account today, so that's what it is buying. So what's done to it? - 97 Cobra Rims - 1.5" drop - Homemade CAI that needs to go ASAP - Flowmaster catless H-pipe and exhaust - March Underdrive crank pulley w/ AIR pump belt bypass - B&M Ripper Shifter - Every option except it's a hardtop, 5-speed, and no Cobra package. This thing has just been a daily driver for a few years. My roomate bought it back w/ 90k on the clock, it now has 197k! It's been damn reliable for him though....this f'er is a TANK. Exactly what I need, a reliable daily driver (yes, I could have gotten a reliable Civic or whatever, but that's not my style at all). Had it been any other 197k Mustang, I woulda passed. But I've been around this car for years, and know its full history, so I know EXACTLY what I'm getting into, and that makes all the difference in the world.
  4. Not at all; rather if you would have looked at his other posts, you would realize this guy is someone who has already been banned under a different screen name, and is just here to start flame wars. As for abortion, the world IS over-populated. The difference between abortion and killing all the Jews is abortion spreads out to all races, religions, etc. vs. just killing off one set ethinic/religious group. IMO we shouldn't have abortion, but rather incentives to breed a lot less. Of course that will never happen. As for the gays; do what you want, just don't freaking flaunt your lifestyle everywhere (trust me, we DON'T CARE), and don't push your lifestyle on me. Same goes for you religious types; believe whatever the fawk you want, just don't try to get me to buy into it.
  5. Uh, this is your own fault. It is VERY common practice for sellers to inflate their shipping cost. This is why you factor that in when you make your bid. I paid $30 shipping for a small set of mirrors thru regular UPS. But I won the auction knowing the overall cost, and what it would compare to the overall cost of getting them elsewhere. It's your fault. Pay the whole amount and rack it up as a lesson learned on your part. The lady did NOTHING wrong. If you wanted to arrange some sort of pick up, YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT BEFORE BIDDING ON THE AUCTION!
  6. The T-case isn't the problem, it's the different front suspension on the 4WD/AWD trucks. Assuming it really has AWD at all...........
  7. The problem is the lack of info for 4WD and Second Gen truck issues. Everything is based around 2WD 1st Gens....there's every bit of information possible out for those. I want to do an LT1 swap into my Jimmy (since the motor is toast), but it has to be on a big time budget. Since it has to be fuel injected, and I want everything to work like stock, that's where the $$ adds up. It doesn't help that my year of truck has a far less common motor/PCM setup (OBD-II w/ the CPI motor). Looks like this truck was the same way, or had parts off a late 95 or newer S-truck.
  8. I'm happy to say I've never watched that show.....ever. If it isn't Jackass, Viva La Bam, or Wildboys, I have no interest.
  9. This belongs in the PARKING LOT, not the PASSING LANE. Moving.......
  10. Nitrousbird


    This belongs in the PARKING LOT, not the PASSING LANE. Moving.......
  11. Hmmm, those sure look like F-body accessories on that motor. Which is very odd, since all the info I've gathered says that you have to run Vette accessories w/ an LT1/LS1 in a 2nd Gen S-truck w/ 4WD. I'd love to pick the builder's brain on this truck. Of course this guy didn't build it, so that's no good. If I could do this w/ my 95 Jimmy using F-body accessories, it might just be doable $$ wise.
  12. WOW has always had MTV and MTV 2 as part of the plain, jane basic cable package (MTV on CH 29, MTV 2 on CH 69). We also have MTV Hits on CH 361 if you have the digital package. Channel Lineup guide
  13. Billiumss from COFBA has the software that should be able to reprogram it for you, for a small fee of course.
  14. Only the ladies, bub. Sadly, all of my customers tend to be old, lonely ladies. God forbid I get a hottie every now and then. As for the 50% gay thing; out of every Mac I ever come across, I'd estimate 50% of those users are gay. Now I realize part of this is because Macs are art/design oriented, and gay people tend to be attracted toward that field at a higher percentage than straight folks. But that's just my own observation, and I've had other people tell me the same thing. smile.gif
  15. #1: I believe IE based spyware can still impact your MAC if you are running IE (not positive on this one, as I don't use a Mac). #2: The REASON you don't have the problem is people don't make virius, worms, trojans, spyware, malware, etc. for Macs. Why would they....there just aren't enough people that use them to make it worthwhile. #3: We won't talk about the software/price difference between the two #4: In my informal survey of customers with Macs, approx 50% of all Mac users are homosexual. True story. #5: This video says it all BTW, my PC is never turned off, and I don't have any Spyware or Virus issues.
  16. I'll admit I can't dance (though I've been drunk and had drunk girls tell me I danced well, I'm not going to buy that at all). I'll just stick w/ the butt grind w/ the ladies. The video is funny, but sorry to say I don't have that guy's moves.
  17. Link This link bypasses that Windows validation crap. Edit: Now that I've used it, here is my review: My PC for the most part is Spyware free. I'm fairly careful about where I surf, what I click on, etc. Before running this program, I ran fully updated copies of Ad Aware SE V1.05 and Spybot V1.3. Ad Aware found 26 tracking cookies, and Spybot found 10 small Spyware things (I hadn't ran it in a while). I had been seeing no spyware impacts on my PC. After this, I run the Microsoft AntiSpyware software. First I changed about 1/2 of the default configuration. I can stand things running active in the background (like the realtime scanning, as that eats system resources). Changed some update stuff to my liking and stopped it from loading on startup. I'll give it a D for defaults. Scanning: It scans fairly quickly, far quicker than Ad Aware, and on par w/ Spybot. Gives real time results of what it found (like Spybot, unlike Ad Aware). Give it an A Results descriptions: Doesn't give detailed, file specific results like Ad Aware, but more of a general "this kind of file does this" info. Not a real biggie, but that's something nice about Ad Aware. Also, their ratings for things (moderate, severe, etc.) seem a bit overboard, as what they are rating as "severe" has never impacted my PC. I give it a B Spyware Removal: Makes you think a lot more about what it is removing, giving you choices about ignoring, quarentining, removing, etc. Definately an A for useablity for an experienced PC user, but a C for someone who may be a novice w/ computers. Ability to find stuff: Well, it found 10 objects, and I wasn't expecting it to find any, so that's pretty cool. It didn't really benefit my PC any, as I've had no problems with any Spyware. Will I use this on customer's PC's? I think I'll try it on a heavily infested PC and see how it stacks up vs. Ad Aware, especially on deletion time. I loaded the program to my USB drive, so next infested PC I come across I'll try it out. [ 20. February 2005, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]
  18. That's nothing. My dad's 91 or 93 (I can never remember) GMC Safari he ordered new w/ the TBI 4.3L has 306k on it, and my brother still drives (and is now beating on it) daily. Original motor/auto tranny. My dad's 84 S-10 Tahoe he ordered new ran to 300k miles before developing a rod knock. Carbed 2.8L. I think it would have ran longer had his radiator not rusted out, overheated, damaged a head, and he put a used head on it; I think other damage may have occured. Truck still has original untouched 4-speed manual and original clutch. But gotta give Ford a little credit too. My roomate's Mustang I'm buying next week has 197k on the clock, and has basically had nothing done to it (he bought it w/ 90k). In that 107k timeframe....water pump, air pump died (which took out the alternator; replaced and bypassed pump), U-joint, tie rod end. Other than general maintance (brakes, battery, fluid change, etc.) that's it. Not bad, not bad at all. Still runs strong too (well, as strong as a near stock SN95 4.9L can run........).
  19. That truck was featured in GMHTP several months ago. I don't think that is its quickest time, but it is the quickest AWD Sy/Ty out there (most of the big dogs convert to RWD).
  20. Seriously, no one cares about that motor, especially in the company of LS1/LS6/LS2/LS7/Iron Block GEN-III motor discussions. There are enough wheezing 4-bangers around.
  21. I believe you can even get it at Meijer. Not hard to find at all.
  22. Holy slow server. WTF are they hosting that on, dialup??!! Not worth the time to d/l it.
  23. Funny how everyone says "use Mozilla." I have it on the PC, and I rarely use it. There are a couple little things about it that annoy me, enough to keep me from using it. But I've never had a problem with IE.........
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