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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Check this out (Page 5): http://msdignition.com/pdf/2005-MSD-npp.pdf I should have read the first link closer; it's just a cap/rotor. They better be selling this pretty cheaply, otherwise screw that.
  2. I assume the officer was present. Otherwise: not guilty, didn't happen....cop isn't here to testify otherwise.
  3. Direct withdrawls from parent's income (a tax), required for any parent with a school-age kid. Easy enough, problem solved, parents forced to pay for their children's education. Now if that amount is based on a flat rate, a % of their income, etc. I can't be so sure about. I'll tell you one thing, if the parents were more directly paying for their childrens' education, I would bet in general they would be more attentive to how their children do in school. BTW, how is this selfish?? If I have children later in life, I would also have to pay.
  4. Sadly, it's not photoshopped. Here are the high resolution pictures! Those are all of the pics, not just the select ones. They look even worse close up.
  5. That's just fucked up. Not funny fucked up, but just sad that you would find humor in that. Do you beat up little kids for their lunch money too?
  6. I am going to bet this isn't the first time the guy has done something like this to her (maybe not to this degree of severity). I will also bet the signs for something like this happening were there LONG before he knocked her up w/ the first kid.
  7. I disagree. BW3's on Bethel has it on tap; pretty good stuff. But I generally like beer from PA; my fridge is normally stock with Rolling Rock (both regular and Green Light).
  8. I think I like the idea of only people with kids IN SCHOOL should pay school tax. Makes sense to me: if you decide to pop out kids, you should be the one paying to educate them. Why should I have to pay because someone couldn't keep their legs closed/keep it in their pants?
  9. I've heard GM was planning on putting one of the smaller V8's in the Colorado (whatever will be the new equivalent of the 4.8L V8). But an LS2....oh boy. With that weight of truck, I'd say it wouldn't have any problem w/ the SRT-10. Hell, give it AWD and call it the next Syclone.
  10. That's cool, but IMO it doesn't add anything to the market, unless it will be priced nicely. Dynaspark already makes a beefed up Opti. The problem is the damn thing is way too freaking expensive ($600). There are two main problems with the Optispark: the cap/rotor which can have problems with high RPM use (missing at high RPM, quickly wearing w/ aftermarket ignitions, rotor coming apart with sustained high RPM use). The cap/rotor are also not supposed to be servicable, though you can buy them at parts stores....the only problem is if you took the time to replace them, it only makes sense to replace the whole unit. The other is water damaging the disc the optical unit reads off of. Proper sealing/venting help a lot w/ the moisture issue (which is why the 95-97 vented Optis have less problems, and why I converted to that). The most popular solution right now is to remove the rotor out of the cap, and run either the LTCC or Delteq coil pack setups. People running either single plane intakes or those who decide to machine their stock intakes will run the MSD crab style distributor. Delteq, for about a year, has been working on their "Stage 2" opti eliminator setup, which is supposed to fully get rid of the Optispark unit, by having its own device to read the position of the cam. This will be the only option to fully rid yourself of the Optispark (other than Dynaspark, and looks like this MSD unit, which are still basically Optispark units). The only other way to do it is to run an aftermarket PCM (FAST, DFI, MoTec, etc.). If MSD can price this new distributor at the ~$200 range, they will have a product that really hits the mark. Otherwise.....just something else we don't really "need."
  11. I thought Thirteenth Step sucked; I d/l that when it came out, listened to it once, and the CD I burned disappeared. Me = not missing it. It sucks, as APC's first album was awesome; saw them in concert after it was released and it was awesome.
  12. But if you read the article posted, a mile of power lines will require a $6,000 upgrade to install repeaters (plus future maintance costs). Yes, that's fine and dandy for populated areas.....but as mentioned in the article as well, populated areas also have both cable and DSL to compete with, so there is a large competitve base. Where electric can shine broadband wise is in rural areas. But there lies the same problem that has plagued DSL.....cost. In an area where houses are a mile apart, is a $6,000 investment worth it to provide just one home with service? Telephone companies don't think so (as they don't seem to be building CO's to accomadate this, though perhaps those are a more expensive venture). I wonder what the true speed/reliability will be of the electric broadband will be. For those of us living in areas provided by other broadband means, this isn't really anything special to us at all. SBC is talking about going to straight fiber to homes.....THAT will be something we can all get excited about. The speed will embarass everything else out there. Now here is another thing to think about. Let's say the electric compaines CAN make this work, work reliabily, and with good, constant speed. Why not run VOIP and digital television service over the lines as well. Wouldn't it be nice for every electric outlet to triple as a phone outlet and a television outlet? Definately something to think about.
  13. Are these student tickets? If so, I have heard both on the radio and read that OSU will (and maybe has been) cracking down on checking student ID's this year, to make sure the actual students are going to the games, and not just making a profit off the tickets. I'd imagine if they are going to enforce this rule this year, the Michigan game will be the one (the game that will have by far the most scalping).
  14. There is a difference between having more available to children vs. just raking in more and more cash to blow it on things that aren't really necessary.
  15. It's the prophecy of the Demolition Man. The next step is to change the constitution............ And if Arnold could run, you can be damn well sure I'd make it out to vote for him. "Don't be an economic girly man."
  16. MSNBC is reporting a 136,221 lead in Bush's favor in Ohio. They also reported 135,000 provisional ballots were issued. #1: They will still continue to count the votes. It is just impossible to know right NOW. #2: I bet that person you talked to was a Democrat.
  17. I'll start by stating I'm a non-smoker. Never have, never will. My parents, most of my family, and at least 1/2 of my friends are non-smokers. I am right on the fence w/ that issue. On one hand, not dealing w/ smoke is nice. But on the other, shouldn't it be up to the businesses to decide whether there is smoking or no in their establishment. No one is forcing you to go there, right? There are restaurants that have been fully non-smoking. IMO it's going to just be a PITA for all of us. It will seperate groups hanging out at bars/restaurants/etc. when the smokers have to go outside to get their fix.
  18. Nitrousbird

    Only in America

    I just posted the link proving it to be an untrue URBAN LEGEND. IT isn't a matter of true or not....it's just not true.
  19. Nitrousbird

    Only in America

    Snopes shows this to be another fake story An old fake one too.
  20. The bottom line; what will all of these damn levy's passing cost US. I know Reynoldsburg's passed by a large margin. I guess the $300 hike in property taxes that happened a year ago just wasn't enough.
  21. One of the members on COFBA posted that yesterday. Pretty funny, he had me over there until the end.
  22. Leave it stock and just drive it. Seriously, what's a 95 Neon worth now, $1000-1500?? It's not really a good performance platform, and was truely meant to be an inexpensive A to B car. You would be better off modding the Corolla, or saving the money for something with more potential.
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