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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Summed up quickly: - Jon said the guys on Crossfire are nothing more than puppets of each respective canidate. - Jon made a fairly weak point towards why he didn't ask Kerry tougher questions, by pointing out his show is a comedy show (IMO, it has a lot to do with Jon being a Kerry supporter). - Jon doesn't let the Crossfire guys control the interview at all. He tells them they are not doing what is beneficial to the public, and they have a huge, important, worthwhile opportunity to really do the right thing, and they are throwing it away.
  2. People are selling those 1st Gen Neon's non-wrecked for next to nothing anyway. Their resale is terriable, so the incentive to fix one just isn't there.
  3. That wing is uber gay. And moving to the PICTURES forum.....
  4. That wing is uber gay. And moving to the PICTURES forum.....
  5. The hell if I would let someone just kick me in the nuts. I'd be hitting back!
  6. I freaking do. And it is FFFAAARRR more convient to go to a parts store with more open hours that is 3 minutes away vs. 15 minutes hoping they have the part in stock, and making sure to get there before they close. I go to Autozone most often simply because it is the closest. I never go to a parts store hoping for automotive advice....that's just not a good idea.
  7. Get caught and go to jail for commiting a felony...........
  8. It's not always the programming, but can be at times. Here is a trick that works with Scientific Atlanta digi boxes (all WOW digi boxes, TW DVR's and probably their digi boxes too). Hit the setting button twice (this gets you into the big settings menu). Set Audio Range to Narrow Set Auto Control to Fixed This will help with some of that issue. Beyond that, it's just simply the programming.
  9. I grew up in Marion. Where he was shot (423) is literally only a mile or two down the road from where I lived from grades 6-12 (I lived right off of 423). It's weird it happened there simply because that's all country road and not really any crime around that area. Sure sucks though.
  10. Since Trevor drove and he asked if I wanted to go see a movie, wouldn't that be him taking ME to the movies?? Besides, - My girlfriend of 2 years doesn't like going to action movies - My girlfriend REALLY doesn't like me taking other women to the movies - Trevor gives nice back rubs So what's the problem??
  11. I've seen all the SB email. SB > *
  12. Greg > Eric. Greg knows his lending stuff. Ask anyone here who has had him do a re-fi for them. Greg saved my financial ass with a re-fi rolling in to big CC payments without increasing my home-loan payment (CC's were from being unemployed and closing on a house only a couple weeks from getting laid off).
  13. Good call. Rice calling out rice. That Mustang could be saved without too much money invested. That said, it still looks like ass.
  14. Yes, do the legal thing. Then keep your damn animals in the house. I'm going to bet there is more to the story than you know. Probably along the lines of those cats are hanging out at his house all hours of the night, meowing, crying, fighting, etc. Has happened at my parents on several occassions. I just wish there were leash laws for cats. I sure as hell can't just let my dog run free, and he's damn well less destructive and friendlier than most cats I have met. So report it to the police, humane society, and keep your cats where they belong.
  15. I know Trevor pays more than that for his double unit. Storage units are EXPENSIVE.
  16. With WOW, there are component video contections on the HD and HD DVR (high definition digital video recorder) boxes. THey both have DVI connectors too, but currently Scientific Atlanta doesn't have software for them to work (they say they will in the future). We also don't have the firmware for the USB and Firewire ports. The HD boxes also have the ability to change their output display format: 1080i, 720p, 480i and p (in 16:9 and 4:3 for 480). The standard HD box requires you to use the component video output or the info/guide stuff doesn't work. The HD DVR allows other outputs to do all of the functions without using the component output. Also, both the standard digital and DVR boxes have digital coaxial sound outputs; the HD and HD DVR boxes have that plus optical digital (Toslink) as well. I know Time Warners uses identical DVR's to what we do, but I'm not sure if they offer an HD DVR or not. Their standard digital boxes are similar, basically Scientific Atlanta boxes with Pioneer badging on them and different firmware.
  17. Though he doesn't have a lot of fans here, Jaron has always been cool/nice to me, and hooked me up with a couple of deals, so I'm not going to bash the guy. Sorry to hear about the Cobra. At least you still have your Boxter to run around in.
  18. Well damn it. Starts raining around 3PM. I didn't get to finish everything I wanted to on the car, and stopped trying because it started raining. Of course it stops come track time. Oh well, I'll go next week.
  19. That is lame. Further, can you imagine the lines for that ride. Top Thrill tends to have insane lines, and Cedar Point has pretty much the best collection of rides in the world. Now take a theme park that doesn't have the same caliber of rides to offer that Cedar Point does, and toss in a ride like that. I'd say within 3 years Cedar Point will release something to embarass that ride. They always do. smile.gif
  20. Yeah, gates open at 5.....weather doesn't look so promising though...... Does trails have a link to say if they will still be running tonight or not?
  21. Though those are some awesome screen shots, they really don't tell me crap about how the acutal game-play will look. Those shots are almost all just re-play shots, which always look better than the actual in-game racing shots. I could only find one shot that was for sure in-game, and the second one "MIGHT" be an in-game shot: http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/screen0/561066_20040924_screen254.jpg http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/screen0/561066_20040924_screen296.jpg We really need more in-game shots to see what it will really look like. Regardless, I want this game, though no multiplayer capability sucks.
  22. Jesus, you people read into things much?? I haven't ran up the escalator backwards since I was young (and got yelled at by my mom back then). I figured why not, relive childhood memories. I'm not hurting anyone, damaging anything, etc. The place was freaking empty, so no one was going down. Geesh. Had a non-MHC person yelled at me, I wouldn't have thought twice about it. My whole reason for posting is I've never had a MH person scold me. Male, female, black, white, purple, green, children, etc. yes.....but never a mentally handicapped person. I never said she didn't have a right to work there. Think of it like a foreign person that can't speak a lick of english yelling at you...it's just funny, because you can't understand a word they are saying, but know why they are yelling at you.
  23. Exactly, I've seen a couple like that, and they look really stupid. That, and you don't want people confusing your car with a V8, do you??
  24. I decided to take my track. I'm sure I'll go out the first round (non-points grudge racing) as me and my car aren't what I would like to call consistant, and I'm just not into bracket racing all that much. I won't be spraying (I don't trust my clutch to doing that quite yet), but I'll make some N/A runs praying my clutch doesn't end up in a billion pieces. Just look for the green Formula with Centerlines out back w/ ET Streets mounted on them.
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