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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Nitrousbird

    New Car: Poll

    Guess what....there's more to a cars performance than just straight line. Basically, stock for stock the Z06 will out accelerate the 03/04 Cobra. But lets not forget out handle and out brake, plus it being a nicer car inside and out. Seriously, a used Z06 outclasses every car listed....by a good margin.
  2. Pure Platinum kinda sucks. - The lighting is terriable - The girls are annoying and pushy - The girls tend to look like the rejects who couldn't get a job at Columbus Gold (which is next door), so they came there instead - The stage side dances are pathetic. At most good clubs around here, a $1 stage side dance will get a girl up in your face doing god knows what (boobies in face, ass in face, etc.). At Pure Platinum, MOST of the girls seem to give you a 5 second ass shake 5' away then want your money. Their lap dances left something to be desired too. BYOB is nice, but the rest just isn't. Columbus Gold will show boobs out front (I was there for a bachelor party a couple of weeks ago). Pasties are the rule, though with many girls it is so worn off you don't even notice.
  3. I talked to her more about it.....basically, I'm just going to find her a cheap used 256mb simm so the PC runs better for her other applications, and she will just have to give up on the idea of running that game. She is a poor college student that can't afford to be dumping money into another PC. She can just play it on my PC.
  4. My three favorites around here are: - Columbus Gold (NW corner of Bethel and Sawmill) - Kahoots (SE corner plaza of Kenny and Henderson) - Dockside Dolls (N side 161 between I71 and Cleveland Ave, closer to Cleveland) I'd say I like Kahoots the best, with Dockside and Gold being tied for second. All have some hot broads and decent seating setups. Of course drinks are a total rip off, but that's just how it is.
  5. Moving to picture forum.....
  6. For her, getting rid of her laptop is not an option she will consider. Her option may be to just play it on my setup. I'll be adding more ram regardless, as her PC definately needs it.
  7. What's a Somali?? I'm really at a loss for what race this is....I'm guessing Asian. Maybe it's just getting late and I'm not thinking straight, but it isn't freaking coming to me at all. BTW, I also enjoy dealing with non-english speaking customers. What a joy that is. Luckily, I don't come across them too often, but when I do, it's usually bad (ever try to troubleshoot a PC that's set in all Japanese characters.....including what you type?). Easy = no.
  8. How did I miss this the first 2 times it was posted. Damn. That said, I have no pitty for the guy; he nearly killed two innocent people.
  9. I hope your car isn't pink!
  10. I haven't taken it apart, but I believe it isn't an intigrated unit. This is the pic I found of it: http://www.parts-people.com/images/products/600_ati_8mb_vid_1.JPG My problem is I haven't found any better upgrades. I freaking hate laptops; they are a PITA/expensive to upgrade.
  11. Her laptop is a Dell Inspirion 4000, 128MB RAM, 800MHz Celeron, 8MB ATI Mobility video card, 18.6GB Hard Drive. XP Pro SP2. The problem: besides running slowly, she desperately wants to run The Sims 2 she purchased. This system just can't cut the mustard. Obviously, running 128MB ram on an XP machine with that kind of game isn't going to cut it. Her PC can hold a max of 2 256MB simms; I'll probably just add a 256MB simm to the empty slot. The video card is my biggest concern. The games "requirement" is 32MB video memory.....she has a whopping 8. Obviously, a far better video card would make a world of difference. But I can't find one. Is there one available for this laptop....and if so, please point me to it. smile.gif CPU wise, she can probably get away with what she has, but if you have any links to something better that will work with her mother board at a reasonable price, please share. The game runs fine on my home system; 1.1GHZ Athlon, 512MB Ram, 64MB video memory on a GeForce 4MX. So she could definately get away with less of a setup than mine, but needs more than what she has.
  12. That's kinda sad.....at the same time, at least she found out.
  13. Nitrousbird


    I plan on building a small, inexpensive mini dry bar this winter for a little house project. I might have to consider building a keggerator (I already have a mini-fridge for the project).
  14. I've use about every different gas station brand out there......I've never noticed a difference, ever. Honestly, I think most people saying "brand x is the best" that it is just in their head. Octane, on the other hand, I can tell you DOES have a major effect on how a car runs. My car, stock, is designed to run on 91. I ran 87 in it a couple of times; yes it will safely run (PCM pulls timing), but there is a noticable lack of power in lower RPM driving, and WOT driving (basically, the two places you don't want to loose any power). I use to only run 92, 93-94 when spraying (always pulling timing, of course). With the heads/cam, it's 94 only. I made the mistake of running mixed 92/94 + less sensitive LT4 knock module + barely pulling any timing. It cost me....a lifted head gasket at the strip, blow apart #1 plug, and a tow home. Cost what would have definately been the best run my car ever made too, as my 60' and 330' was the best I've ever run, and I did complete the pass with no shifting mistakes. Overall, run what you need, nothing more octane wise. Brand.....I have yet to see a difference. Regularly replacing your fuel filter on a regular basis will make far more of a difference than going to some certain brand.
  15. I wonder why the guy had paper towels, baby oil, and no hands on the wheel. Maybe he has really dry legs and feet, and doesn't like to wear shirts.
  16. Who said I was in college?? I graduated 4 years ago.
  17. And also by the numbers 2 and 4. Drunk + campus + numbers at gas stations and apartments that aren't secure = wall decorations.
  18. Purpose built tires. Why buy a tire that does everything so-so at best?? But a cheap set of rims and toss snow tires on them. You'll get around FAR better than some all-season. A decent, Z rated tire will do far better than an all-season for normal street use. A DOT road race/auto-x tire will do far better handling than a Z rated tire when you need the car to handle at its best. A DOT drag racing tire will do far better than a street tire at the strip. Half assing tires will give you half-ass results. People spends tons of money on suspension upgrades, never realzing the tires they are using will give far better results than all of those suspension upgrades. To state it simply: buy a set of snow tires for the winter. Toss a good set of warm weather tires on your tires for the good weather. This will also keep your rims for going through winter hell by running a set of cheap winter rims.
  19. Though I agree for the most part on the welfare system (IMO it should be severely limited), WTF is wrong with unemployment. I'll take my situation, for instance. The tech market goes into the shitter. There I am, working at Lucent in R&D, going into my bosses office for my bi-weekely meeting (showing project progress, alinging with project needs/goals, etc.). I start showing him what I'm done, and he tells me "don't worry about it." From there I get handed the lay-off packet....nice. 100% out of the blue, 4 days after I move into the home I just bought (that wiped out my saved-back funds). I (nor did the 12 other people in my project, including my office mate) had any clue we were going to be laid off. I thought it was just another day at the office. If it were not for unemployment, I would have been in a world of hurt in a hurry. It's not like it could even cover all of my bills; unemployment only pays $612 every two weeks before taxes. That was less than 1/3 of what I was making, and definately didn't cover my expenses. But unemployment did help a lot. I did eventually find employment, and though I don't make nearly what I did, I still pay my fair share of taxes. Unemployment does what welfare SHOULD do....be a temporary way for someone to stay on their feet if something tragic happens. And I'm just a single guy w/ no one to support; I can imagine the hell of people with families to support who up and get laid off with no warning.
  20. Exactly. Old Nazi doesn't charge two arms and a leg for their stuff. Perhaps it is the straight, non-metro-sexual male in me that doesn't feel the need to go clothes shopping every week to be up with "the latest and greatest" styles. That doesn't mean I walk around in rags or anything; but you don't have to spend $70 to have a decent looking shirt or nice looking jeans.
  21. Exactly. Old Nazi doesn't charge two arms and a leg for their stuff. Perhaps it is the straight, non-metro-sexual male in me that doesn't feel the need to go clothes shopping every week to be up with "the latest and greatest" styles. That doesn't mean I walk around in rags or anything; but you don't have to spend $70 to have a decent looking shirt or nice looking jeans.
  22. I had Road Runner w/ Insight. When that wasn't going down, my Digital cable was. The drop was new, as was all the cable they ran. When I had my WOW installed, only thing different was the drop (illegal to use another companies drop). Magically, I never had a single problem. This was all before I worked for WOW. Working for WOW, I get it free, of course, and my house is wired.....let's just say far beyond the extent most homes are wired (quad shield RG-11 drop feeding quad RG11 into my distribution setup, with home run quad RG6 to every outlet, w/ an amp feeding the TV outlets). I've been told time and time again (pretty much daily) that we are just overall cheaper than the competiton when all is said and done. Yes, Insight and Time Warner love to offer intro-offers, 3 months at a great rate, and all that jive. We don't mess with that crap; you get a straight forward, flat rate. Honestly, I don't even consider Insight that much of a competiton to us. I've had an Insight employee coment to me on how much business they have lost to us. Time Warner is definately our main competitior. I'd like to add that WOW was rated the #1 cable company in the US by JD Power and Associates this year (though we only cover Cols, Cleveland, and parts of Michigan/Indiana). That beats out all the big names (Warner, Comcast, etc.) as well as all the little names. A large amount of improvements have been done in the last 2 years to get us there. I used to do DSL tech support. Doing that was enough to know I'll never want DSL. Dishes are nice (for television at least), but I used to have that as well, and the pic pausing every time a plane flew by, and not having TV every time there was a storm got annoying quickly (and the dish was aimed properly and got a great signal reading in good weather).
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