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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I'm sure someone will develop a flash editor for the new Mustang. The problem is that takes some time. It's not hard at all to find flash editing software for the LT1/LS1 (LS1_Edit, LT1_Edit, Tunercat, etc.). Of course Hyperjunk and Jet will probably come out with some POS hand held device soon, but those things can't be taken seriously. True editing software will probably take a year or so to be developed (my guess, could be wrong).
  2. Ummm, yeah.....what a hacker, wow.
  3. camaroz28.com The aftermarket for the LS1 is HUGE. Very moddable platform.
  4. I heard it was from him giving funny money out at Pure Platinum, and might have been fighting there too.
  5. Seriously, the Silverado SS is a 40k truck that runs mid 15's stock. The Lightning is a 33k truck that runs 13's stock. Had the SS been priced to compete with the Lightning, then I think it would be justifiable. Though far slower, it has attributes that the Lightning doesn't have. Hell, GM has OFF THE SHELF items (aka no real development costs needed) that would have made the truck better. What would that be?? Regular cab (lighter), and the 8.1L motor (heavy AWD truck needs all the torque it can get). GM knows how to make a fast AWD truck. 13 years ago they made the Syclone, which will easly run circles around a Silverado SS stock for stock. Different classes of trucks of course, but you get the picture. Also, why buy a Silverado SS when for 6k more you could have an SRT-10, which offers everything the SS has but with a LOT more HP, far more of a "status" symbol. If the Silverado SS was priced a lot less, it would be worth the money. But it's too hard to justify when you can get better performance for a less money, or get the best of the best performance for just a little more.
  6. I am not arguing that the Silverado SS is a joke at all. But it IS the top-end "performance" edition of the GM truck lineup, even if it is a big failure. But the Silverado SS is better than not having anything at all.
  7. I highly doubt that, and w/ a bump in displacement to 7.0L and better heads/cam, they could definately hit that 500HP mark N/A. Now if the Blue Devil is actually made (hopefully so), then that is "supposed" to be forced induction, but of the turbo variety. GM does know a few things about turbo cars, so it would be nice if they started doing those again (remember, the first turbo production cars were GM's...the Corvair Monza Spider and Olds Jetfire).
  8. Nitrousbird


    Didn't you understand the first time when I moved this from here to the PICS AND VIDEOS forum. I'm locking this one, the post you made yesterday is in there.
  9. What is up with Ford??? I have a feeling the bean counters are taking full control once again. But bean counters never take a look at the bigger picture. Killing off top performing models, trickles down to lower sales in other models. The Cobra, Lightning, etc. aren't supposed to be a bread-and-butter vehicle for Ford. They are to add excitement to the brand, and get more people to look at other Ford offerings. Someone might take a look at the Cobra, see they can't afford it, but perhaps buy a GT instead. GM has done the same crap in the past, and it has bitten them in the ass. They definately hurt a buyer base by axing the F-body. The difference is they still have a few other vehicles that can be a draw (GTO, Silverado SS, Vette), where Ford only has the Mustang GT (as the Ford GT is in the exotic catagory, and won't be seen on many showroom floors). Ford has really been going in the right direction the past few years........damn those bean counters!
  10. Moving to the correct forum......
  11. Nitrousbird


    Moving to the correct forum......
  12. If yours is a 2002, shouldn't it still be under warranty (assuming you have less than 36k on the clock)? I've never messed with one on a Mustang before. On my car, they tend to get plugged up easily (the heater core acts like a trap for ALL sediments in the cooling system). The first time I cleaned it, I pulled it; very easy, pulled off the glove box and cover to the core, and it came right out. Maybe you will be just as lucky w/ yours.
  13. Wow, someone else with a similar grammatical style as the MX guy. **Waits for the "I'm King of the Kitchen" banter we all know is coming**
  14. I decided to put my keyboard on the floor and let my dog take a stab at typing a few sentences. Oddly, my dog’s typing was more coherent than what boostedmx6 likes to post. This guy really needs to get a freaking clue. He goes on a board designated as a site for racing enthusiasts, then basically says we are stupid for racing (for as well as my poor dog could decipher, as I gave up trying). He makes some comment about a Ford, all the while probably to dumb to realize he is driving a re-badged Probe. Of course he is probably going to come back with some lame comment, such as the following: Sdflkjsadflkjfdsjlkdsfajlksdaflkj sdansadfp;ok asdpoinasdf kasdfjer safdklear sfda;lkasfd
  15. This might sound stupid, but I've seen this work on an odd problem similar to this before: - Uninstall/reinstall NIC driver If that doesn't work, and it is a PCI NIC - Move NIC to new PCI slot. If you have a spare NIC laying around, install it into an open slot. It's a long shot, but worth a try. Also, will any mail clients work (OE, Outlook, Eudora, etc.)?? I have come across this problem once due to some bad PC Company installed Firewall software. If you have any Firewall or anti-virus software, instead of just disabling it, un-install it. I've only seen it once, but I had a customer with some off-brand Firewall program causing a no-browsing issue even when disabled.
  16. I got a couple of pumpkins yesterday; might have to have my g/f do that to one of them (she is also a Homestar Runner/SB fan, and has far better art skills than myself).
  17. I haven't noticed anything at all. No one has given me any problems, nor has there been any crime in my neighborhood that I'm aware of.
  18. I have to agree to the selling it remark. It would cost way to much to convert it to a VR4, and it just doesn't have the mod potential. Maintance is expensive, and it just isn't a great performer. Makes for a nice stock daily driver as long as the car isn't worn out, as throwing constant parts at it could get expensive. They look nice at least. smile.gif Nothing wrong with having a stock daily driver!
  19. Wood doors like that are VERY common in nicer neighborhoods (I work in the nicer parts of Dublin/Upper Arlington/Hillard every day). I prefer nice siding over stucco; stucco stains VERY easily, and looks like crap any time it is wet, as it never dries easily.
  20. I wonder if that is the fastest diesel in the country, or if someone has topped that.
  21. Yup, would have ran his ass over. And been VERY happy about doing it. He was trying to assult her with a tire iron = self defense.
  22. Burn it. Seriously, the world would be a much better place without that total disgrace to Corvettes. I'd rather own (in terms of keeping, not selling value) a beaten down, barely running late 70's C3 than that thing. Honestly.
  23. They would have a VERY hard time suing on that one. But seriously, you can a lot of things to become famous, that doesn't mean you want to be famous for it. I'm sure John Bobbit isn't exactly pleased about how he is now a household name...........
  24. People always blaming IE. Notice he can't surf with Firefox and Nutscrape?? That = no a browser related problem.. I'm unsure if AIM uses a straight IP to connect or relies on your DNS server. That said, go to start -> run -> command, click ok. In the command prompt box type: ping yahoo.com If you get "Ping request can not find host yahoo.com" then type: ping If you get replies, that will very clearly tell you this is a DNS problem. Check your TCP/IP settings (local area connection under network settings) and make sure it is either set for server assigned or that the correct DNS server IP addresses are entered. I'd bet it is a DNS issue. Otherwise, it could be a number of other things; I'd guestimate more likely some sort of spyware preventing browsing by any browser. I'd definately have someone bring over a updated copy of Ad Aware SE and Spybot and try running that.
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