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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Jeebus, even I know I would make a bad president! Well, not totally bad....the EPA wouldn't be happy w/ my stance on auto emissions, and my killing of most welfare programs and severe punishment on criminals would be nice. But overall, I'd probably just end up running the nation into the ground.
  2. Scientific Atlanta 8000HD High-Def 160GB DVR here. Free as part of being a WOW employee of course, with all the HD channels, all the premiums, etc. smile.gif I'm sure glad I have the 160GB version (standard 8000's are only avaiable in 80GB, HD's are 80 and 160); I have no problem filling that up with all of the movies I record. The HD boxes also come w/ optical digital outputs along with coaxial digital outputs; the standard 8000's don't have the optical output. That said, analog service w/ the DVR isn't such a bad deal. You don't get the basic digital package, which I never watch anyway. You still get all the digital PPV's, Music Choice, and if you order a premium, you get all of the digital premium channels. It works out to your favor in some cases, as long as you don't want Starz, as that's free w/ our digital service. IMO, the HD service isn't really worth the extra money in many cases, except for the 16:9 display of movies. But hey, if it is free, damn straight I'm going to have it. A little info many of you may not know about DVR boxes. Many people would think that analog channels would take less space than the digital channels, but that's not the case. The DVR doesn't compress the video as well as the digital channels are compressed at the head end = analog channels take up approx. twice the space of the digital channels. Now HD programming takes a huge amount of space, something like 4x the space of a standard digital broadcast if I recall correctly.
  3. I can just imagine the road rash she got.....I bet even her boobs are nothing but road rash.
  4. There is an offset you can get that doesn't require fender modifications (assuming you have a either a properly centered rear, be it w/ an adjustable PHR or a good-centered stocker)....the hell if I recall what offset it is, though. It is possible to even squeeze 325's out back with the proper offset and some hammering on the inner fender; might have to cut the bump stops for that too.
  5. Where were the nice looking ones (a lot of the pics didn't load)?? Ricochet's hatch looks better than most of them. I saw a bunch of unpainted hoods, ghetto-slammed stances, stickers, some leopard print interior, and an utter refusal to have a nice, silver/polished rim. I'd like the maroon S2K if the rims were silver and it didn't have the windshield banner.
  6. Yes, and their 3% overall vote may have an impact on whether Kerry or Bush gets voted in, but that's about it. It truely is a throw-away vote. It would be like me writing my own name in.....hell, everyone on Cols. Racing writing my name in. All throw-away votes, as it would be impossible for our few votes to get me into office.
  7. Trevor (Bird of a Different Motor) and I go out last evening. We met up with Greg (guy w/ the Ford dually that has the semi wheels on it and air horn) and a couple of his friends. We end up going to Ledo’s on N. High St. We started off at Miani’s across the street, and then headed over there. Ledo’s was having a “hot bodies” contest. They would have 2 girls stand up on the bar, each dancing for a song. After word, people would yell for which broad they liked the best, and they would make it to the next round. Sadly, participation was poor, so there were not a lot of girls to compete. Round one: white chick w/ big boobs vs. ghetto broad with some junk in the trunk and everywhere else. Ghetto chick thought she needed to show what was under her way-too-short skirt. White chick won, but the retard DJ said they could both move to the next round. Luckily, ghetto-mamma figured out she had no chance of winning and bowed out. Round two: two chicks that were friends dancing with each other. Making out, grabbing one another, and not showing the goods up top. The DJ ended up letting them both go to the next round, but together competing as a single person. Here is where it gets good. One of the female bartenders goes up top, to dance with this chick in a kindly short cameo skirt. About a minute into dancing….SHE FALLS OFF THE BAR! She fell backward, hitting her ass on the bar top before tumbling to the ground. My jaw just dropped, and in my drunken stupor, I said “that was freaking awesome.” She was un-injured, and got back up to dance again. Cameo chick moved to the next round. But you can’t have one fall without another. These next two girls start dancing, another group of friends. They aren’t up there 15 seconds, and one falls backwards, dragging the other down with her. They fell freaking FAR. No hitting the bar-top first (which flexed way too much to have people dancing on it), directly onto the ground. They decided to not go back up there, but neither looked hurt somehow (someone is going to have a bruised ass tomorrow). The contest ends with big boobs, cameo chick, and two making out broads competing. Big boobs won, and most definitely didn’t deserve to, but that’s life. We then leave to go back to Miani’s. Overall, it was a good night. Ledo’s had $3 pitchers of beer, in there flexible plastic pitchers that have Miller Light on the side, that I decided to snake out of the bar (they are the type they will probably throw away). We walked around campus and hit the ol’ drunken Steak N’ Shake spot. Good stuff.
  8. Like I don't know the traction issues with FWD = why it is a poor platform to race with. But people are making this out to be the best thing since sliced bread, when there have been a number of street class cars running faster than this for years. I mean, if you are going to nut over this, should I show a link to every Pro Stock car in the series this season??? I wouldn't want my car to run that quick. I want a car I can enjoy on the street. That's a trailer-only race car.
  9. Over 48,0000 views and no one bid on the $5 item. smile.gif
  10. LT1's can be modded....a lot. LT1's have a very large aftermarket; in some parts larger than the LS1's aftermarket (such as heads).
  11. They were talking about this on Stern a couple weeks ago. That doesn't sound fun at all; the best part of drinking is....DRINKING. It's like you earn your way to being shitfaced; this is just cheating the system.
  12. From the work I've done around there, it seems like a wannabe Dublin without all the shopping. It's a nice area, but too much $$ for what you get IMO. At the same time, I'd never live in Worthington, Westerville, and Dublin for the same reasons (among others).........
  13. There are local "street" cars (it's a stretch to call any 7 second car a street car, but if it has been driven on the street and is "legal" to do so..... )that run faster than that all-out race car.
  14. I assume you have a V6 in your car. If it's a Formula/TA you would be wasting your time/money swapping, as the LT1 is a VERY capable motor. Even as a V6, you are wasting your time/money doing a motor swap. It would be cheaper/easier to simply sell your car and buy an equal condition/mileage/year V8 car. It's a lot more than just swapping a motor. If you are going to spend all that time/money swapping a motor, it would be insanely wasteful to swap in something that you could have simply went out and purchased. Swap in an big block. It has been done without having to do any major hack work to the car.....but it won't be an easy swap.
  15. I have no problem with religious beliefs and all of that, but just assuming "it was god".....come on now. I do believe some sort of God does intervene from time to time, but people try to put way too many coincidences as "god did it, god did it." IMO, God lets us be for the most part, only getting directly involved here and there. Wouldn't be hard for the phone company to trace who called her. Then ask the person who called why they called at that time.
  16. How about CHEAP, used GPS units. All I have any need for is speed (for when I am boating, as boat speedo's are notoriously innacurate), and some very basic general bearings when out in the water. Any other feature is 100% useless to me.
  17. I like that blue a lot. I say go w/ blue, but get it with silver rims and without the riceboy wing (regular WRX spoiler would look good on it).
  18. There should be no handicap for people choosing smaller engines or owning slower cars. Period. I say take both trap speed and ET into account equally (higher the trap, better the score in this instance, since why would you want a slow trap speed?). Let's just base this on a 9 flat at 150, with 10 point increments per second, and 1 point per MPH. Car one 14 @ 100 Car two 13 @ 110 Car one would be 50 points for ET and 50 for MPH. Car two would be 60 points for ET and 60 for MPH. Car one wins at 120 points vs. 100 points. A car running 9 flat at 150 would be 200 points. A car running 9 flat at 145 195 points. Make sense?? Weighs both sides equally. An insanely slow car could technically have negative points, and an insane car could have over 200 points. What's nice about this is it is easy to score (1 point less per MPH under 150) and 1 point less per 1/10th slower than 9 flat. Easy to score, easy to add up.
  19. Nitrousbird


    Garbage article. "OMG, they reached speed of 80, 90....maybe even 100 miles per hour." Ohh the horror. I bet I hit 80MPH in my work van at least once a day passing on the freeway. Overdramatic article. Let's not forget that it was the Explorer that put the Suburban in the embankment. For all we know (and there's a good chance this is the case) the soccer mom behind the wheel overreacted to what the motorcyclist was doing, and just swerved without knowing what was next to her. But let's forget all that, the big, bad "stunt boys" will kill us all on the road. Now I'm not supporting what they were doing at all, and doing stuff like that in traffic is dangerous and stupid. I don't mind the quick/dirty message you can get from the article (don't be a retard on a bike) but disgusted by the way it is portrayed. For the record, I've never done any bike "stunts."
  20. Nitrousbird


    Idiot. Should have taken the freaking test. Have fun sporting party plates....if you can even afford the anal-rape insurance rates when all is said and done.
  21. Nitrousbird


    Please please PLEASE little Wonka post here. Please!!! smile.gif Had someone **cough cough looks up** hadn't unbanned that freaking toolbag..........
  22. I just built the exact car they are selling on Subaru.com. The MSRP price INCLUDING destination was $33,778. Anyone who pays MSRP for a car that isn't a low-volume/new relase car needs smacked around. I guarantee I could go to a dealer and get one just like that for less money out the door. Then you have to consider 6 of them. Anyone buying 6 cars at a dealer at once is going to get a fleet discount = more savings. Simply put, I could go to the local dealer, order 6 the way I want them, and pay less $$ than that e-bay rip-off.
  23. You obviously don't realize the value of high-end exotic cars. Parts are hard to come by, and I could see this selling for 20k to the right buyer. It's not like you can go to a junk yard and just get parts for a Diablo.
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