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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Which of course you link right off of http://www.ohio3si.org/sig/pictures/ Now what association would I have w/ that site??
  2. Who the hell thinks I am 16?? 9 years ago they would think that.......
  3. *Bada-Bing* You sure knocked em' down with that one. Wow, so witty. Man, you must have all sorts of friends in high up places, and be Mr. Popularity. Damn, your skills on the inter-web are just fucking impressive. I can't believe someone as high up on the social ladder as you has graced us with your presence. I think everyone will agree we are better off now that you are on the board.
  4. Yawn, could you be any more penis obsessed. You certainly like to follow me around on the board like an annoying cocker spaniel. I didn't say anything that was to invoke laughter, so that makes sense why my post was "not funny."
  5. Sorry, I don't wear glasses, and stay clean shaven. You are obcessed with me, aren't you?? It's getting a little weird now, we don't really know eachother........
  6. IMO, the hardest part about getting a job is getting an interview. If you get an interview, they are obviously interested in you. All you have to do is keep that interest or increase it during the interview. That's easier IMO than getting someone interested in you to begin with, especially when all you can really do is wow them with a piece of paper. They are hiring where I work (WOW Internet and Cable), but if you don't have a background in cable, phone, some sort of home wiring, or networking skills, they won't hire you.
  7. I was about to do just that....then you mentioned the shorts, damn it. Wish I had a Z back when I was 16; I was pimping a freaking stock (and was smart enough to leave it that way) CRX Si.
  8. You ARE a ricer, don't you get it. You honestly are one of the biggest ricers to ever get on this board. You are far worse than Neons on the Escort boy, because you have the full ricer attitude to go w/ it. I'm not locking this thread, as I'm seeing things that could definately be considered personal threats, which there is a no-tolerance policy for here. The commentary in the first paragraph I only wrote because I don't believe (actually, pretty much know) not a single member of this board likes or has any respect for you, nor would ever stick up for you....EVER. Normally I wouldn't get the "last word in" before locking a thread, but you get to be a special case.
  9. That's what everyone says about you. Seriously. **Waits for Chris to shoot off at the mouth with another of his witty come backs, trying to reverse shit on me, while questioning why I don't back down to his "oh so important" ass**
  10. Wow, way to compare apples to oranges. No one was injured. See the difference?? How is that different than me backing into my g/f's car and putting a scratch on it, other than the difference in monetary loss?? Both bikes are back on the road, get it?? (probably not ).
  11. If you can't take the heat, stay out of ___ _______.
  12. Did you somehow NOT realize this is the flame room?? I guess riding in that riced out Celica of yours killed some brain cells. Seeing the pics Shawn posted, it looks 10x worse than when I saw it as Discount Tire a long while back (you had no idea I was in there, as I had my truck in for new valve stems under warranty....did get a chuckle seeing your car though).
  13. Careful, you might spill your glass holding it like that.
  14. A small block in my boat = death. Even if I hacked the engine bay up enough to fit one, the weight would kill the balance of the boat, and my outdrive wouldn't take that kind of power. I've have to upgrade to the Bravo series....very expensive to do. The only upgrade motor that would make any sense on my boat would be a 4.3L. The only problem is the cost of converting the 4.3L I have here would be more than just rebuilding my current motor. 4.3L exhaust manifolds alone would cost me about $600. Gotta do custom motor mount, most likely different bellhousing, flywheel, starter, alternator, convert boat to having an electric fuel pump or convert motor to a carb setup w/ mechanical pump, flame arrestor, exhaust riser, and some other stuff I probably don't know about. Boat-specific items are always more expensive than comparable automotive items too. The SBC kits (haven't seen a 4.3L kit) to convert an automotive engine for boating use sell for about $1800.
  15. Says his fellow rice boy.
  16. I used to have a better quality version of the video, but lost it somehow. Anyone have the better quality version?
  17. You think your POS w/ neons all over it is tastful?? You HAVE to be joking. That car is fucking embarassing. I'd rather drive my wrecked Blazer than be caught in that piece of shit you are so proud of. Seriously, you should set it on fire and start over. It is a joke, and I'll make sure to point and laugh at you if I ever see it on the road.
  18. Sorry, hanging out in a parking lot on a weekend night is usually outranked by a lot of other things; dates with the woman, going to bars, etc.
  19. I watched the whole season of All-Stars; either she got a boob job or there was some creative work going on there; her boobs on the show just weren't that big. And she is freaking hot; I'd put it in her pooper.
  20. I hope you didn't drive around with those things on! That looks like total ass.
  21. It's like a car wreck, you have to look. Just like a fat lady in a bikini; you try not to look, but the rolls just can't get out of view. Your car looks like total shit and is an embarassment to all automotive enthusiasts. I'd say even a good number of over-the-top rice boys probably think you have gone too far. And it's an Escort.
  22. Luckily I can turn left and right. We all saw your Accord. You have no right ever in your life to say anything about someone elses car looks. I don't care if it is a wrecked, rusted out, got it for free Geo Metro 3-banger, you should still be complimenting it.
  23. Wow, way to dig up some ancient picture of me. Want some baby pictures too??
  24. Why does there have to be an import class? Can't imports run with everyone else? There aren't any rules holding back imports in the King Of Columbus shootout. There are actual true street cars that qualify, they just don't win.
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