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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I don't think that will buff out. Could salvage a few part from it though.........
  2. Don't have any of those fantasies. Your father on the other hand....well, he keeps it in the family at least.
  3. Of course you will stick up for your butt buddy. When push comes to shove....well, your gay ass will take it any way you can get it.
  4. It's not my fault you want my hot cod.
  5. You like watching men get smacked around, don't you?? You must have quite the porn collection, especially at your ripe old age. Hell, you even talk about sucking below your avatar.........
  6. OMG, I know how bad that had to hurt. Back in HS, we used to play paintballs w/ slingshots (far cheaper and requires a lot more skill than guns). I've been hit probably 4 times the distance that guy was hit at in the thigh, and had a large bruise on my thigh for a week.
  7. #1: I never typed what is in that profile you just quoted. Ask Anthony, he is the one that put it there. When he added that feature to the board, he added comments to profiles of a number of people. But nice try. If you want to bring about the discussion I had w/ another board member, be my guest. He wanted to clear something up. I never lied in my discussion with him, from what comments were meant towards whom, to the fact I was working on my truck (if you really have some hard-on to know, I was repairing a mirror so I could leave a few minutes later to make a long trip to pick up my boat from where I had it stored). The only thing I appologized for was that he took certain posts the wrong way, and took some things as being directed towards him that were not. As I am sure you heard me say (which is pretty pathetic finding this out here, seriously), was I didn't know the guy, knew nothing of him, his car, or anything else. Don't know, don't care. If you think accidents are worth making fun off, we'll meet in person.[/QB] Saw that coming. Hey Mark, you were saying???? And Mark, I'm not quite catching the comments about the strippers/Viper? I don't own, never have, and have never ridden in a Viper, and I've never picked up a stripper. So, ummm, huh??
  8. We pulled my boat motor apart today. Yeah, she needs rebuilt. When it died, it was low on oil pressure, started knocking, and smoke started coming out of the carb. It's a 3.0L Mercrusier = Inline 4, boat only GM block, pushrod motor. Here is the #3 piston: http://www.cofba.org/users/nitrousbird/Boat/Motor/Damaged%20Piston%20close.JPG There is a complete hole in it at the very edge....explains the smoke. There is also a chip of the piston skirt missing too. Here is something I found weird on the crank: http://www.cofba.org/users/nitrousbird/Boat/Motor/Bad%20Crank%20Machining.JPG Looks like whenever they were balancing the crank, they didn't get the hole straight, going through the side of it. Well, I was able to flake metal off of that crack.....not good. Found a big piece of casting flash on it as well. But I do like the gear drive setup it comes w/: http://www.cofba.org/users/nitrousbird/Boat/Motor/Gear%20drive%20setup.JPG That's a pretty cool setup. The cam gear is some composite material, probably to keep things quiet in there. I wasn't expecting to see anything like that; does make it easier to disassemble. Couple others pics The cylinders wall all look good, found no water in the oil. All of the bearings looked good too; small hot spot on one of the rod bearings, but nothing to worry about. Of course it will get all new bearings, new pistons, new rods, probably new crank. Need to get a valve job on the head too, as chunk of the damaged piston hit the valves and damaged them. The #4 piston showed a small amount of damage as well.
  9. The block had a crack in a water jacket on the outside of it that I repaired. It has shown no internal water leaking, there was no water in the oil. I'll make sure to let whatever machine shop I take it to know about it, so they can take a closer look. Take a look in the picture forum, I'll be posting pics of what did go wrong shortly.
  10. He's a fucking cry baby bitch. Always has been, will continue to be. Anyone that doesn't cater to his cock loving ass he has to cry about. Fucking loser.
  11. I soooooooo see some people taking this shit personally.
  12. You don't even have a car. You just get in the way and let other people hit your bike.
  13. George Carllin, old-school Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Sam Kinnison...that Robin Williams DVD that came out not too long ago was very good too. I'd say George is probably my favorite.
  14. Wow, it's only $160 to get into the Champagne room at many strip clubs; that guy got ripped!
  15. That's not Scott postings, BTW. It's his already banned buddy Chris.........
  16. Umm, as you babble on w/ the following: Ignoring your inane comparison, what's the point in having a car that everyone else in the world has? If I had an f-body or mustang, I would be constantly forgetting where I parked it at k-mart (high class shopping for these people), because half the parking lot would look just like my car. Also, I don't like being catagorized as being a "typical mustang owner" or "typical fireturd owner." Typical RX7 owner, or in your case, typical grandpa behind the wheel. RX7's aren't exactly rare cars. Yes, they sound nasty. I know someone that is trying to figure out how to make his quieter. I'm sure you know someone around here trying to put one into the 11's too, right?? #1: How fucking often do you ever come across a 3 or 4 rotor?? #2: Okay, so why don't you have a 3 or 4 rotor?? Oh, I know, because that requires a fairly expensive motor swap When has anyone on here ever brought up this "listen to a 3/4 rotor" bullshit? Links, please. Have you ever heard a 3 or 4 rotor? Me neither.[/b] I'm not going to search through the picture forum to please you. But there have been several 3 and 4 rotor cars there shown in videos. No, I haven't heard one in person, but have heard the videos to get a general idea of what they sound like. Thanks for playing. TORQUE TORQUE TORQUE!!! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE TORQUE!! WHO CARES ABOUT BEING ABLE TO REV, WHEN YOU'VE GOT TORQUE TORQUE TORQUE!!!! Well, I guess I should have mentioned the peaky powerband too. Oh wait, that must not matter either....RPM RPM RPM. **Note: Joe has to cover his ass so that no one else hates him for being an douchebag** **Note two: I DO NOT own a rotary, so I'm not argueing because I care** There are a number of people who get their panties in a bind around here; I have to cover my basis. Your case is simply a rotary nutswinger. I know who posted this, Mr. "Burns More Oil than Iraq" Chris douchebag. You are only posting using Scott's screen name because you were banned. I've seen you do it before, but never said anything....guess it's time for ANOTHER banning, sadly because Scott let you use his screen name.
  17. I know....and the hell if I'm going to pay $1800 for a new motor. 3.0L new and rebuilt longblocks are a dime a dozen. I've found you can't buy a bare block or shortblock for them, and boat dealers have no interest in selling a bare or shortblock anyway. Automotive dealers (yes, I checked) can't touch it because it is a marine-only application, so GM won't let them get/sell it. We are pulling the motor apart today. I know I can rebuild it for FFFAAAARRRR cheaper than $1800. For that kind of money; I'll buy what it would take to convert the 4.3L out of my wrecked Blazer to work in the boat, and have a much faster boat.
  18. If fluid is getting past the slave cylinder, you'll have pedal feel, but it won't move the pressure plate anywhere. Did you upgrade your slave cylinder when you did the clutch? If I recall, the slave cylinders on LS1's aren't all that hot to begin with. LS1 guys get a better selection of pressure plates than the LT1 guys (since you aren't stuck w/ the patented Valeo PP, and don't have a pull-style clutch), but we LT1 guys make up for it w/ a stronger tranny and better (and easier to work on) master and slave cylinder setups. smile.gif
  19. Toyota is becoming so freaking lame. We had the All-Trac Celicas in the 90's. The 2nd Gen MR2 Turbos (not this queer Spyder that pretty much no one wants). Had the MKIII and MKIV Poopras.....we are talking serious performance cars here. Now what do we get. A Celica w/ an optional full-on factory rice package? The MR2 Spyder. Laughable.....then they decide to axe those too. For what, an even more boring econo-box lineup, that isn't even under the Toyota name? I REALLY hope this bites Toyota in the ass.....they KNOW how to make cool cars, they just choose not to (they are CLUELESS when it comes to marketing those cool cars however). I've seen a few more xB's on the road. I've gotta say, the Honduh Element, which had de-throned the Asstech as the ugliest SUV-type vehicle, has now been dethroned by the xB. And to go along with that, WTF kind of names are there for cars?? Freaking lame.
  20. Ummm, BBC w/ full exhaust sound > 5.slow w/ flows. My roomate's Moostang has an H-pipe w/ flows, so I know EXACTLY what it sounds like. Yes, it does sound very good, but I've heard better sounding cars.
  21. Seriously, do you have some desire to be "different?" Child molesters are different too; that doesn't make it right. Do you honestly think they sound good?? My god, fart cans on a Honduh sound better than a rotary w/ an aftermarket exhaust. Of course you rotary owners come back with that lame "but listen to a 3 rotor or a 4 rotor." #1: How fucking often do you ever come across a 3 or 4 rotor?? #2: Okay, so why don't you have a 3 or 4 rotor?? Oh, I know, because that requires a fairly expensive motor swap #3: 3 and 4 rotors still sound like shit, just not quite as bad. They are torqueless, they are stupid. Add a turbo, and you are asking for trouble. Are there any dynoing much over 400 around here that don't have noticable motor work to go along w/ those big singles and supporting mods?? You know what, rotaries just suck, I'll leave it at that. Still waiting to have a local rotary hit the 11's....they all talked and talked about it, but STILL hasn't happened. So many promises about it being done THIS SPRING. Lame. **Note to the cry babies (rotary fans): This is the flame room. I started this thread specifically because there aren't any good threads in this new forum yet. If you take this shit personally, get the hell out of here. Again, FLAME ROOM.**
  22. Damn, too bad I'll be at a wedding rehearsal out of town that night, otherwise I'd go.
  23. There's a Lowes on East Broad. I've drove pretty much every inch of Broad street; can't recall a Lowes being on there. Where is it??
  24. How did this accident happen? The before, during, and after!
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