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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Nitrousbird


    You are giving 3rd Gen Owners a bad name (they really don't need any more stereotypes). As a former 3rd Gen owner, I'd appreciate it if you would stop. Now.
  2. I have a Ninja 750R, but any modern sport bike will walk all over it in every performance catagory you could come up with (from gas mileage to acceleration, braking, handling, top speed, etc.). IMO, a 600 is a safer bike than a 1000+ bike. Lighter, easier to handle (and handle better if all other things equal), not as an agressive of a power band. Bikes are not nearly as forgiving as cars, and when you wreck, they are even LESS forgiving. Ask how many guys here that ride have ever dumped a bike. I'd bet 95% have...I know I have. Yet car wise, other than someone hitting me, I've never wrecked (had those same cars hit me on my bike, I wouldn't be typing right now). Unlike many here, I prefer my car over riding a bike. I enjoy the speed more, and overall enjoy it better. Hence why I need to get to fixing/selling my bike; I just no longer have much of an interest.
  3. My argument was that the hp vs. ci is worthless when the lower ci motor is physically larger than motor with larger cubes. I did not prove the superiority of 4V pushrods heads; I just proved that this is an option available to the pushrod crowd. You must realize that there is plenty of power from people running SB2.2 heads and the like. And people, you are bitching about the NHRA holding back "technology" for the wrong reasons. There are two very good reasons they do this: safety and cost. Do you realize the cost of the development of F1 engines as an example. The NHRA doesn't want that. Also, making more power = going even faster. I'm sure 4 second 1/4 mile times at 330 MPH is dangerous enough!
  4. 32V SBC PUSHROD heads. Yeah, they make those for the LT1 too. Where did I EVER make a reference to the size of the rotary?? I never used that in any sort of discussion for or against it. I mean you can make a 1.5L 4-banger make more power on boost than a stock LS1 (as an example), and be smaller....but that's kinda apples to oranges. You are comparing a 4.6L DOHC modular Ford to an LS1....using it's smaller displacment as some sort of stretch of an example of it being superior. Yet, even though it displaces less, the ENGINE IS PHYSICALLY BIGGER. Who cares what the displacement is?? How is its smaller displacement an advantage when the motor is physically bigger/heavier?? And folks, why are you all using the LS2, which isn't easily available yet, as an example when you can easily use the LS6....a PROVEN engine that has been available since 2001, makes the same power, and is sold in crate form as well.
  5. What's funny is I really am a nice guy. smile.gif
  6. Who cares about cubic inches, when that 4V motor is physically a FAR larger engine than an LS1?? Why are people stuck on "it makes x HP per cubic inch??" It's the ACTUAL PHYSICAL SIZE OF THE MOTOR THAT COUNTS!!!
  7. I'd sure like to know how the car threw a rod yet you can still start it......... Regardless,it's at $762 right now; in that condition w/ a blown motor, oldest of the 4th Gens, no T-tops, auto, tons of miles.....I wouldn't pay that much for it.
  8. As a few other people have said; CONFIDENCE. You don't even have to have it; just make it APPEAR you are confident. You don't ask her if you can see her again. You could have used this line "I think I'll have to take you out again sometime." That is, if you want to say anything about it at all, which I probably wouldn't. If you wanted to kiss her, as long as the night went well....THEN KISS HER. Take what you want, just don't be Chester The Molester in the process. My g/f has told me on a number of occassions how she was highly impressed w/ my confidence on our first date, and very pleased with me taking the iniative and kissing her during the movie we went and saw (it wasn't even a good date movie). Also, don't make time with her into time you are taking her our and spending money on her. Unless you LIKE being a sugar daddy. I sure don't......I played that game for 2 months and it's a game I'll never play again with anyone, regardless of how hot they are.
  9. you mean VON..... right......TREVOR Posting.
  10. Nice. I like 348's; car just need some updated Ferrari wheels and a body-colored top/GFX. Of course, I'd be more than happy to pimp that as-is.
  11. No, he injured you badly. You need to go to the hospital. Sue for bodily injury. smile.gif
  12. I just drove by it 2 minutes ago on my way home. The red car was upside down in front of the service doors. There was a gray car that was smashed pretty badly in the side. I could see where the Tuffy sign was missing a chunk out of it....something had to get pretty freaking high to hit that. I was just about to post something when I read this thread. It looked pretty bad; tons of cop cars and a lane of Brice was taped off.
  13. I just drove by it 2 minutes ago on my way home. The red car was upside down in front of the service doors. There was a gray car that was smashed pretty badly in the side. I could see where the Tuffy sign was missing a chunk out of it....something had to get pretty freaking high to hit that. I was just about to post something when I read this thread. It looked pretty bad; tons of cop cars and a lane of Brice was taped off.
  14. Wow, you are fucking lame. I can go out and start my car right now, no biggie. I'll be doing that today. But hell, I don't even own a fucking Chevy, way to know the difference. Unless you count my totalled Blazer in the back yard I haven't parted out yet, that is unininsured, unlicensed, w/ a salvage title and isn't driveable. They can pull 30,000 RPM for all I care; if I need to rev to the moon I'll ride a crotch rocket (but oh wait, those are piston motors...I thought only rotaries could rev high).
  15. It's that I just don't care. The fact Satan and a few others are so obcessed with me does make me wonder............
  16. I've been shammed.....but nothing near the extent of some of those pictured!
  17. Nitrousbird

    Antelope mount

    Moving to the pictures forum.......
  18. Moving to the pictures forum.......
  19. Find a new job. If the pay is crappy, it is REALLY going to feel crappy paying full health insurance out of pocket. There are crappy jobs out there that at least provide health insurance coverage.
  20. Yeah, because we are both white males. Damn similar. I mean, we look so similar because: - My hair is lighter, and I'm not starting to loose it like the guy in the picture - My teeth and all clean and intact - Even with the worst sunburn I've ever had on my face + holding my breath, I couldn't get my face that read. That guys has a bit of talent there. - My ears are smaller - I'm always fairly clean shaven - My forehead is smaller, I have a different nose. My adam's apple isn't as big, different chin. - I don't wear glasses, and own nothing from Spalding. Damn similar I tell ya. Have you even met me??
  21. Nice try. That is specifically in my sig so I don't get grouped into the same people that have run their best times on a highly prepped Norwalk track on a 40 degree day. Was it humid?? Yes. Was I spinning?? Yes. I'm not excusing the time, I'm just giving a little more info than just straight up times. I guess I could be more detailed by saying stock untouched intake, stock throttle body, stock shortblock, no skinnies, no suspension tuning (-1 pinion angle and shocks on soft...far from the optimum setup), stock front suspension, no racer tricks (no icing intake, no pulling stereo system, no running fans in the pit, passenger seat, no running 1/2 gallon of gas, front sway bar still fully attached, etc.). Kinda makes for a long sig, doesn't. I know your car is slow. Hell, are there any even remotely quick Celicas around here?? I'm guessing a few into the mid-upper 14's, and some near stock All-Tracs running around.
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