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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I finally got the car back together today (I was plagued w/ a bad, hard to find oil leak I believe I finally resolved, plus had to replace a damaged pilot bearing). I haven't built my new exhaust yet (have all the parts, just haven't done it), so she's a bit loud w/ the open headers. Yup, loud...have to right click, save as I'll be doing cutouts right off of the headers, so I'll still be able to make it about that loud.
  2. So he could have had a broken Honda tranny instead??
  3. LOL, I only use IE. I've never had a problem with it, so I've had no incentive to change. smile.gif I know how to avoid Spyware and the like, so I'm not concerned.
  4. I worked there for almost 3 months. I think the project I was working for (McLeod) was a lot different than a lot of the other projects floating around there. For the most part, the smarter individuals seemed to trickle over to that project. The managers and leads were all cool; I honestly liked all of them. There were definately some knowledgable people I worked with; many who sadly just got sucked into the job. Of course there were a number of morons I worked with, but overall it wasn't that bad. Turnover in my group wasn't all that high either. I was fortunate enough to get my ass out of there when I did; I couldn't take dealing with those people any more, and they implimented some new things that would have made my job more of a PITA. All this said, I'll never work there again. There is only so much you can take of trying to explain to grandma how to use the internet over the phone.
  5. Nitrousbird

    IT Crash

    Laid off from Lucent May of 02. I now make a little over half what I was making then (I was making some pretty good money at Lucent). I'm at the far stretch of the IT term, being a cable service tech. I do work on some networking stuff, PC's, etc....but I wouldn't really consider it IT. Actually, I consider it hell (only a 16 hour day today )
  6. Taillight blackouts are a useless mod. Rims that are the same dimensions/weight as stock are a useless mod. Leather shift knob = useless mod (if car didn't have one stock). Polished motor pieces = useless mod Are all of those ricey too? They don't add to performance, right?
  7. Tunercat, LT1_Edit, Datamaster. I'll include a full copy of Datamaster EE and EE Beta. smile.gif
  8. Tunercat, LT1_Edit, Datamaster. I'll include a full copy of Datamaster EE and EE Beta. smile.gif
  9. Jegs sells far more than just Autometer Nitrous gauges. Pretty much every nitrous kit maker has them; Jegs has NOS, NX, Edelbrock, ZEX (ugh), etc. IMO a nitrous pressure gauge you can't see isn't very useful. I have two on my car; one is built-in w/ the bottle heater setup (I have the old-style NX bottle heater), and one in my dash.
  10. Remind me to never rent a house to you! That the exact description of a landlords nightmear!
  11. BS, TOTAL BS. Trevor has his 99 30th Zaino'ed up; that thing beads like nothing else. Hell, just a hard drive in the rain gets all the bugs to slide off the front end. Every time I've Zainoed my car, it beads better than the Meguires I used to use.
  12. Sounds like you are either testing w/ a machine pulling other bandwidth at the same time, or using a slow speed test site. I work through the day and do speed tests at almost every HSD (high-speed data) call I go to. If I find a 3.8Mbps speed, I normally look into signal problems, poor S/N ratio, and packet loss. I highly suggest using Speakeasy's speed test: chi.speakeasy.net It seems to be one of the most accurate tests I've ran across. WOW's speed test speed.col.wideopenwest.com, sadly, isn't the most reliable; it won't give accurate readings on the 112k package, normally reads a bit low on the 500k package, and is usually accurate about 90% of the time w/ the 2 and 4Mbps packages. I use bandwidthplace.com/speedtest for PC's w/ Java problems. It doesn't give upload speeds, and doesn't give accurate readings for the 2 and 4Mbps speeds, as the files it has you d/l aren't big enough. It is great for the 112k and 500k setups. Of course, there will be times that the network is a bit slow due to maintance at a headend, speed servers being hit too much, etc. Today seems to be that way for me, as I'm only pulling 3.9 vs. my normal 4.2 down.
  13. I've yet to see a product from Zaino I didn't find to be of great quality. From their car wash to their detailer, to their tire shine and their polishes, it is the shit. If anyone has ever seen Blackbird99's car (99 T/A), it is a black car without any swirl marks....not something you normally see. Further, Zaino is non-abbrasive, something you can't say about a lot of other products out there. Good stuff. http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc
  14. A stock 03 looks better than that, and I've seen plenty of those here. A customer's house I went to last week had his 03 Cobra in the garage. Yellow w/ an 00 Cobra R wing (removed the 03 spoiler), and one of those 80's rear window louvers on it. graemlins/puke.gif I didn't look at the rest of the car; guy said he ran 12.27 in it but the car doesn't hook for crap and is all over the place.
  15. How is it ricey?? The doors don't look any different, they just open differently. They still function as doors. It's only ricey when you do a billion other stupid things to a car and this just adds to the list. I've never heard people calling suicide doors on a custom rod ricey. Nor gullwing doors. Lamborghini definately is not the only place to offer scissor doors.
  16. Despardo has a TIG welder; he did the O2 Bungees on my headers.
  17. Rod knock. The oil pump pretty much let go (low oil pressure), and that was that.
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