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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I am going to guess that the car you are picking up is not anywhere close to the condition of the car pictured. It does nothing for me; but have fun w/ it.
  2. Not everyone...not by a long shot.
  3. Trevor Posting: i used to know a guy that had a 99 Trans Am Painted on their wall.......Pony pimptress knew the guy.
  4. Tc stands for Toy Car. smile.gif
  5. ....for my boat. Casting number: 2770087 Pic of casting numbers GM block, 3.0L inline 4, block is a boat-only motor still in production today. The block is an 88 casting, but a newer block will work, as I've read only the flywheels are different. Either a new block or a used/new shortblock are what I'm looking for. I've found numerous long blocks (for insane prices) all over the place; I need JUST the shortblock. I don't need numbers to call; I'm looking for a link to one. I've searched some and came up dry. I've got an e-mail out to a GM parts dealer that sells at near wholesale; hopefully he will get back to me tomorrow.
  6. We won't discuss my roomate's two Hondas we have had to swap motors out because they went (Accord motor decided to lock up the cam, and yes it was full of oil). The CRX motor decided to throw a rod. You know, minor problems like a big hole in the block. Reliable my ass.
  7. No, that's not the reason at all. The fuel pump is nothing more than an electric motor that spins at a constant rate (based on amount of voltage to it). Technically, it wouldn't work as hard with no fuel, as it would have nothing to push. The fuel cools the unit. Some cars, like my Formula, have the fuel pump inside a casing; this case is fed constant fuel by the fuel system return line. This helps ensure the fuel pump has fuel around it constantly. Even then, it's not a great idea to run it low on fuel. Also, a fuel pump will never get the tank bone dry, even when you run out of gas. You really won't pick up sediments; most likely will pick up more water than anything else running it until it runs out of gas. Overall, normally the worst things that happen are damaged filters and burned up fuel pumps.
  8. Did you get a police report? If you did, it is already reported as a not at fault accident. If not, well.....good luck. My g/f was in an accident almost a month ago; so broad that worked at Wyandot Lake passed her illegally in their parking lot on the right, then cut back too soon and clipped her front bumper. Did about $750 in damage (Jeff did an estimate on the car, though he didn't know it was my g/f's car). Well, this broad (16 year old girl) has Safe Auto, which is bad enough. Now add to it she ended up deciding to tell her insurance company a different story, that my g/f backed into her. Looking at the damage, that's 100% impossible. Then this broad trys to make a claim on my g/f's insurance. Now my g/f's insurance company is doing an investigation, so who knows what the outcome will be. The lesson: always, always, ALWAYS get a police report. Her car would have been fixed by now, and she wouldn't be stressing out over this, had she just gotten a police report. Now assuming you didn't get one, and hoping this guy who hit you is an honest person, simply contact his insurance company, as they would be the one covering it. No need to contact yours unless they start doing what this broad did to my g/f.
  9. Everyone and their brother seems to do powder coating.....until you need and item done bigger than a standard oven. I've had Larry (Zepplin) do some stuff for me, and he has done excellent work.
  10. I've drove by that place a few times.....kinda in the ghetto.
  11. Yup, they all look like trash to me. The whole group of them. Let them kill eachother off; less for the rest of us to have to deal with.
  12. I work for WOW. I hear this a lot from former TW customers. I used to have RR w/ Insight. No sync for a day, highly varying speeds, and just overall sucky service. Cable liked to go out randomly too. I switch to WOW (this is before working for them), never had a problem. Did I mention this was using all of the same inside wiring Insight was using...and their drop from the poll to my house wasn't damaged either. That's all plant issues there. (Since then I've fully re-wired my house...nothing like 9 outlets, w/ RG-11 feeding into the house ).
  13. Please tell me people aren't spending $500 on a 2" single pipe exhaust w/ a big canister muffler!!
  14. I am most definately not welcome at that meeting.
  15. I watched part of the first season with Howard a while ago. It was different, and had some interesting tid-bits, but defintely something I couldn't watch season after season.
  16. This thread is nothing but flame bait, and is here just to stir up trouble. This = me locking. I have nothing against the guys at IPS; I've talked to and/or hung out with all of them, and they are all good guys. I'm not for or against IPS; I have no vested interest in them, they'll most likely never be doing any work for me (I'm not a fan of paying people to work on my car; I'd rather do it myself), so I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing. Regardless, threads like these are not needed.
  17. This is for my g/f's 2000 Plymouth Neon. I need a stock hood and bumper cover. They also need to be painted stock silver. I'm sure someone here has, or knows, someone w/ a silver Neon that put an aftermarket hood and/or bumper cover on that needs to get rid of it. Cheap. I know the stuff isn't worth much; hell, us F-body guys usually give away our stock non-ram-air hood for free, as they cost too much to ship and no one really wants them.
  18. Ummm, look up the plate. Should be able to find an address. Find truck, set on fire. That should just about do it. smile.gif
  19. That two turbo setup might be cool if only two cylinders were running each turbo (kind of like a V motor twin turbo setup, w/ a crossover pipe of course). This would allow for smaller turbos to be used, and perhaps less lag....something to consider with a 4-banger. But overall, it will just add to cost, complexity, and in the end if this car actually get a following, the aftermarket will go w/ a single turbo conversion. Are we ever going to see any 2 door, AWD, turbo performance cars again?? Not everyone wants a 4-door....I sure as hell wouldn't want 4 doors in a performance oriented car. If I wanted a family car, I would BUY a family car.
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