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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. And why would anyone want the fart can look?? It looks hideous; like some monster piece of metal just slapped onto the back of a car. Then you have the sideways melon launcher; a monster piece of metal that looks like someone can't even put it on straight. Or the rain-catcher fart can, with tips that invite rain to just pour into them, for that burbly rain-ingested sound.
  2. Dry socket is not fun. Not fun AT ALL.
  3. Bleh, looks like a matchbox car. - Has the ghetto lowering job look. - The front and ther rear from this side view just don't seem to flow right. To me it really does look like it is two different cars slapped together; that's not a good thing. - You can shave your door handles/locks, but still have to have the stock antenna sticking sky high?? - Rims are too big I'd pass on driving that car.
  4. Wackiness: 70/100 Rationality: 30/100 Constructiveness: 40/100 Leadership: 60/100 You are a WEDL--Wacky Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you an anarchist. You don't give a damn. When push comes to shove, you just forget about it--it's just not worth the heartache. What this means for others is that dealing with you can be aggravating, because they find they can't get you motivated about things they care about. What this means for you is that you are happier, calmer, and saner then they are on their best days. You are near-immune to criticism, and those who know you well acknowledge and respect that. You may come across as lazy, but the truth is that you find little to get worked up about. Regardless, you have slews of friends, because they are fascinated by your world view, jealous of your lifestyle, and drawn to the fact that you are hilarious to be around. You are a pillar in a sea of hot-bloodedness. You have a sweet tooth. I'd say that is about an 80% accurate assesment of me. I'm surprised I ranked so low in the rational dept....I may have taken the test too quickly.
  5. Repost It was Jackson that posted it, and the guy lived according to the cut/past Cone Smasher did.
  6. Wasn't me....though I'd be MORE than happy to do a review on a new Viper, or an older one. Color, body style, etc. doesn't matter....I like Vipers. But sure, I own one of those too.
  7. Just got back from seeing it. It was pretty good. Brick was definately the best character in the movie; Steve Carrell does that character well. I thought Christina Applegate's acting was lacking here and there in the movie. Something about it seemed forced here and there. But that's not normally here; she did her comedic well in "The Sweetest Thing."
  8. Cool, I've never seen one of those on the road. Just needs a hood and some paint. smile.gif
  9. I'm about to try converting my roomate's Lumina to R134a. A/C doesn't work, most likely needs charged. It is his beater, so putting any real money into it = bad idea. So for $6 he bought the conversion kit. I had him buy 2 cans of R134A w/ stopleak, and a can of oil. I've got the hoses w/ gauge required to do it....we'll see if it works. I'll make sure to drain any R12 if there is any left in the system. But we are going to do it lazy-man's way; if it doesn't work, it doesn't work....he'll only be out a few bucks.
  10. Ummm, why do you have your dad's car listen as yours?? Hell, I might as well list all the cars at my house (and I've driven all of them), as the list is pretty nice. Seriously, do the brakes yourself. Basic hand tools, a C-clamp, and a jack/jack stand. Pads/rotors are NOT hard to do. Drums can be more tricky; I can understand having someone do those for you if you have very little automotive experience.
  11. With us, even if it was your PC, we won't charge you. The Call Center techs might say something like that, but I've never heard of anyone being charged, and all I do is service calls.
  12. Man, I hate that orange/black Camaro. It's been making its rounds through the magazines recently, and that car just doesn't look right to me at all.
  13. They charge you for phone tech support???!!!! Seriously?!! OMG, I wouldn't stand for that. Since our internet doesn't go through a service like Road Runner, when you get WOW internet, you are GETTING WOW INTERNET service. If your neighbor has WOW in your duplex, you can get it too. I've ran across a few people being told by cust service that they can't get service in their area, when they really can. I think a lot of the problem is the resources we have for that are hand-me-downs from the Americast setup (WOW bought/improved on the Americast system), and there are some holes here and there. If you call back and say they don't have it, simply request a site survey to be done. They'll send someone out, verify there is a tap nearby, and that will be that. Or, you can get ahold of me, I can go over with a sales form, verfiy service is doable, and make a few bucks off a sale as well.
  14. Not to defend this guy, and in this case it most likely wouldn't apply at all, but it's that type of comment that helps give imports a bad name. Too many import enthusiasts believe that over head cams are "new tech" and pushrods are "low tech, old tech, etc." (not saying that is you, but in general). Yet when you look in the history books, you'll see there is nothing new about over head (or even dual over head) cams. I'd bet the technology in some of the big motors you saw today would be considered far more advanced in a DOHC VTEC under your hood. Regardless, that has nothing to do with this guy being a dick, but you'll have that on all sides of the fence. Try driving through the Mopar Nationals if you really want to see people abusing an import driver.
  15. Alright, there is some major misinformation in this thread. So instead of listening to people who are pulling shit out of their ass, listen to someone who works with this stuff EVERY DAY. There are technically two signals a to be concerned w/ on a modem. You have the receive signal and the transmit signal. As I have only worked w/ WOW, I can't specifically give info about Insight/TW data setups. For us, the guideline for RX (receive) signal levels is between -8 and +5 dBmv. Ideal is 0. On the transmit it is 40-50dbMv, with ideal being around 40-42 (for the transmit, below 40 can be perfectly acceptable in certain situations). Getting into signal loss, plant setup, etc. is going to get way too over the head/wordy for most people. Let me start by saying that just because some monkey call center tech says the signal is too low doesn't mean it is. They can basically log into the modem and see what the signal it is reading says. That means jack. I can watch a modem loose 4db on the RX while using my $1500 digtal Micro Stealth meter stays rock steady. I'll trust my $1500 meter over a $50 modem. Low signal, depending on the tap (where the signal is branched off of the outside hardline), can cause transmit problems as well. Too high of a transmit level basically means the modem has to push too hard to send info back. If too high, the modem will loose sync, causing it to never be able to communicate with the head end (think PC server). Now if your setup is at a low tap value, where transmit levels are naturally low, the transmit level may never have that problem. Rather, the receive lever will be so low that the modem just can't receive all info sent to it. Now let's get to packet loss. From the majority of cases I see of it that aren't PC related, it is caused by low signal. The modem will keep sync, but basically it doesn't have enough signal to constantly transmit data to the modem. Signal levels naturally fluctuate; there is a 2db variance to be considered just for weather temp. Normally packet loss is when your signal level is borderline. The levels can sustain a sync with the system, but still loose data. But don't count out a PC w/ packet loss problems; I've came across many PC's that have some sort of other issue that cause all sorts of packet loss problems, but when I hook my laptop to their modem, everything is peachy. Before I finish, let me explain something about signal. The majority of the time I come across low signal, the customers think it is something outside, though that is usually not the case. Every time you split a signal, you spilt it in 1/2, or 3.5db. Modems are designed to work within a specific signal range, and are sensitive to their setup. On our system, w/ the average setup, you want to be the first 3.5 db split w/ a dedicated line, or at least the first split and the out leg of a DC (directional coupler = a splitter that doesn't evenly split the signal, the out leg being the lowest signal loss leg of the DC). Okay, hopefully something can be learned from this. I am typing this drunk while I'm waiting for Tim and Mario to pick me up to do more drinking, so it may not all be clear.
  16. Yeah, did it sell?? If so, I had next dibs. Did I mention, again, I HAVE CASH and won't play the "I'm interested, but never end up buying it" game.
  17. +3. Something is way too fishy about that pic.
  18. You would have to pay me to drive that. Seriously.
  19. LT1 heads use screw-in studds stock. That can't be it. LT1's are hydro-rollers. I can't recall if the 95's have factory hardended pushrods or not. I know the 92-94 motors have them, the 96-97 don't. Of course they are stamped steel rocker arms. Which leads to my next question. Is the valvetrain stock?? Are you running stock studds, stock rockers, stock springs, pushrods, etc.? Also, has there been any valvetrain work in the past couple thousand miles before this first incident?? Any motor problems just prior to this happening? I've had a roller rocker turn on me from not being tight enough, but that was during adjusting the rockers, so that wasn't a big deal at all. Does it look like the rocker nut came loose? What is the condition of the rocker studds?
  20. Ground Effects kit. If you have ever seen Larry's Formula (Zepplin), he has it on his car. I especially like the front piece on it; I may do different side skirts and rear piece. It's factory and blends in well w/ the car.
  21. The problem is I could only really rev it in the car, and for some reason it doesn't sound as good w/ the camera in the car (sounds far better in person). I was the only one home at the time; perhaps I'll make another one if someone else is home. smile.gif Thanks Gregg for the compliment. One day when money is no longer an issue again, I would like to do a GFX kit on it. Something similar to the GM GFX kit they offered on a few of the V6 cars (and perhaps a couple of the Formulas.....you don't see many cars w/ it). But with my budget, that ain't happenin.
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