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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Sad to see you are selling those cars. Not to say a Z06 isn't titties and beer (because it is), but that DeLorean looks awesome, as does the 96. The 92, though definately nice looking, I think I would be able to handle getting rid of if I had that 96. Regardless, good luck, some nice vehicles you have there.
  2. Sad to see you are selling those cars. Not to say a Z06 isn't titties and beer (because it is), but that DeLorean looks awesome, as does the 96. The 92, though definately nice looking, I think I would be able to handle getting rid of if I had that 96. Regardless, good luck, some nice vehicles you have there.
  3. Pretty much any motor will fit in there. Personally, if I had the cash (and that's always the damn case ), I'd go with a big block backed by a T56. This allows for: - Big power - Strong tranny - Good highway manors while still having a good gear out back - Tolerable gas mileage (well, the best you'll get out of a big-block at least). That said, a T56 isn't cheap by any means. I know riding in Trevor's 69 Firebird w/ 3.90's and a TH400 freaking SUCKS on the highway, even w/ the 27" tires on the back. Take a loud car like that w/ that much gear, and after about 5 minutes (without a radio of course), you want to escape. [ 28. June 2004, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]
  4. After Eli (Mensan) gave me a call a little bit ago to straighten this matter up, I decided to take a look at what I posted again. I appologize for a PORTION of what I said, as some of it was a little much on the flame bait side. I do appoligize for the gay comments about the site that was mentioned, at least any portion that may have been considered bashing towards Eli. I have no problems with gay people. I have no problems with Eli either; again, I don't know him, his car, etc. I do believe a lot of what is said on this board is taken out of context. I don't know how many times I've heard people hated me on the board, met me in person, and thought I was a good guy. I think I speak my mind in public the same way I do here (to a point, I may be a little on the lighter side in person), but in person it's a lot easier to tell when I'm joking or being serious. For the most part, I'm a joking guy who doesn't take a whole lot seriously. As for Orion, we seem to have a long-standing "problem" that isn't going to get resolved on this thread, or most likely anywhere else, so I'll leave it at that. Regardless, this thread is done. I'm not locking this for the purpose of having "the last word" but because this matter is over, and this turned into a flame war that isn't good for the board. Had Eli not called me and cleared this up, I probabaly would have left it open so that it didn't look like I was trying to get the last word in and abusing my mod "powers," as I don't want any of us moderators viewed that way.
  5. You seem to be happy throwing out person insults as well, so don't pretend you are Mr. Holier than thou. Where did I EVER say my car is faster than yours?? Please point out where I did. I did say I know nothing about your car; I don't know anything done to it, what it looks like, etc. So why would I put up my money when I don't have any clue what I would be betting against. Further, I honestly don't care if your car does make more HP than mine or not (not that you have any clue what kind of HP my car puts down, nor how much I really have invested into it). Now looking at where your e-mail address goes through, I bet you took that gay comment very personally. I do find that quite ammusing. It gets pretty boring when people like you just pull of BS claims. There are a lot of people on this board who run slower than me that I find quite intelligent. And vice versa. 99T/A (other than the price of his car, which of course is newer, being a good reason to be more expensive) has less invested than me in mods and has went faster. I know of others too, but I'm not going to drag up every example I know to make a point to someone like you. I have no problem provoking this Eli person again (as I said, I don't know or care to know him). His comment provoked me first.
  6. I decided to follow your link back to whose page it is ( http://www.perryjoshua.com ). Nice to see you are still active in the gay community. Beyond that, I have nothing to say to you that I haven't already said in the past. I'll just leave it at that for the sake of not causing any more flame wars.
  7. Opps, sorry, I guess one of your moronic brothern put in the Mark VIII as part of the search for Continentals, and since they all look like similar, boring grandpa cars, I didn't bother to read which one they are covering. But if you want to get technical, you better compare year for year, in which case 96 F-body (non-V6/SS/WS6/Hawk) was 285HP. Regardless, your tank is far heavier, makes far less torque, etc. #1: My car isn't running right now, and probably won't be for another week or two (before some retard comment from you, I've been waiting for parts as I decided to re-do my exhaust system, nothing broke on the car). #2: For all I know you have more money than brains, and could have way too much money dumped into that car. I know what the 32V modulars can do w/ the right mods, so with enough cash, they can put down big numbers. I don't know anything about what you have done to your car, nor do I care. #3: I have nothing to prove to you. NOTHING. I don't care if you like my car or not, nor do I care if you think your "45 in the fast lane w/ the blinker on" mobile is hot shit.
  8. Way to not know your facts, douche. 1996 Lincoln Mark VIII: Horsepower (hp @ rpm): 260 @ 5750 Torque(lb.-ft. @ rpm): 265 @ 4750 1994 Firebird Formula Horsepower (hp @ rpm): 275 @ 5200 Torque(lb.-ft. @ rpm): 325 @ 2400 Wow, sure looks like your car made more HP than mine stock. Oh wait, it didn't douchebag. Unless making 15HP and 60 ft/lb less power is somehow more (and both at higher RPM's at that, lol), in a car that weighs a lot more. And the LT1's numbers tend to be rated a bit conservatively at that. And when was the F-body ever marketed to mid-life crisis buyers?? Many consider the Vette to be (as that is their primary market), but the F-body is far from it. It is marketed in the bang-for-buck class, unlike your luxo-barge. Any other moronic crap you'd like to spew??
  9. ....you took a look in your driveway and saw your grandpa's car (opps, I mean yours), and figured out that's not the case at all.
  10. If it was THAT easy you sure would see more Hondas around here doing that. It's not that easy, not by a long shot. FWD = traction, what's that? Better have a tranny that agrees with any sort of hard launch, and clutch/halfshafts to go with it. Don't forget an upgraded fuel system, real tires, etc. If 11's were as easy as tossing in some forged dished pistons and a turbo w/ some tuning, there might actually be a number of impressive Hondas around here. But obviously this is not reality.
  11. 6 cylinder; WTF are you talking about. Just because there were no 67-68 T/A's doesn't mean they were V6's. They were V8 cars, just called Firebirds.....would pretty much be considered Formulas had they not waited until the 2nd Gens to use that designation. 69 T/A's are rare and EXPENSIVE automobiles. The CE can be considered a 35th Anv. Firebird, but GM for some reason decided to only celebrate one option package for Anniversary status on the Firebirds. As far as special Anniversary T/A's go, the 20th takes the cake as far as how far they went with it.
  12. Sam, I thought you disassociated yourself w/ her after she got a bit psycho after the break-up. And we need naked pics.
  13. I work for WOW, so I probably know more than anyone about it (I'm a service tech; I used to be an installer until I was promoted). Don't waste your time with the "Value" bundle, the 112k package. It just isn't fast enough. It does pull a true 112k up/down, but 112k just isn't enough. The $5/month extra for 500k package (approx 500k down / 280k up) is a far better package. The 2Mbps package is probably the best bang for the buck. Normally 2-2.2 Mbps down / 280 up. The 4 meg package is overkill for most people, and normally 4-4.4 down / 520k up. All the speed numbers are approximates of course, and depends on speed tests, your area, etc. but I've done a LOT of installs, and even more high speed data service work, so I've seen enough speed tests around town to know these numbers are pretty accurate. We also have DVR's now (digital video recorders), which are VERY sweet. At home, since I get it free, I have the full 4 meg package w/ our digital service and all the premiums. Once we get our full shipments of DVR's in, I'll have that too. smile.gif
  14. 80 meters. [ 25. June 2004, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]
  15. Looks like a V6 car. I'd say 90% of the time you see gaudy/ricey mods on an F-body, it has a 6 banger under the hood.
  16. No such thing. There is a 35th Anv. Camaro, but there is no 35th Anv. T/A, as they stopped making the F-body before the 35th would have been made (2004). The last special package would be the 2002 Collectors Edition T/A, which IMO is a little overdone on the graphics, and I'm not fond of the shade of yellow used on them. Not bad cars, and there are some bad-ass ones running around (like Mike Brown's 9 second stock shortblock CE). I will say Trevors car gets some attention. I think I scared him in it the first time he let me drive it; I ran it harder than he ever had. I didn't hurt or abuse the car though, just let her open up a bit. Needs more mods.
  17. I'd HIGHLY fear fixing that. It may not have bent up the chassis much to where the car may still drive straight, but getting it right to where the tops won't leak....eeekkk. That car would never be the same. That said, if you want to sell your door panels, I'd probably be game.
  18. Ya got the shit part right.
  19. Just Buy a used trailer, can be had from$500-$1500. And get a weight distributing hitch w/ sway bars, makes life easy.
  20. It would be more niffty if it had a motor. Right now, that would probably be way more work than it is worth to push around!
  21. I was laid off from Lucent, where I was making some good $$, less than a week after I moved into my house a little over 2 years ago. Well, from being unemployed for a year, then working for wages that still had me in the red for a while, I racked up some big time CC debt. Greg, being a financing guy, after a LOT of hard work, was finally able to get my home refinanced. Even with only about $100 in equity into my house (if it was even that), he got rid of both CC's, same house payment, and saved me a couple hundred bucks a month. Add to that my car will be paid off very soon, he was able to really help out my financial situation and put me back where I need to be! Big thanks to Greg, and anyone who needs to get finance/refinance should PM him ASAP! I know a few other people on here have been greatly helped out by Greg!
  22. There's a reason F-body's have good crash ratings; I think you figured it out! But seriously, 140+ on a back country road, come on now. I did 130 once in my Formula on a back road I 100% knew was empty and had driven that road many times (no bumps/dips), and still backed off because I didn't feel it was safe. Be very thankful you walked away.
  23. Ummm, so somehow another car won't cost you money?? Ship the car to you if you need it. smile.gif But if you do decide to rid of it; a used C5 would be an awesome choice, and you can find some really nice ones that have spent their lives as garage queens that have never seen over 3000RPM for less than 25k.
  24. Nitrousbird

    New Member

    Friday night came....and went. Weather was good. Did the guy show (I'm betting not). For me, going to concert > hanging out in parking lot.
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