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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I downloaded the Ulead Gif Animator. I've used their Photoimpact software for a couple years and like it; I like how this one works too; quick, simple, and does what I want it to do without too much fluff.
  2. I have a really short clip I want to turn into a gif. Anyone know of any user-friendly programs to do this??
  3. Delteq, who makes one of the coil pack kits (and soon to release the full Opti eliminator) for us LT1 guys has found the Northstar wasted spark coil packs setup to produce more voltage per plug than the LS1 coil packs. Not saying that the LS1 ignition is bad at all (as it is awesome), but it's deifinately not the only GM game in town.
  4. Talk about a freaking handful driving that thing!! Any more info about it??
  5. Off to the dumpster we go..........
  6. Nitrousbird

    New Member

    Anyone else skeptical of this guy. Why would you have European rear tag on your American 911. Further, the pics shown are definately professionaly-type pics, not just someone snapping a simple picture of their vehicle.
  7. Nitrousbird

    job question

    I used to have hair down to my shoulders in college. A few months before I started interviewing, I had it ALL chopped off. I knew I was going to do this right when I started growing it.....if I wanted to be taken seriously in the job market, it had to be done. While I was working for Lucent, I did get my ear pierced. One hole, and I take it out for any job interview I go to. Apperance is a BBBIIIGG factor when it comes to getting a job. I do have to ask though; you are getting a "Doctor of Divinity degree" yet you have a lot of visible tat's, piercings, and the screen name BusterHyman. Something doesn't seem quite right there, anyone else agree??
  8. I finally got around to renewing the tags on my Formula and my boat trailer (since the car will be on the road again soon, and I'm towing the boat back here this weekend). The boat has been parked in a relative's barn for a year and a half, I didn't renew the tags last year. I discover that if you don't renew them within a year, you have to get new plates. Though I never liked the red/white/blue plates (my other vehicles have the previous tan/white plates), I REALLY hate these gay flat plates. I get the new plate, and it's a raised letter plate. Mmmkay. I'm not complaining, but I was just wondering if I got a leftover or if there is still hope they will continue to produce the raised letter plates.
  9. When thinking to myself "which would be more embarassing to drive, the described Escort or a Scion" my internal vote was a draw. I think I'd rather walk. They take on shitty looking car away from the kid to put him into another.
  10. I mean, the pics you see now are definately more than just a few trips in the rain; but when they started to get f'ed up was maybe 1-2 drives in some normal rain. No nitrous was ran through them for the first month or so either, so that can't be to blame. But the coating is supposed to protect the headers from that. I'd say the headers looked pretty much like the pictures after a year. I paid the money for that coating to help keep under hood temps down (which I do think it does to some extent), and to keep the headers from rusting. I'm gonna bet these recoated headers will turn gray within a day and probably smell like hell for 2 weeks, just like the last ones.
  11. About 3 years ago I purchased my Hooker Long Tube headers. They were drop shipped to Jet-Hot for their "Sterling" coating (which looks almost like polished metal when it is new). Actually, it turns to a dull gray in about 2 days. After less than a month of being on the car, not scraping anything, and only driven in the rain a couple of times, the coating started to rust. Knowing it had a 3 year warranty on it, I decided I would send them back for recoating whenever I had a reason to pull the headers. For one reason or another, I've pulled the headers twice but didn't have the time to be without my headers. This leads up to now; I finally pull the headers to be recoated. I ship off my headers to Jet-Hot, per their instructions. They arrive to them on May 25th. I was told "ship them to us, with a note in the box indicating they are being coated under warranty, then we will recoat and ship them back to you." Well, I wait. And wait. Finally I had time today to call them. "We didn't have your phone number, so we couldn't call you. Upon further inspection, we believe the exhaust was getting too hot. The Sterling finish is only good to 1300 degrees, where are Jet-Hot 2000 finish is good to 2400 degrees **or something like that**. For $50 more we can upgrade you to the 2000 finish" I respond telling him the coating started to get bad on a 100% internally stock, very well running motor, no emissions equipment. I decide to pass on the 2000 stuff, then the guy makes me pay $25 for them to ship the headers back. Glad I was informed of this; especially glad since it only cost me $12.91 to ship the headers to them via Fed-Ex ground insured. Then I really got to thinking. If heat did it, wouldn't the primaries be impacted a lot worse than the collectors?? Yet the collectors is where the finish was by far the worst. Of course, pics speak a lot better: Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Screw Jet-Hot. [ 28. June 2004, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]
  12. Being a boat owner, let me give you some good advice. When I bought my boat, I was also trying the "something cheaper" route. People try to get insane amounts of money out of total garbage. I looks 17-19' boats that needed totally new interiors, were terriable oxidized, chips in the gel coat, 10-15 years old, god only knows how they ran, yet they still wanted 6-7k for these boats. Others realized they had a junker on their hands and gave it away. Buy the nicest boat you can afford. Boats are money pits, and require quite a bit of care. The less work you have to do on one, the better. Trust me, it sucks have a boat down for over a year because you can't afford to rebuild the motor (my situation...I'm just now getting ready to fix it). I even got a damn good deal on my boat, was/is in great shape for its age, but still got screwed in the end. In summary, a cheap boat many times just ends up costing you more in repairs.
  13. Being a boat owner, let me give you some good advice. When I bought my boat, I was also trying the "something cheaper" route. People try to get insane amounts of money out of total garbage. I looks 17-19' boats that needed totally new interiors, were terriable oxidized, chips in the gel coat, 10-15 years old, god only knows how they ran, yet they still wanted 6-7k for these boats. Others realized they had a junker on their hands and gave it away. Buy the nicest boat you can afford. Boats are money pits, and require quite a bit of care. The less work you have to do on one, the better. Trust me, it sucks have a boat down for over a year because you can't afford to rebuild the motor (my situation...I'm just now getting ready to fix it). I even got a damn good deal on my boat, was/is in great shape for its age, but still got screwed in the end. In summary, a cheap boat many times just ends up costing you more in repairs.
  14. V8 = 2 heads = headers. Only inline motors use a header. Regardless, 100% waste of time/bloody knuckles/money doing headers on that car.
  15. The great thing about forced induction + watercraft is the lake can be an air-water cooler. As long as the exhanger is big enough, you can run some insanely cool intake temps, not to mention the very low engine temps watercraft run due to the lake being one big radiator.
  16. If the baby duckling did fall down the grate, who is to say the guy taking the pic didn't simply pull off the grate and take the babies out?? I do agree w/ geese being nothing more than a flying racoon. They love to hiss and crap everywhere. Ducks on the other hand seem much friendlier, less intrusive, and easier on their surroundings.
  17. I'm sure sales numbers had nothing to do with that, lol. The DSM, being a far less expensive car, naturally HEAVILY outsold the 3000GT. The most base model of 3000GT's was still a few thousand dollars more than the most heavily loaded DSM model you could buy.
  18. Nitrousbird


    Don't forget to paint it. A lot of people seem to, so I figured I'd remind you. smile.gif
  19. Am I the only one that think it looks really stupid?? It's America, use an AMERICAN plate. Besides, license plates are there out of necessity, not as decoration.
  20. I was under the impression they didn't start making those things till the very late 80's. I just gotta ask what is special about this one, other than it doesn't have a lot of miles on it (which is probably fairly common for Hummers/HUMVEES).
  21. But that's highly unlikely, as the big reason behind the 42V systems is that there isn't the high current demand (thinner gauge wiring, alternators outputting less current, etc.). Simply put; this just won't work.
  22. Nitrousbird


    Hopefully you aren't the same guy w/ the 240SX that was doing donuts only a few feet from Chris's GTP in the Blacklick parking lot when COFBA was taking some pics after a meeting. That guy was a member here, and left soon afterwords. That was quite a while ago too.
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