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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Time to get some 57# high impedance injectors or get a low impedance driver and some some low impedance injectors.
  2. Nitrousbird


    Wow, how much crack would you have to smoke to come up with something like that. Brain damage = most definately.
  3. Didn't you get the memo?? Everyone on Cols Racing dates a supermodel, the faultless kind.
  4. Are we talking about the blue FD w/ the monster rear wheels (that looks good), VERY shitty sounding exhaust, and big ol' ricer wing, but otherwise a good looking car??
  5. Fast, but I was hoping for more. Doesn't sound like the guy really had a whole lot done to the motor though; hog out those heads and add some forged goodies + more boost + more nitrous = the goodness.
  6. I'd call you a fag, but gay people like porn too. People have sex all the time; hell, I had some this morning. I just didn't get paid for it, or have it on video. Some people choose to take video and get cash. Go preach to people who care (aka Church....but even then I'd bet over 50% of those church goers have enjoyed a good porn every now and then.).
  7. http://www.tompowered.com/stuff/flamethrower.mpg Might be a bit dangerous.
  8. It sucks QMP pulled the stock motor. They never found out how much it could REALLY take.
  9. When I worked in a produce wharehouse back in college, we had a lot of dry ice. People played w/ that stuff all the time. Fill a little bit of water into an empty 20oz pop bottle. Drop in once piece of dry ice, put on the cap, and let it burst. Always good for a reaction. We had one guy we worked with that definately looked like someone who would be a serial bomber. He used to take a LOT of dry ice home with him; he'd buy like one item and fill a whole box w/ dry ice. He did live in Oklahoma during the time of the bombing too...............
  10. I've seen the Fang equppied Eclipse on Riverside twice this week. The car is as gay as it was described.
  11. http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates/statemap?visited=FLGAINKYMINCOHPASCTNTXVAWV create your own personalized map of the USA I only included state's I've either stayed in for a short time, drove through several times, or did something worth mentioning in. I left off a couple states I've just driven through.
  12. These threads are worthless. Worthless threads go where?? Oooo Oooo, I know....THE DUMPSTER.
  13. Definately an improvement. A small, flush spoiler wouldn't look bad on the car, but that bookshelf joke needs to be hauled off with the weekly garbage. The red tail lights are a big improvement too.
  14. Talk about a freaking ghetto ride. I'm amazed that thing is up to over 18k already....and the reserve isn't even met! I wonder how much of the stereo in that car is stolen.
  15. Talk about misleading: They try to make it sound like this Supra holds the world record on DOT approved tires. It might hold the IMPORT racing record (hence mentioning NOPI in the previous sentence). #1: I'll bet the DOT record is held by a car running ET Streets or QTP's (they are far stickier, and come in far wider/taller sizes). #2: Cars have went faster on drag radials than 8.20's.
  16. I normally don't post in FS section items, but something like this is definately misleading. Stock LT1 rods are DEFINATELY NOT stronger than the H or I beam Eagle and Scat forged rods; heck most budget LT1 builders go to those rods.
  17. That's an old, OLD pic. And a very sad one too. We can just hope that car has been totalled by now and is out of its misery.
  18. I was watching 10.5 on NBC tonight, and that scrolled across the screen about a loose "exotic animal." (yes, I know, 2 part made for TV movie, but I got stuck watching it last night and had to see how it ended up smile.gif ) I think it would be neat to see a big kitty in my back yard, as long as I wasn't outside. Don't get pics like that often.
  19. I'd love to have my dog cloned, but I'm sure the cost is far more than I could bear for many years to come.
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