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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. ~11.50's on the bike if I had leathers and practice... which I don't. ~18.30's in the Cherokee
  2. I have never used it, but they make some spray stuff that is supposed to repel dogs from marking the same spot. Obviously removing the smell altogether would be better than masking it somehow, but maybe that would help... or cause the dog o just mark somewhere else. Edit: Something like this, although I have seen others: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3130863#prodTab1
  3. This. Scenario 1 of many possible: lets say you see 2 guys already fighting and one's swinging on the other with a bat and it looks like he intends to kill the guy. You drop the guy with the bat only to find out he was initially attacked by this other guy who is holding a knife you don't see... You're in some shit now. Carrying a gun around won't make you a cop. It's not your job to get in the middle of things that don't involve you, and if you decide to be the "good guy" and help out you'd better be sure of the circumstances. Obviously this is a different scenario, but I agree that you don't want to be too quick to jump in and "save" someone else unless you're 100% sure you're in the right.
  4. Agreed. (with vehemently disagreeing that's a reasonable amount to spend) Although, if you have the money to spend and that's how you wish to spend it, you're entitled to do so.
  5. Depends on what county you go to and how busy they are. Most guys I know that had it done in Franklin County had them in just over a week. In Madison County my first one took just over a month and my renewal took about 3 weeks in Delaware County. Tennessee has reciprocity with Ohio and I have carried there myself. We stayed in a Cabin outside of Gatlinburg earlier in the year. We had planned to spend most of our time in the woods too, but it rained pretty heavily during our stay so we spent alot of time walking around in town. Fortunately I've never had any issues with anyone while carrying but I have had some run-ins with interesting characters in the past at tourist-trap places like that... which is why I normally try to avoid them (tourist traps that is). There are a bunch of websites where you can check for reciprocity and CCW regulations state-by-state. You should always check each state you'll be travelling through as well as your destination so that you know what to expect.
  6. 1. Ray Finkle - Miami Dolphins 2. .... 3. .... 4. .... 5. .... Laces out! (hopefully someone still remembers this movie...)
  7. Yeah, it was nice to see some American bikes pwning on some Italian bikes on road courses here lately. Must have been too little too late.
  8. http://www.buell.com/en_us/ With this jacked up economy I can understand, I guess. Sucks for Buell fans, race teams and Eric Buell though.
  9. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:NeACH-SKwTQTQM:http://www.productwiki.com/upload/images/full_throttle_blue_demon.jpg ? I wonder how much torque it will make with the carb all the way open.
  10. How'd I miss this? (probably too busy getting HAMMERED in the kitchen...)
  11. +1 on the heater core flush. I have had to do this to both of my Cherokees. Each time I got handfuls of rust and gunk out and the heat was stellar afterward.
  12. The "official" 3.1 JB is out already but only for Mac. There is another way to do it on a PC, but it seems a little scary to me. I'm waiting to see if there are any more bug-fixes in the coming weeks before I look into going JB again. Just updated to 3.1.2, though I had none of those issues either.
  13. Big Daddy as in Dwayne Gutridge? Fastest radial car evar (at the time)?
  14. No, I plan to hang onto it. I'd definitely recommend the Hastings to anyone in the market for a slug barrel though. It has claimed many a deer (though I have gotten away from deer hunting in recent years).
  15. The Fuel Depot here in Delaware has it or at least they used to, I haven't been there in a while. they also have leaded race gas. Edit:Here's the Google Maps Link http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF-8&q=fuel+depot+delaware+ohio&fb=1&gl=us&hq=fuel+depot&hnear=delaware+ohio&cid=3484730148766386061&li=lmd Edit again: Their website indicates they still have it.
  16. If you find out it's smooth-bore/bead sight I'd be interested. Thanks
  17. Ramsey, Still have the Springfield and want to part with it for a small profit? I may be in the market for a super cheap shotgun to hunt with. PMed
  18. I'm thinking about getting back into hunting this season and started shopping for a shot barrel for my 870. Currently the only barrel I have is a Hastings rifled slug barrel. I used to always hunt with my single shot 20ga. but the wife will be using that if she decides she's into this hunting thing. I noticed it's damn near impossible to find just a basic bead sight, improved cylinder or similar barrel anymore. I'd rather not drop $200+ on a fancy Remchoke vent-rib barrel for some basic bird hunting. I know Mossberg makes a 18.5" bead sight barrel for around $100, but that's cylinder bore and more for shooting at people than birds. Anyone have a cheap 12ga. 870 barrel laying around they want to get rid of? I'd take a screw-in choke barrel for the right price (3" chamber and no rifle sights please).
  19. Here are the instructions. http://www.jegs.com/InstallationInstructions/100/121/121-6420.pdf If you don't want to splice wires the adapter harnesses they offer are nice. I think it's a #8874. EDIT: This is specifically what you're looking for if you're not using the harness. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/MSDWiring.jpg
  20. I have. I'd classify it as "kinda' neat", but I don't think I'd run out and buy one. The Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Clang! sound effects are cool I guess. If I had money and was a collector I'd probably have one and would shoot it. I wouldn't exactly call myself an assault rifle guy either though.
  21. You know normally I'm not a proponent of stock *anything* (especially suspension stuff) but if you're looking to save money, you could always swap on some used stock or stock replacement struts for cheap/free. They'll ride like shit and generally suck but the price is right for racing purposes. Hell someone here probably has a set they'd donate.
  22. Go as Kanye and interrupt everyone you meet?
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