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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Just search for the files on the internet, download them and then copy them to your windows, system, and system32 folders. I usually do that when I reach a dead end with the install programs fixing themselves. Evan
  2. hehe yeah I think there calculators are broken. Evan
  3. Yeah v8 its much better. I'm not 100% sure, but the 5 speed may not be enough for a built v8. If I were you I'd just save the trouble and do a TH 350 or 400 trany. Evan
  4. Yeap I'd do 33 to 77 from columbus. Its the best route now with the nice new road from here to there. Evan
  5. Nice that breed doesn't require insurance against attacks or anything does it? Evan
  6. Lol I'll not attack you, but come on. I have had many many dogs and cats over the years and I loved each of them, but there animals and only animals. Evan
  7. Pet insurance. fuck that, where I come from its called a shot gun or a sack to drop them in the river. Oh well. Nice Mike bring that doggy over I wanna see it. Evan
  8. Yeah don't bother if its like most compaqs it will probably self destruct something in the computer like the hard drive or something else when it detects a change. I'm a compaq certifed tech and those old machines required firmware updates to do alot of things and that crap was almost never documented either so even as a dealer you ended up trashing parts until someone found the proper TSB's to address the procedures. Evan
  9. You are correct. The drag car would have to go from 0 to 299 ft per sec at the moment the vette was passing it. Then the dragster could win, but since it has to excelerate and the times would still be so close it cannot make up the difference and pass it. Evan
  10. You may need the weight or at least a good guess. I bought my car hauler new so it had a title with the weight on it. If you need to get it weighed the cat scales at most truck stops will only cost $8 for a certified reading. Evan
  11. I've been to the caves several times and there is alot of other parks and things to do in the area for tourist. The cave tours range from 1 to 2 hour trips to the main entrance and back which is mostly just a quick history for people that can't do the longer tours. All the way up to extreme caving involving crawling through very tight holes and camping out in the caves. I'm sure theres a website about all of it, but they have basically everything you'd want in a cave. Especially since it covers over 350 square miles. Evan
  12. I can't think of a good reason the boot would tear on a car unless it was installed improperly or there is some type of vibration or something. A defect in the boot could have also been the reason. Now if it was a 4x4 I'd tell ya to keep it out of the green colored mudholes. Evan
  13. I agree with the Grease Monkey and when your done with it bring it my way and I'll run over it. Nah really, if its cheap as hell then you'll have fun learning about the car and how to fix it, but working on something like a honda, toyota, or even some american pos would be better for learning stuff since VW is pretty european.
  14. lol wow guys. how about I take pictures of the rest of my truck so you can point out all the other things wrong with it. That missing bolt is the safest missing bolt on the entire truck. I have some bolts that I don't even give a shit about putting nuts on because theres really no point. Gotta remember when I'm posting pictures its not of pretty show car BS. Its real life stuff with only one goal in mind. "To do only what is necessary" and "be as cheap and easy to fix as possbile." This truck sees 100% trail use. Must be the winter getting everyone down. I know I"m ready for some nice warm trail riding. Evan
  15. lol Yeah thats just a temporary connection to the rotor field circuit while I test it. Evan
  16. Heres a pic I took of my onboard welder I"m working on installing. So far I've done some quick welding tests with it and it works great, but I still need to get off my ass and build the control panel. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/alt-welder.jpg Evan
  17. Wife and I did a cruise around The Bahamas a few weeks ago. that was very nice. Was a nice price too. Evan
  18. Nice to know that I'm known to contribute to the forum when I make a post. If your example of a private sector entity buying land and basically "land locking" a forest and then charging for access is something that actually happens then that forest service needs to take a better look at the law. I know for a fact that no one can "land lock" another persons property so that they cannot gain access via driving. Further more no entity can even block access to basic utilities like water, electric, and gas access. I've been through this as a southern ohio land owner and have been to court on this type of case. If a forest is allowing something like this to go on then they are willingly doing so. You are correct in that I wouldn't have detailed knowledge of say the BLM territory in the southwest so there could be some really dumb laws out there premitting this type of activity. At the risk of sounding to biased towards a certain party. I'd say that if such laws exsist it probably wasn't Republicans looking out for the best interest of "big business" that created those laws and I'd even go so far to say that it was probably a court decision or something that some liberals dreamed up to allow there 501C3 orgs to buy bordering lands and then "land lock" forests to prevent development and/or access. This of course is just an example of how things could also have turned out and verly likely not true. If anyone interested in more about the BLM and outdoor stuff you can always check out sierra club and even http://www.ohiotrails.org for ohio local stuff. Evan
  19. ah well $147 is a good price. I was thinking more like $400-600 so yeah I'd probably even do it for around 150 since really thats not worth the trouble of laying out harnesses and routing connectors. Evan
  20. I"m very involved with the purchase and managment of state and national forests and especially in Ohio. I'm part of an organization right now thats about to make a large land purchase using money that comes 100% from government grants. I won't say much more about that since it could hamper our efforts. I will say however that your idea is wrong that "guys with money" will buy up all the land. Just last month an enviromental group bought up 150,000 acres of southeastern Ohio land. This group got the money through government grants and will be donating the land back to the national forest service very shortly. Its just a big stupid cycle thats been going on since about the depression with the formation of the national parks service. I'm an enviromentalist myself, but I'm not one of the hippy types that want to restrict access. Me and my organization are for 100% access by all recreationalists and outdoorsman. Evan
  21. Almost nothing you can do on a domestic truck can improve its worth by much. Especially the minor repairs and upgrades. Everything for trucks is very cheap. If your gonna trade it in your only gonna get close to the trade in value no matter what you do. If your selling it to someone yourself then remember that their buying a truck so there either a "truck guy" or someone that needs a truck so they'll either drive it like it is or they'll really mess around with it and make it "their" truck. Evan
  22. Don't bother with the expense of a painless kit if you know anything about wiring and you seem like you do or you'd be unable to do tests with a meter. Jeeps are very well known to have bad electrical connections so redoing it would be the best way to solve your problems. I'd just use good connectors and not spend the $$ on the painless kit unless that don't bother you. Evan
  23. That was probably the problem then. Just to hot for the timming and all that. Evan
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