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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I agree valve jobs are pretty easy to do. I've done my 22RE several times and did my 350 I put in my toyota. I didn't even have a spring compressor. I just used a hammer and screw driver. Wear eye protection:) Evan
  2. It looks like everything has been summed up pretty good here. The result. Wait it out at your job. Maybe even apply for a credit card to hold on to for awhile. I'd cancel it before you try to get the car though. It seemed to help my wife out alot after she cancelled her cards compared to when she had them at 0 balance. Don't let dealerships run credit reports on you. I've had loans denied because of to many credit inquries. That seems stupid, but for some reason banks worry about it. Evan
  3. ^^^^ Thats some funny shit. Evan
  4. hmm Altima has 63K on it and you've only done regular maint. My `94 corolla has 210K on it and its only had regular maint as well. As for blazers. I'd do a web search. I've always saw reliable blazers in the past. I know the 4.3L v6 is probably the only good engine to get in one. Maybe its just that we know of a few people that have had alot of problems. Its all relative anyway since I think my GMC fullsize truck is a POS compared to my toyota's. I'm going back to another toyota as soon as I can. As for Kia. DO NOT GO DOWN THAT ROAD. Kia has a very attrive price, but you really are getting what you pay for. they have a 10 year warranty and your going to use it every few months for 10 years. Ask almost anyone who's had one. Evan
  5. Yeah I can imagine that that hill would be alot of fun. I've never been around it in bad weather, but I bet its a total mess unless the city clears it first. Evan
  6. Yeah there not $10K. The briggs and straton models we sold when I worked at Central Power Systems wheren't half that price. Evan
  7. A 3500 watt generator will run an electric furnace, but you'll want to keep the lights off. A 5000 watt one will heat and light a 5000 sq ft house quite well. I should know my dad has worked at United Rental for over 30 years. I've used about every piece of equipment they rent. If your really hurting for electricity you can also modifiy an alternator run it off your car and plug it into your house. Thats one of the mods I'm adding to my offroad toy:) Evan
  8. As for your question about how the process works. As soon as the adjuster comes out and does the estimate they will cut and mail you a check for the amount he thinks it will cost. Don't let that determine your repair quality or place of repair because thats just the insurance company hoping for there best. It will likely cost more, but they hope that by giving you a check and you depositing it it becomes your problem of whether or not you actually get it fixed. Best thing to do is take there check and sign it over to the body shop and then let them bill the insurance company for any additional costs. Evan
  9. Tractor

    Idiot drivers...

    I hate the jeep stickers too. Who says a jeep can go offroad. My club spends more time pulling jeeps up tiny hills than any other vehicle out there. Of course that might have something to do with the other rigs getting radical modifications all at the same time. Evan
  10. Tractor

    Im engaged!!

    Thats great man! I love being married. Sure we get at each others nerves alot, but thats all part of it. Have fun. Evan
  11. All offroaders know that wider tires are better in deep snow because they help you float more. Lower ground pressure means you keep your diffs and frame off the snow longer. Digging is the last thing you want to do. You actually want to have a tread pattern that won't let the snow escape. Kinda like the BF Goodrich Radial T/A's. They pack in snow and help create friction against the ground. Of course on icey roads your best tire would be something like lots of spikes. Highest possible ground pressure is your best bet when trying to turn. Stopping is pretty much skill/luck no matter what your driving. Try driving a truck on swamper TSL's with a spooled rear end sometime. Thats alot of fun trying to go straight. Evan
  12. If you really need to you can bypass the digital t-stat or get one like mine that runs on batteries not A/C. the house should still heat even without the blower if the ducts were designed right they will use the tempreture variance as a pressure wave and air will flow. The blower just makes it much more effiencent. Evan
  13. Tractor

    Lincoln Issues

    Stalls at idle could be a few things unless you can feel the car stall because its trying to stay in gear with the wheels stopped. In that case theres probably a solenoid going bad in the transmission. Not hard to fix, but I'd get those codes checked first. Evan
  14. Nice. All I got myself was a big ass TV. Evan
  15. I don't agree with tips myself. they should be paid well enough or given a bonus program based on performance or something. Evan
  16. I could probably do it, but you probably want it done really well and I'd only do a good enough job. Evan
  17. Oh and as for insurance. You might be suprised to find that sports cars aren't that much more expensive than a mid ranged sedan. If your buying a car you probably want your own insurance also. You will be required to have full coverage on it, but its not alot more than liability. Evan
  18. So old cars = higher interest rates. Don't be suprised if the best rate you get is > 10%. I'm not a loan expert, but have paid off many loans. They are right the car dealerships will do anything they can to get you into a car. They will probably even put down that you've been at your current job for over 12 months just to get you approved. Evan
  19. Side ways is fun! Thats the only way to get around down in southeastern, OH. Evan
  20. ^^^^ That is funny for some reason Evan
  21. You bunch of pussies. I just got back from taking my wife to work. My company closed today, but I was ready to go. I wish my 4x4 ran right now. All I got left is a `94 corolla wagon and a 2WD GMC fullsize truck with slicks and a giant pile of snow in the bed. I had no trouble at all. Evan
  22. I'm looking for a steering arm off of a ford truck. It will need to be off of a straight axle 1/2 thru 1 ton truck. I need to arm down on the passenger side knuckle. Evan
  23. All vehicles in the state of ohio are to have at least 1 mirror providing a clear view behind the vehicle. Thats paraphrased from the ORC. I say the guy is at fault. He killed his own daughter because he's not smart enough to know where she is at and is trying to find someone to blame for it other than himself. Evan
  24. It could still be the battery. Have you tried jumping it? It could also be that the starters solenoid is corroded. You could take off the starter and either replace the whole unit or replace only the contacts. For toyotas the contacts cost around 0.30 cents and are very easy to replace. could be the same for your car. I've have bad batteries test as good as new ones at the parts stores so I wouldn't let them diagnose anything. Evan
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