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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I like my $150 serta from Walmart. It's held up pretty well for the past five years and very soft and comfy.
  2. My dad fixed up a 48 international 1 ton pickup when I was little. He used it as a DD for years. You guys are doing an awesome job on this.
  3. This isn't really a short term problem. Wait until financial reports come out in 3-4th quarter and we will have a better idea of the impact of the shutdowns. We are going to see repercussions in all sectors for a year or two in the very best case and that's going to effect raises jobs etc. Of course there will be high volatility in the very short-term and some well-timed or lucky trades will take some nice profit.
  4. This, BOOMERs aren't staying in much around here either and still getting pissed if anything holds up their busy schedules / tee times.
  5. Tractor


    Sounds like a similar problem to what I see here except they are from New York and boomers.
  6. Your score went down because you don't have any available credit. As you have seen its better to have a ton of zero balance credit cards in open accounts. I was just going over this for my business and personal accounts with my wife (personal banker). She's telling me the same thing, open and keep all the accounts you want as it looks better to future lenders. This is actually a mistake made by many people as the become 18 yrs old and start life. In this current era of society it would be a great idea to hit up someone like capital one for even a $100 limit card asap and just not use it. So many people roll through college on parents money or a part time job, work hard in school and get out then find out they can't get an apartment, car, etc even with their shiny new degree and a career because they have nearly zero credit. Student loans don't count nearly has much towards your available credit or income/debt ratio.
  7. I really like the truck and if I needed a truck I'd probably get it, but I'm the guy who likes odd trucks and rides to Home Depot in my Deuce and a Half;-)
  8. I was doing some work the other day and let a homeless guy use my tools to fix his bicycle. They don't bother me in the least. The way I see it we're all just some bad things away from it being us in need. In the rare event that I have cash on me I give it to them and I've been known to go to the ATM and return with cash. Drugs, mental illness, whatever, the bottom line is no one wants to have to beg like that.
  9. Tractor

    GM 3.6L?

    Since we're talking about the 3.6 I have an 08 one that I shut down one day, started The next and it jumped time. I replaced the chains and now it's got about 20psi oil pressure on a cold start and as it warms it drops to nothing and I get a sound like the chains are rattling. I haven't had the time to look into it again but since we're on the subject, any guess on the problem?
  10. The sticky traps worked good for us in the days before we got a couple cats. Wife would see the mouse, we'd lay out a trap and within a day or two the mouse would be stuck to it.
  11. I'm planning to start my detached garage soon as well and have been seriously considering these guys https://www.stroudsbuildingsupply.com/pole-barn-kits I really like the steel trusses for added ceiling height and the ease of me building most of it myself.
  12. As a guy who buys tools for my "business on a budget" I like to buy cheap "HF" or some other brand the first time and if I find that I actually use it I upgrade. I'm hoping by doing that I learn what I really need and how the tool will be used so that when I go spend real money I know what I'm getting into. Having said that I have one of the HF 5 gallon compressors I picked up ~15 years ago for $40 and it just recently had a few of the pressure switches/whatever fail. I bought new parts and replaced them and its back to functioning again. IMO if your air tools don't demand a lot of power just get any compressor and spend the money elsewhere if your really gonna use it that little.
  13. Tractor


    My wife lost her mother to suicide almost 18 years ago. She was very damaged by a sexually abusive father and the fact that one of her sister's died in this way years earlier. She was the most giving person I've ever met, was a nurse by profession and many people came to the funeral that we didn't know, but knew her. They told us, she took care of their loved one once they were sent home after the hospital she worked at could no longer help and they came home to die. She wasn't a hospice nurse, she came out of kindness and helped in any way she could. We still hurt all these years later. She was very sick and completely trapped by her mental state and had been in mental hospitals from time to time throughout her life.
  14. The old town of Calabash is a very nice little community. Though it's suffering from the same huge number of new build sub divisions as the rest of the country now and will soon be one big traffic jam.
  15. I cut a place out of the woods here in coastal south carolina and so far haven't really done much with the yard. I'm planning things now and have lots of different grasses coming in from the wild. There's one type of grass growing here now that we like, but everything else is fighting for survival. Any ideas how to help it take over? I'm playing around with weed/grass killer now, but figured someone else knows a better way. Also anyone know what this is we like it and it doesn't seem to grow higher than 1/2 to 1" so perfect for me, I hate mowing.
  16. Here in Myrtle Beach we still have a local Telecom that isn't owned by anyone and that confuses the hell out of everything.
  17. I wish I was talking to you the other day. I had an engineer who argued with me for half an hour over the phone that a DB9 cable I had to make had the pins wrong. Pin #1 isn't usually marked on a connector and doesn't need to be since pins 2-5 are clearly marked on that row. It's was confusing them and They had me upload them several photos of it so they could tell me I was wrong. I used to play with those when I was ten. The day before that I was working on a guest WiFi issue at a book store and the wifi was uplinked through a CradlePoint. I did a quick check in my smart phone while introducing myself to the manager and told her it looks like a problem with the config in the access point.. after three hours of letting them walk me through testing layer one connections they finally found the problem in the config. Go figure, but I don't have access to that, I'm just the "smart hands" on the ground. I get a shit load of money to just act dumb and do what the guy on the phone says. Some times it's frustrating but I just add up what I'm gonna bill them and keep rock'n.
  18. I carry a plastic badge holder on a lanyard and I have a bunch of photo IDs I insert and sometimes print them for the task that day.
  19. Your right, should be very simple. I would start by using a voltage tester to establish 100% what the wires do and also to make sure you haven't blow a fuse or have a bad connection. Then make it work one piece of the puzzle at a time until everything works.
  20. I suppose on the high-level it's a bunch of sales people doing their jobs getting the contract with clients, project managers managing tickets and working with dispatchers. Then it's level 1 and 2 support engineers assisting me in the field. Each doing their little piece of the puzzle not really needing to know any of the big picture.
  21. And that is where it becomes fascinating to me. Each company claims to be a one stop solution. One is even named "one source" the marketing material claims they provide a simple "one contact" solution to your IT needs however they only manage tickets and outsource to others which get down to me eventually. The NDAs I get with each one states not to reveal to the others who I'm actually working for because they all want to look like the primary contact. In a growing number of cases I'm exclusive enough that I'm moving up the chain and will likely be outsourcing some of the work I get lol.
  22. As some may remember I started out on my own going on two years ago. I'm happy to say its doing very well still, however there's something that I see daily and it boggles my mind. Its kind of convoluted so try to stay with me as I try to explain the madness. A bookstore business has some IT equipment broken or needs something installed, lets say a new WIFI access point. Their internal IT department makes the ticket, calls up the company A contracted to handle WIFI in their stores. Company A claims they do all that work, however they contract it out to company B, company B sold company A that they do that work as well, however they contract it out to company C. Company C then puts it out on an open market and then my little company gets the job here in my local area. I have instructions to tell the bookstore manager I work for company A in most cases and don't even talk to company's A or B directly. Many times it gets really convoluted when I do a job for company A for C or C for A or B for either of them. Each one states in their marketing material that they are experts with qualified technicians nation wide when in reality they all just outsource the work to an open market where some dude like me picks up the assignment. In my case I'm a very knowledgeable, professional, and very experienced person though when I'm out and about I hear feedback from the managers of the sites and even the dispatchers on the phones that many of the techs aren't that good. Its real fun when I'm there for the internet being down, but I'm only there to check it between the building's entry to the modem or T1 smart box, then I come back a few hours later working for a different company to troubleshoot between the modem and the firewall, and then again later for yet another company to troubleshoot the switch on the other side of the firewall. I had one this week where one firewall was before another and we had a conference call between myself, firewall A, and firewall B's tech support, and the internet provider. I guess it amazes me that there are so many layers of companies involved and I didn't realize this until I became self employed and started to work for them all.
  23. Tractor

    Home Security

    Cameras run all the time but can be set to only record on movement and alerts can also be programmed for movement within specific areas of the field of view.
  24. I visit all the beaches from pawleys island SC to Wrightsville nc weekly. If your interested in natural beaches stay in NC. The SC beaches are for the most part repaired constantly to keep them perfect for the hotels and are devoid of most sea life. I really like the atmosphere of the downtown Myrtle Beach area when I want to go swimming or be entertained. The other areas are full of very annoying old people. With some research you can find great prices but it does get harder in the middle of the season. If you have any specific questions I might be able to help.
  25. I run two 32" TV's as monitors, one I had laying around and the other I picked up cheap at walmart. They serve their purpose well and do everything from running my business to any gaming I plan to do. I even stream the xbox from the living room via windows so its not like I'm playing solitare;)
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