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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I downloaded a jack rabbit call and played it on my phone. Called in deer very easily and coyotes are a little smarter, but it worked.
  2. I was gonna have HR Block do ours, but my cheapskate gene wouldn't allow me after their quote of $350. I can do it myself in 2-4hrs.
  3. Tractor

    Forex trading?

    FOREX, pink sheets, etc are very manipulated. Really good money can be made in pinks, and even more if your willing to be dirty. The most level playing field seems to be in securities. Its got some manipulation, but it is a lot easier to see it at work and play on it.
  4. Tractor

    Forex trading?

    FOREX is open 23hrs/day so you can do it in the evenings. Get on a simulator that runs in real time or delayed real time and see how you do before trying real money. Or just keep a spreadsheet and run your own simulation.
  5. Tractor

    Forex trading?

    The charts were so random in behavior that I wonder if anyone consistently makes money in FOREX. I suppose it is probably easier to make consistent gains long term rather than intraday.
  6. Tractor

    Forex trading?

    I tried the simulators and found that although I do great at securities, FOREX must be completely different as I failed horribly.
  7. I used to use it, now I use tax act online the last couple of years for our personal stuff.
  8. Oh wow, I wish I had the time to mess with that.
  9. Realtor.com is very updated from what I've found. Zillow can't keep up in the fastest changing places.
  10. Here in Charlotte its the same thing, they go under contract the same day they get listed. That's nearly every house and townhouse here. Exception being houses with oddly painted walls. Funny how that bothers people.
  11. Best place to start is with a real market simulator such as the one on investopedia.com that's also a great site for basic reading on investing. A pretty good book is "trading in the zone". It's a little different since it deals with the mental game of trading which IMO is much more important than the technical side. Simple investing is a different yet similar game, just takes different skills/ time frames. You got a long way to find what works best for you, your personality, and the amount of effort your looking to put in. Hit me up for questions any time.
  12. You did great, you stuck to your plan and exit. Sure sometimes you leave money on the table but that's trading. The good news is you didn't stay in due to greed and lose your shirt. If you want to try to take all that's on the table next time use trailing stop, but even that isn't a guarantee.
  13. I just built a system. I tried rosewill for the case and power supply due to the price, but I'm surprised that its pretty good quality. The case is so heavily painted that even the edges are painted and rounded instead of sharp. Thats something I immediately noticed, having built or been inside 10,000+ PC's over the years. I'm also very impressed with having 6 fans and the system is nearly quiet. I wanted to go with micro center, but not living near one they don't allow you to ship they're CPU deals. I tossed around i5 or i7 and went with i5 due to getting to upgrade the video card which is where gaming processing happens anyway.
  14. I've been thinking of making or getting something similar for helping with lifting my military truck when out in the woods/roadside. Being able to lift the entire front end would be helpful when it sinks into mud. An air supply is already there, Just need a really strong bag.
  15. I'd work closer to home for the same amount of time I spent walking and working and make much more money per time.
  16. I was thinking aspergers syndrome as well.
  17. Tractor

    CR Cooks

    Wife and I make an awesome Jambalaya. We started with a recipe by Chef Emeril and added a little more heat. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/1004950_10202133038425788_1681762901_n_zpse8c1a6f5.jpg
  18. I really like my Sol Republic headphones. Not sure if they do BT though.
  19. We tried to turn in family for basically the same type of thing and the .gov didn't care. Very annoying situations.
  20. We used America's best on Polaris. Low price and so far the glasses have been better than other more expensive places.
  21. I used to have that happen but now I just don't dry off after washing hands and it's very minimized. Don't have to do it every time just a couple times a day seem to work for me.
  22. Installation is 99% of the problem with losing signal. The install guy uses his little box to get it close and "good enough" then leaves. I've always done my own and I get it near perfect and lose signal only when the worst storms came up. It had to be bad enough that you were heading for the basement so it didn't matter if TV was working or not at that point. Aligning it properly can take a bit of work and starts with a correctly level mounting arm and there are three axis that must be aligned to get it right though I could just walk outside, point it towards the satellites by eyeballing it and it will get reception. Also needs rechecked periodically to adjust for settling, weather, etc.
  23. Tractor

    moving truck

    I used the free truck over in the Kroger parking lot near New Albany anytime I moved around central ohio. HER realty used to be the office you checked it out from, but I know they changed names last year sometime.
  24. Tractor


    We get 70-80% of our food from Aldi. Higher quality items than walmart for sure and most frozen stuff better than we got a Meijer as well.
  25. Unless you pay attention, the commodity company stocks are always trickier than anything else to trade. I have one company from last year that I'll be holding a while to see if they recover, otherwise my other longs did awesome 100%+ gains. Day trading I maintained my average of around 67% over the year.
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