I was home schooled starting in the middle of 5th grade. I was very difficult and in the mid `80's the diagnosis of ASD was almost unheard of so the typical response from the education system was to put me in the trailers out back of the school with the other kids who were really bad off (think actual MR, LD, ADHD.) My parents got an okay from the state to offically home school (this was just before it was technically legal.)
Growing up in the home school community I met a lot of other kids that also home schooled and they vary just like any group, from people such as myself who needed an alternative education system to those who are true "religious nut jobs" toting guns, bibles, and refusing to pay taxes.
I can assure you that the education you receive can easily be on par or above what your child would get in the public schools. If its the social aspect which many worry about, there are plenty of outlets to be in contact with other kids. Especially in a city like Columbus.
If you want any more info pm me.