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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Heard the carolina reaper is #1. Just get those and call /thread
  2. The wife and I love to make up our Jambalaya with ghost chilli powder for extra heat.
  3. Next time I'm in Charleston, I'm touring the USS Yorktown again. Awesome ship, but we went on a very hot day and my wife really didn't like all the ladders and heat. I haven't seen anything else there, but it is a place I've considered moving to.
  4. Would be hard to go wrong with any SW M&P.
  5. I actually do that stuff at least a few projects per year and thats how I find the answers.
  6. This is more of the education I received at home. My parents graduated HS, but after I got beyond the basic R's and moved on to some serious study they had no way of keeping up. Lucky for them I'm extremely motivated to learn (when not being pressured by anyone.) Part of my ASD is getting stuck on obsessions which for me was things like astronomy, programming, history, etc so I'd need to learn a lot of what I called "filler material" to accomplish some goal in a hobby. This would cause me to learn some really advanced parts of subjects.
  7. The maps they hand out on site should work. Did you check the ODNR site? They should have the same map on there.
  8. You should have a 50 just because, but how much you wanna spend? If your looking for good glass get a 24-70L or I've always heard great things about that Tamron mentioned above.
  9. I'd prefer to home school my girls, but at this time that simply isn't an option. Perhaps in a few years. My oldest is starting kindergarten this year.
  10. I was home schooled starting in the middle of 5th grade. I was very difficult and in the mid `80's the diagnosis of ASD was almost unheard of so the typical response from the education system was to put me in the trailers out back of the school with the other kids who were really bad off (think actual MR, LD, ADHD.) My parents got an okay from the state to offically home school (this was just before it was technically legal.) Growing up in the home school community I met a lot of other kids that also home schooled and they vary just like any group, from people such as myself who needed an alternative education system to those who are true "religious nut jobs" toting guns, bibles, and refusing to pay taxes. I can assure you that the education you receive can easily be on par or above what your child would get in the public schools. If its the social aspect which many worry about, there are plenty of outlets to be in contact with other kids. Especially in a city like Columbus. If you want any more info pm me.
  11. Just passed 5 sherrif cars searching a mini van. On 33 near diley rd.
  12. Keeping the fan switched "ON" will help to more evenly control your temp, but its not uncommon to have nearly a 10 deg variance between floors.
  13. Listened to the WOSU radio interview on the topic. Very interesting. White Castle also built a similar home and I believe they still do produce prefab buildings from porcelain.
  14. Be careful, knowing what was really going on could be dangerous.
  15. The bottom line is Zimmerman approached him or otherwise tipped Martin off that he was being considered a "thug" which caused him to act like a thug and he got killed for it. If someone approaches me and suspects me of being up to "no good" I don't go telling them off and getting into a shoving match which gets me killed. I simply say sorry and attempt to move on. If I did decide to get into the name calling and escalate from there I expect I'll either end up hurt or hurt and in jail for some type of assault charges, but thats something only a thug would feel is a worthy outcome since I don't have that much pride.
  16. I played eve for years, shits way to real. So much so that losing something like a battleship literally takes weeks to financially recover from and I was in a rich corp. Most guys just sit around making more money. I gave up and got hardcore into the real stock market like mentioned above. Much better use of my time.
  17. This, I drive an `01 Corolla for work, +1000 miles per week. Reliability isn't even a consideration since not really anything wears out, but you do gotta keep oil in them as they all burn some. I get 32-35mpg and top out at 38mpg on long trips.
  18. I'm in the same boat... Except I'd be looking for a small day sailer to practice/see if its a possible hobby. My family is seriously talking about moving to a coast soon.
  19. Reminds me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwgTqXuPhlU&feature=player_detailpage
  20. Ever notice its always the other countries who line people up right on the roads and then we get these videos? I guess its good population control.
  21. Exactly. I'm actually surprised they hit above 70, likely most of that is tire diameter.
  22. 500 is about the price of a new one minus the extra stuff so if its in great shape its not a terrible price. I picked up a lincoln 140 at home depot for the same price and its been awesome.
  23. I use "on sale" oil for everything I own and I change oil at proper intervals.
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