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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. crazy.. you guys are going to get caught soon or later man. Not going to be good dude. Dragknee posted this. Unless the "black n' white Fords" have someone up ahead they can radio to, set up road block etc / hell at that speed they'd never catch him!!!!
  2. * Why would someone bash "Roby"? It's a very good dealership, fine reputation, etc. I know the owner, GM, GSM, etc. I did b/z with them for years, anyone bashing them obviously either doesn't know what they're talking about OR had a bad experience & didn't know who to see out there to properly resolve the problem * I've got to work that & every Saturday, otherwise I'd have loved to participate -
  3. Kohones

    Newb from Lima

    Fucked On Race Day. Hey Marc - that was pretty good! To the newb (Welcome aboard)
  4. Welcome to the board. When you're ready for some wheels "that will get out of its own way", have graduated & attained a nice salaried position / pm me & I'll help you. I work at a Chevy / Dodge / Toyota dealership.
  5. Anthony?????? Whacking off is the LAST thing on my mind!!!!! Thanks to all that have shared sympathy & advice. I was really feeling better yesterday, now I've taken ALL of the percosett they gave me, so (naturally) they down graded me to darvocett, so my body is adjusting to less good drugs & of course the pain has returned???? I know the worst is behind me & everyday I'm getting better - I wonder how the pioneers did it?????? Oh yeah, I'm not permitted to drive "Kohones" for a month? Ya think Rick or Marc would help me with this issue??? Haaaaaaaaaa
  6. One of the franchises we have at my employer is "Dodge". Our 1st Caliper arrived 2 weeks ago. I looked at it, sat in it, then drove it. Like Powers said - it's horrible! I wouldn't take one if it was given to me -
  7. Now WHY CAN'T THEY ALL BEHAVE THAT WAY???? & they should be able to merely shoot robbers, rapists, snipers, terrorists, etc. It could be soooo much easier, better, & cheaper for all of us tax payers!!!!!
  8. Yeah he & I have emailed back n' forth last week. I'm going to have him do Kohones this spring. I don't have the time nor the talent to make that car stand tall - especially the way he can -
  9. I had surgery for a hernia last Friday morning. I've had the hernia for awhile & approx. 3 yrs ago it really started bothering me. I waited & waited hoping it would just go away, why???? (Because a Major in the Army performed hernia surgery on my other side in 1974 & he butchered me & 60 some other guys that were getting out)!!!! Its now Tuesday & I'm still in "pain". Thankfully man has invented percosett 5 because without it I'D BE OVER THE EDGE!!!!! I'm getting better but it's a painfully slow process. Moral of this thread - when you're about to lift a heavy object, lift CORRECTLY so you don't tear your stomach or abdomen wall. Sharing this because I'm hurtin, bored, & high on these narcotics ---
  10. Space as I read this, man they screwed with you???? Guess they had nothing better to do that day? It's one thing to get cited for something you did, its a whole different story to get "hobaged" like that? Then when his back is to the wall - you get a tix for no front plate???? They'd have a field day up there with me??? Window tint, exhaust, etc. Guess I'll attempt to avoid that county ---
  11. Alex I don't know what happened, but the pic of my car in my sig has disappeared??????????????? Tom
  12. The aircraft styled "heads up display". It's way cool but not good when you're racing, I watch the guages then -
  13. I doubt anyone is surprised that the "king of shit lane" did NOT show up!!!!! He'll probably say - I was on my way, had just entered rt33 east when my idiot lights came on indicating both my superchargers &&& turbochargers locked up, I pulled over to find my one rear "sticky" was going flat, then the last straw was when I noticed the hood ornament had fallen off too??????? Had it not been soooooo cold I'd have came out to see everyone plus I didn't get home from work until 8:30, however spring is getting ever closer - As for king tool, yeah bring out the ban hammer. He at least owes you guys & should hand over his $2000 as compensation for your time & waste of race gas. I wonder if he's ever SEEN $2000 cash all at one time?
  14. iwillbeking270 is actually the "tool of shit lane". I give him credit though, he is entertaining with all these bs posts & for starting (again) another of his bs threads - Thx for entertaining us all, bye----------------
  15. Wow Austin - $72k++++++ & it blew up? That would ruin my day!
  16. Austin, I'm SICK after reading this. I agree with earlier post, if Hooters has parking lot camera, that would help immensely. These tools have to pay ---
  17. Coty asked me = Just curious, what things could GM have included to make the car more worthwhile? They could have made a functional hood scoop, gave you 400 hp to START with, made a much nicer interior & not the plastic looking stuff all over the dash etc. Advertising on this car was almost non-existent, they just didn't market it correctly or anything. Yet if you talk to Vinny or Blu by U - they love the car, why? I think it's because Pontiac had the right idea, I'm wondering if they got heat by the GM execs? Something went out of whack for sure. Folks like us that want some luxury & speed & rely on GM & their divisions for this type of vehicle just got shortchanged. I think Pontiacs made a blunder in ceasing to make the vehicle too - Just my .02.
  18. I'm disappointed with GM. 2 years ago I posted that GM shortchanged the GTO buyers, that really started some flame wars. I still feel that way. GM could've given their "goat" customers soooo much more for their $$$$$$. Now they're discontinuing it / the creeps!!!! I agree with earlier post, I think it will come back again as HP is definately back "in". Those that already own one - Yeah you're value just went up up & away!!!! (86 Corolla???? I'll pass) -
  19. He (at least) could've bought it in a different color??? I'm (guessing) that though he loved your car when he 1st met you, now he really likes you for the person you are & he's still in love with the car too / soooo he merely went out & bought one for himself, enabling him NOT to pester you for YOUR keys - Again, just my opinion.
  20. I agree Sam - there's so much garbage on TV anymore It's ridiculous. I'd rather turn the golf channel on / it provides superb background noise guaranteeing the viewer a quick relaxing "nap"!!!!!!
  21. Roby is a good reputable dealership, I know that for a fact. Also south of them in Springfield (where I work) at Wyler's Auto Mall. We sell New Chevy's, Dodge's, Toyota's, Hyundai's, Kia's, & typically carry around 200 used vehicles. As previously posted, let me know what you're looking for & if we have or get in what you're looking for - I can pm you the details -
  22. I just drove it to work today & RAN IT THRU OUR CAR WASH!!! Car runs fine, good buy for someone for sure -
  23. I cancelled my upcoming deer hunt with him!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I've used the regular mach III forever, after reading this post, I think I'll try this new product -- Thx
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