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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. My VW experience's over the years = they (used) to make a decent car, but parts were expensive & hard to find. Now they make (shit) & parts are still hard to find! I wouldn't own one -
  2. As the good Dr said =Now, may God help us all.!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously congrats
  3. Stolen 5.0 had brainfart when he shared his inner feelings =the steelers can lick my balls I'd PAY to watch you say that directly to someone like James Farrior!!
  4. Another two cents??? I read where some folks would like an accounting of what the $$$ is spent on?? For me = I could give a shit less!! If CR wants $20 a year or whatever, how that money is spent is up to CR. I enjoy the board & the friendships in CR, that alone has value & I'm willing to pay so CR can continue intact. For admins to account for the $$$, that just takes MORE TIME - this seems to just go on & on. I say establish da fee, give all a time frame to remit & lets get on with it --- Again just my opinion --
  5. Wow this (Compudaze) is a 25 yr old punk, has few posts, drives a neon, & then makes threatening remarks??? Says he isn't paying? Good - just ban him using big hammer!!!!
  6. Very sick! They should be nutured without anesthesia, suffer, & never be able to enflict there sick acts on the young again --
  7. Appears owner can't drive? Perhaps he's afraid of what he's got??? Pretty cool car though -
  8. Kohones

    CR video

    Very very cool. Yeah there's a number of cars not depicted that are main stays in CR, but the overall theme is real good (great music too)!!!!
  9. Kohones

    CR Race Day?

    Good idea (track day) but from the turn out this past fall - you'll get people to either sign up or say they're in / then NO SHOW!!!! Thats what happened at Norwalk outing. It ended up costing COFBA $$$$$ to pay for the track. If you move forward to actually rent a track I'd suggest you = * rent Trails or wherever waaay in advance * then COLLECT in advance from all participants Otherwise you run risk of eating a shortage to pay for days track use. Just friendly advice -
  10. Agree the markers are accurate, I also (on boring drives over the years) have checked them, they're correct -
  11. Score in the 60's? I doubt that, I think they'll decisively win, but give Cinncy some credit! Hell I'm going to the 'burgh Sunday to watch my Steelers play the Bears & the Steelers are (virtually) eliminated from the play offs - Ya got to root for your team in good & bad times -
  12. Jason - I ain't hatin your Bengals & you SHOULD enjoy whats happened so far. Hell I'm rooting for those bengals. Unfortunately I think the COLTS are for real. No MATTER who has to play them = Bengals, Bronco's, Patriots, Chargers, who ever etc. Indy is going to be tuff to beat. No matter who posts what on this board - none of it matters as the play offs are coming & at that time we'll all see how things play out! It should be some interesting match ups!!!!!!!!!
  13. We need that Judge moved to Franklin Cnty courtrooms. I'd happily not have a passenger to ensure I maintained his edict!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. They're calling for 3 - 5 inches of snow starting tommorrow afternoon!! I can't wait to slide home from Springfield tommorrow?? The challenge will be to try to not get hit by Ohio's great winter drivers??? Careful everyone, if the weatherman screws up & is correct (for a change) / it will get interesting & body shops will fill FAST -
  15. Welcome, & by the way many of us are not "kids" anymore. You don't have to have a fast car, just be cool & ready to take some ribbing -
  16. Kohones


    The humor has already started here! Welcome -
  17. Sounds like a move for the better, good luck -
  18. WNAPLAY / God -ha ha ha you're always playing with my mind!!!! Thx for the offer but I'll remain worrying about these lil things - I give you credit for trying though!!!!
  19. Hey Jesus - if you're in C.R. I need one of your miracles? I can't even think of keeping up with folks like Dr Z06, Sam, & others. I'm poor as I spent all my $$$ just acquiring "Kohones", perhaps you could provide me with = * twin turbo's * new rear end that can handle a pair of "stickies" Then they could show me how to drive & I'd be in the pack???? Haaaaaa
  20. True Steeler FANS stay with the team no matter what the record or how well or bad they're playing! I'd welcome a rematch with Cinncy but doubt we'll get it as we continue to go downhill. However, as a true fan - I'll be at Heintz Field this Sunday to watch them take on the 9-3 Bears. Previous post correct - if Steelers lose this Sunday our play off hopes are gone. Oh I almost forgot - you Cinncy fans = since you have the AFC north division wrapped up / for Christ sake "Go With It". Don't talk trash just get it done! Eventually you will face Indy if you get that far, they're not unbeatable (nobody is) but you'll get all you want & more that day. Good luck - I respect what Cinncy has accomplished & I'm not trashing them, the same respect in return for the Steelers is appreciated -
  21. This is sooooo bizarre (spelling), I've no idea how to respond?????? Haaaaaaaa
  22. Mr Wright says = The steelers suck. Maybe your screen name should be (Mr Wrong)!!!!!!!!!!
  23. That was pretty funny!!!
  24. No bandwagon fan here. Steelers will always be my team. They lost Sunday & the better team that day won (period). Bengal fans have something to be proud of - & they've waited along time!!! Steeler nation is quiet (as we should be). We'll probably get into the playoffs as a wild card & promptly lose. Unfortunately - no matter who your team is, in the AFC all roads will go thru Indy - good luck -
  25. Sooo cool I got goose bumps just reading & perusing!!! God that takes me back to the 60's!!!!
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