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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. Jason - I've even reviewed the "private" info on this car since we have a Chevy franchise &&&& one of our mgrs just got back from Chevys test course HE DROVE THIS BEAST. One of Corvettes C6R race guys was there & I quote " Corvette needs to consider just putting a # on the doors of every one of these, as they're truly race cars"!!! I want one but Barbs putting the kabash on it right NOW!!!!Haaaaaaaaaaaa Tom
  2. This thread makes little sense?????????? & I liked Blazing saddles
  3. Nice car, work done resulted in great results. Welcome -
  4. I too am glad this chapter is closing. Only thing that bothers me is why aren't the police dealing with him NOW! Screw the warning & scaring crap, he should be disciplined by facing the authorities now, hell he's already proven "previously" apparently that he's a tool -
  5. Thanks to several of you that have "tried" to get this thread back on track. 10xworse with your old mopar or whatever, please "try" to read the posts that are answering yours?? I NEVER was talking about civilized people that act responsibly & try to follow the rules like "most" of us that were born here. I'm not talking about Australians, English, Germans, French (welll the French is currently a different story), Italians, Irish, Russians, Blacks, etc. My comments are regarding a number of people that are mid eastern, somali's, and the like that are taking advantage of what we've got here. It sounds like your proud of your own heritage & based the few paragraphs you posted today / YOU SHOULD BE. Now to answer your condecending comments that were directed at me = * my families were from Germany & Italy * both sides were dirt poor & many times were treated poorly (but they told me they never got free college, jumped in front of people, nor got free med ins) * also both families (my Mom & Dad) had 10 children each * they lived thru the depression * several of my Uncles fought for this country against THEIR OWN countries of Germany & Italy. Thats correct oh 10xworse. They fought against Nazi's, the persecuting of the Jews, & the Japanese that killed thousands at Pearl Harbor * me? I served during the Viet Nam era for THIS COUNTRY FROM 1972 - 1974 Sooooo my friend lets stay on the original topic, or better yet, let this unfortunate thread end now (please)
  6. 10xWorse posted = And people wonder why everyone hates America. Get an education, you racist ignorant piece of shit. Perhaps my friend YOU'RE the one that needs an education???? Admittedly Grease Monkey's statements could've been made a little more eloquently but here's some points that unfortunately are the way it is in waaay too many scenario's that involve folks that have come to America (middle easterners, somalians, to name a few). * Many of them & I (assume) they're the lower classes from their respective countries are very very good at taking advantage of the American system / ie our country pays for their medical insurance. Us working stiffs PAY FOR OUR OWN MEDICAL INSURANCE, if we can't afford med ins - then we don't have any because our country won't pay for ours * additionally they also can & do recieve in many instances free education / again we as American citizens DO NOT recieve this benefit * to add to all of this, I've personally observed rudeness like - cutting me off on the road, cutting in line in front of me at the store because they're in a hurry, demanding certain things from store clerks, gas station attendants, etc Is every person from another country like this? NO. But in todays AMERICA things are different - you'd do yourself justice by opening your eyes to whats going on around you, before you post how ignorant CR members are. Actually we're quite a diverse group and an intelligent group as well. We may not always articulate our thoughts & positions the correct way, but if you read between the lines, you may find the message is in fact on target - I don't care where someone is from, their nationality, if they do or don't believe in a God. If their good people & treat me right / I'm going to treat them the same. If they're "tools" then they should recieve the same as they're handing out - Now on to the "kitchen" -----
  7. Sorry Doc - I agree with the other posts though / pick what motor you want, then twin turbo her!!!!!! Watching you this spring will be fun -
  8. Doug = Never said it was a Z06... I posted it mostly because 22k seems like a great deal on a 6spd C5 with only 30K miles. Agreed doesn't sound bad at all, especially if everything is tight when you drive it. Better hurry though, sounds like another CR member may look at it -
  9. Cig butts thrown out windows hitting cars behind them is NOT cool. Dollar Bill wants a $500 fine for butts thrown on the ground? Then what should the fine be for farting in public?
  10. Then you if you like it you should buy it -
  11. GRAMMAR!!!!! Couldn't is spelled that way -
  12. FordStang corrected me with = 2001 Z06's were 385 hp. Ooops my mistake! Yeah Doug nice looking car, it's NOT a Z06 & has over 30,000 miles on it, just depends what a buyer wants & what their wallet will let them pay - All I was saying in my original post was what one can look to pay for a C5 with low mileage in mint condition. My original thoughts were NOT going to the 97 - 99 versions, but newer. I forget that sometimes when you post on this board if you're going to make a statement someone is going to work HARD at proving the original post isn't true? either by = * correcting ones grammar * or merely finding some "fact" that shows the original author of the post is full of shit. Of course NO ONE on CR looking at a C5 will EVER buy the car showed earlier on the "web", they'll just talk more crap regarding my original post & statement. I apologize for making a statement that was wrong & may have directed a less informed member on this board to thinking they coudn't have a C5 in a price range they had in mind! I'm bad -
  13. Under $28k, yep you probably can but other considerations are = * mileage, color, etc my original answer on previous post was on very clean vettes. You have to find 'em & know what you're looking for. I'm not sorry either as I know what I'm talking about, I own one -
  14. Ricochet - this C6 we have stickers for $53k & is equipped with just about everything the discriminating buyer would want. Mine is a 2002 & they were the same thru 2004, actually they made a 2001 Z06 but it was rated at 375 hp (no big difference really). The C5's were actually manufactured from 1997 - 2004. Cost EXPENSIVE! Used C5's depending on mileage are going anywhere from 28,000 - 40,000. With winter coming, thats the time to buy one because dealers want them off their lots -
  15. Until today I hadn't driven a new C6 Vette. Working at a Chevy dealer, I had the opportunity this afternoon & took it. As much as I luv my 2002 Z06 - I'm very impressed with the 2005 = * It has almost no road or tire noise * 6 speed shifted like butter, very smooth & precise *Steering & overall handling are excellent * Power very similar to mine Nice car - the BOWTIES continue winning!
  16. Enjoy it. We all love our vehicles, no matter what they are = Fords, GM, Mopars, Rice, etc - as for wheel bearings, tie rod ends etc, doesn't matter what we're driving, they're all machines & they all break (eventually)!
  17. His last thought was probably something like = "this is a big fucking trailer"! You can be sure he didn't suffer or feel a thing. I agree with earlier post too - some folks drive like ass clowns & should not have the opportunity to drive cars they can't handle due to lack of skill & lack of common sense -
  18. I've always liked the 60's Goats, perhaps it's because I remember when they first hit the streets NEW! Guys that had them with the three carbs were ALWAYS ALWAYS tinkering getting them adjusted, but when they were running right - they were awesome. Looking forward to seeing them on the street -
  19. Hey Mr Dollar Bill, this isn't your day dude. Believe me you might be able to father someone, BUT you'd never father mad malibu or grease monkey. They're definately mine. When are you going to post "something" meaningful on this board? I've yet to read anything you've posted that had ANY meaningful thought in it at all????????? Just go away why don't you ---
  20. Man all this back n' forth, Ant I forgot to say (earlier) I'm rooting for you so these mods work out come spring. Now I'm going to find some popcorn! Haaaaaaaaa
  21. Pick on Marc as you like Guys, but for a Guy going to college that recieved VERY lil wrenching experience / HEY the "Cark" does run -
  22. I say CATCH HIM with license plate #'s etc etc. Then let P.D. serve him the justice he has coming!!!!!!
  23. I've got 30 yrs invested in the retail car b/z. My specialty is the "financing" part of the b/z. As a previous banker I understand most of the facets in consumer lending - Its just what I do - & I don't know how to "fix" anything, but my sons do!!!
  24. BMI - very GOOD Credit Union! Low rates & they treat you right. I used to do business with them when I ran an F&I ofc for a Columbus auto dlrshp. Enjoy the new toy -
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