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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I firmly believe we should put some of it on the employers to veryify identity but I have two words for sending these folks home, deportation cannon.
  2. Akula

    Who Goes Camping?

    Boundary waters canoe area in Minnesota. Basically you canoe across a lake, carry the canoe to another lake, paddle, carry, paddle....then you are 1/2 mile from BFE. Here are the photos from my last trip there. --> http://bwca.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=photos.view&catid=388&viewusername=AkulaShark&journalname=Isabella%20SEPT2005
  3. all you have to do is go to glscrip.com and click on start-a-program
  4. I am signing up my church for an account with a Scrip company. Bascially you buy gift cards at face value and my church gets a few percent in the exchange. It is called shopping cart fund-raising because it is money you would have already spent, just we benefit from it. No minimum, no obligations. If you are looking to raise money for a non-profit it is a pretty good way to do it. See the list for available gift certs...
  5. Aren't political discussions supposed to be either shut down or moved to the sr members area?
  6. Akula

    Vegas trip

    http://www.travelworm.com <-- packages to towns with casinos I would look at staying at an off-strip place like the Rio or Palms. My mother lives in vegas so I have been there a time or two, Rio is awesome and so is the Palms.
  7. This accident was not your fault, don't let it be. Make the insurance company pay for everything, time off of work, Dr.s bills, broken pencil, EVERYTHING. Now that your car has been in a wreck you need to tell them it is worth less than it was before and they need to compensate you for it. You need to look for diminished value in addition to the repairs. My car got totalled and I got paid the value of the vehicle, which could not replace the vehicle and I got screwed. I was young. If they balk at the #'s you throw at them, ask them if they know any good lawyers.
  8. Pull the drum off (the outer part) inside there is a set of shoes that press against the drum, sounds like you have a worn shoe or the shoe fell off in there. Probably have to pull a castle nut with like 121324235 lbs of torque on it. If you have 50k miles or so, you probably just need new shoes and drums.
  9. I started driving in the summer of '89 and gas was about $.85/gal.
  10. Game cameras work but the flash will reflect off of the window and the photo will be nothing. Cameras at the house tell you if they drove up or are on foot and keep going to the cops and writing up complaints, it seems worthless but if you ever catch them you can pin all of the complaints on one person. Cheap DING DONG motion sensors from radio shack will let you know someone is about.
  11. Written is alot like the car written, just read the book. The on-bike test is kinda different in that you probably wouldn't ever do the moves when you are normally riding. You have to be able to drive into a parking space and do a figure 8 going 1/2mph. If you can do that without putting a foot down you are going to be fine. If you go to Ohio MSF course it is much easier (they give you the on-bike test).
  12. Pick them up, put them in a box, drive to humane society and turn them in as strays.
  13. Actually if you know cisco, a nod from one of us will probably do. If you have a ccna or ccnp that is just gravy.
  14. I get something like this about once a year. There is a dude in town with the same name as me (well first and last anyway). I wasn't born in this state so my SSN starts with a different 3 numbers. I always ask what the first number of the person's SSN is. It hasn't been me yet. I sometimes have to be an ass with them to get them to shut-up and realize what they are doing is harrassing me.
  15. Akula

    Old video games

    I run an emu for C64 and play Raid Over Bungling Bay. I like MAME also, I rule at Kung-Fu
  16. This is crazy, our dept has hired like 3 or 4 in the last month. Plus, we are going to have 7 contractor positions open.
  17. Akula

    any camera experts?

    My wife has a Nikon D100 and it is AWESOME. The D70 has a better (improved) CCD and the D50 isn't too shabby either. You have to pick a body you want that gives you lens options too. Canon lenses tend to have the focus/zoom motor built into the lens so the lenses cost more. Nikon puts the motor on the body so the body costs more. I really like the D70 and have thought about a D50 to put in an enclosure for underwater stuff. The ability to shoot in RAW mode makes it really nice.
  18. In the US when you get sick you go to the Dr. In Mexico you are a doctor.
  19. I just got my iMac replaced....free 1.9GHZ G5 for my broken POS Flatpanel 1.25 iMac..... I don't really see the advantage with intel, other than you cannot run classic on it, oh and the fact that OS x doesn't really let applications run inside the OS (ala Rosetta). Actually I don't see it running any faster either. Basically my desktop footprint got smaller, that seems to be the only advantage.
  20. http://www.google.com copy this -> inventory software barcode Paste in google pick one.
  21. I have never been, I have seen some really great stuff on HD about Belize. I have a friend that has family with a house there. I guess it is pretty cheap to live there.
  22. Does time warner offer a site to site SLA or atleast a traversal SLA? This would mean you can cross their network in 30ms with 50ms at peak or something like that? I have had loads of problems with my RR, I finally had my neighbor call about them because he has business class and they have an SLA with Business class. You can sign up for Teleworker and that is considered business class.
  23. Akula

    Mac questions

    Better to eat the crow while it is hot.... I called Apple customer relations with this POS again.....they finally agreed I had suffered enough. They are sending me a brand new iMac G5. This is exactly what I wanted and can again start telling everyone about my good experiences with Apple. I am happy their customer relations department is empowered with making good decisions on behalf of the customer.
  24. Akula

    Mac questions

    As I said before, I have a lemon. It is broken again....please please please, have a plan in place for when your mac doesn't work and you really need to get to your applications/data. Apple could care less if it doesn't work so you are basically on your own.
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